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1843 Downloadable Lecture / Conversation MP3s
by Srila Prabhupada
(Sorted by Verse)
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Note: As of February 2, 2008, for each of the following MP3 files, “Album Art” has been added and the tags have been updated to conform to the new standards.
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1. Addr CHA 1976-10-17 To Rotary Club--Let Krishna Speak --etc (57:34 - 761017LE.CHA)
2. Addr COL 1969-05-11 Addr to Indian Association (51:14 - 690511AD.COL)
3. Addr HYD 1972-11-29 To Rotary Club--Three Aspects of --etc (32:07 - 721129LE.HYD)
4. Addr HYD 1975-04-14 At Life Member's House--Let Us --etc (25:32 - 750414L2.HYD)
5. Addr LA 1970-10-00 Americans--Leaders of all the --etc (3:25 - 680611LE.MON)
6. Addr LA 1970-10-00 Prabhupada Leaves US for India via Japan (5:10 - 700802NP.LA)
7. Addr LA 1972-10-06 The Original Person--Perfect Knowledge (6:28 - 721005DP.LA)
8. Addr LON 1969-09-16 Go to the Dazzling-bright Sky of Freedom (37:35 - 690916LE.LON)
9. Addr NV 1972-08-31 Just Hear About Krishna (37:47 - 720831SP.NV)
10. Arr ALI 1976-10-09 The Anti-secular Science (30:26 - 761009AR.ALI)
11. Arr ATL 1975-02-28 So I See Your Temple Is the Best (2:16 - 750228AR.ATL)
12. Arr AUC 1976-04-27 Boat, Breeze and Captain (9:33 - 761009AR.ALI)
13. Arr CAL 1975-03-20 Hinduism, Muslimism, Christianism --etc (21:05 - 750320AR.CAL)
14. Arr CAL 1977-02-04 The Fight Against Atheism (13:29 - 770204AR.CAL)
15. Arr CHI 1975-07-03 My Mission Is To Stop the Crimes --etc (17:36 - 750703AR.CHI)
16. Arr DAL 1975-03-03 Education Means Krishna Consciousness (21:33 - TNA*)
17. Arr DEN 1975-06-27 Americans with Krsna Consciousness (7:15 - 750627AR.DEN)
18. Arr GAI 1971-07-29 Everyone Has Got Love For Krishna (40:33 - 710729AR.GAI)
19. Arr LA 1972-05-18 Seeing the Source of This Love (14:04 - 720518AR.LA)
20. Arr LA 1973-04-13 My Lord, I Don't Want Anything Material (9:25 - 730413AR.LA)
21. Arr LA 1974-07-08 Education, Culture, Happiness, Satisfaction (8:19 - 740708AR.LA)
22. Arr LA 1975-02-09 Krishna Consciousness Is in Everyone's Heart (20:18 - 750209AR.LA)
23. Arr LA 1975-06-20 Kindly Help Me (11:34 - 750620A2.LA)
24. Arr LON 1969-09-11 I Teach What You Have Forgotten (13:38 - 690911AR.LON)
25. Arr LON 1973-07-07 Bhakti Science Is Very Simple (11:08 - 730707AR.LON)
26. Arr MAU 1975-10-01 This Body Is a Bag (43:49 - 751001AR.MAU)
27. Arr MAY 1974-09-27 This Mission Will Be Successful (7:29 - 740927AR.MAY)
28. Arr MEL 1976-04-19 Meaning of God (8:27 - 760419AR.MEL)
29. Arr MEX 1975-02-11 No Sex Life in the Spirit Soul (12:12 - 750211AR.MEX)
30. Arr MIA 1975-02-25 Real Success is to Get Out of the --etc (10:08 - 750225AR.MIA)
31. Arr NY 1973-04-05 This Life is Not Very Congenial (9:14 - 730405AR.NY)
32. Arr PAR 1972-07-20 Why Study the Perishable (12:21 - 720720AR.PAR)
33. Arr PAR 1973-08-09 Understand This Movement (10:32 - TNA*)
34. Arr PAR 1974-06-08 Krishna Means the Active Principle --etc (15:35 - 740608AR.PAR)
35. Arr PAR 1975-08-11 Where Are Your Liberty-Equality-Fraternity (18:02 - 750811AR.PAR)
36. Arr PHI 1975-07-11 The Dancing Platform (18:52 - 750711A2.PHI)
37. Arr SF 1975-07-15 Unflinching Faith in God & Guru (38:47 - 750715AR.SF)
38. Arr STO 1973-09-05 Complete Freedom (58:38 - 730905AR.STO)
39. Arr VRN 1976-09-03 Understand God (17:24 - 760903AR.VRN)
40. Bg 00-01 NY 1966-02-19 -20 Intro 1-- to Bhagavad Gita (60:22 - 660219BG.NY)
41. Bg 00-02 NY 1966-02-19 -20 Intro 2-- to Bhagavad Gita (60:16 - 660219BG.NY)
42. Bg 00-03 NY 1966-02-19 -20 Intro 3-- to Bhagavad Gita (58:07 - 660219BG.NY)
43. Bg 00-04 LA 1968-23-11 Intro to Bhagavad Gita - --etc (59:56 - TNA*)
44. Bg 01-01 LON 1973-07-07 The Material World Means --etc (23:28 - 730707BG.LON)
45. Bg 01-02 LON 1973-07-09 Death Is God (18:53 - 730709BG.LON)
46. Bg 01-04 LON 1973-07-10 Everything, Even --etc (40:45 - 730710BG.LON)
47. Bg 01-07 LON 1973-07-11 Vaisnavism Is Not Cowardism (14:50 - 730711BG.LON)
48. Bg 01-10 LON 1973-07-12 The KC Movement Should Touch --etc (23:54 - 730712BG.LON)
49. Bg 01-11 LON 1973-07-13 Wanting to Be Cheated (10:35 - 730713BG.LON)
50. Bg 01-13 LON 1973-07-14 People Want to Be Cheated (30:54 - 730714BG.LON)
51. Bg 01-15 LON 1973-07-15 Spiritual --etc (30:37 - 730715BG.LON)
52. Bg 01-16 LON 1973-07-16 Everybody Wants to Be Served (14:22 - 730716BG.LON)
53. Bg 01-20 LON 1973-07-17 First, Second, and Third-Class Rascals (28:52 - 730717BG.LON)
54. Bg 01-21 LON 1973-07-18 Fallible & Infallible Religion (38:08 - 730718BG.LON)
55. Bg 01-23 LON 1973-07-19 How to Enjoy Real Bliss (25:30 - 730719BG.LON)
56. Bg 01-24 LON 1973-07-20 If You Stay with --etc (34:23 - 730720BG.LON)
57. Bg 01-26 LON 1973-07-21 Society, Friendship and Love (30:18 - 730721BG.LON)
58. Bg 01-28 LON 1973-07-22 The Art of Preaching (37:03 - 730722BG.LON)
59. Bg 01-30 LON 1973-07-23 Expanded Selfishness (28:57 - 730723BG.LON)
60. Bg 01-31 LON 1973-07-24 Immediate vs. Ultimate Good (31:44 - 730724BG.LON)
61. Bg 01-32 LON 1973-07-25 Shortcut to Spiritual Knowledge (36:32 - 730725BG.LON)
62. Bg 01-36 LON 1973-07-26 Devotee Has All Good Qualities (36:17 - 730726BG.LON)
63. Bg 01-37 LON 1973-07-27 The Way to Save Society (24:08 - 730727BG.LON)
64. Bg 01-40 LON 1973-07-28 The Psychology of Chastity (39:08 - 730728BG.LON)
65. Bg 01-41 LON 1973-07-29 Relief from Today's Hell (39:31 - 730729BG.LON)
66. Bg 01-43 LON 1973-07-30 There Is Only One Remedy (25:51 - 730730BG.LON)
67. Bg 01-44 LON 1973-07-31 Only Rascal Says Krishna Is Immoral (30:17 - 730731BG.LON)
68. Bg 01-45 LON 1973-08-01 Krishna's Order Is Final (29:03 - 730801BG.LON)
69. Bg 02-01 AHM 1972-12-06 Krishna Gave Bhagavad-gita to --etc (36:49 - 721206BG.AHM)
70. Bg 02-01 AHM 1972-12-07 Signs of Ignorance of Self (28:30 - 721207BG.AHM)
71. Bg 02-01 GER 1974-06-16 Who Is Krishna (17:33 - 740616BG.GER)
72. Bg 02-01 JOH 1975-10-17 When to Approach a Guru (48:14 - 751017BG.JOH)
73. Bg 02-01 LA 1968-11-25 The Missing Self-Understanding (65:29 - 681125BG.LA)
74. Bg 02-02 AHM 1972-12-11 Classless Aryanism (42:04 - 721211BG.AHM)
75. Bg 02-02 LON 1973-08-03 Becoming Spiritually Masterful (23:21 - 730803BG.LON)
76. Bg 02-03 LON 1973-08-04 Special Senses Are Required (31:39 - 730804BG.LON)
77. Bg 02-04 LON 1973-08-05 When to Reject Guru (25:06 - 730805BG.LON)
78. Bg 02-06 LON 1973-08-06 How to Utilize Fighting Spirit (34:44 - 730806BG.LON)
79. Bg 02-07 LON 1973-08-07 You Must Approach Krishna (35:23 - 730807BG.LON)
80. Bg 02-07 NY 1966-03-02 Part 1 The Unavoidable Battle --etc (50:34 - 660302BG.NY)
81. Bg 02-07 NY 1966-03-02 Part 2 The Unavoidable Battle --etc (51:02 - 660302BG.NY)
82. Bg 02-07 NY 1966-03-02 Part 3 The Unavoidable Battle --etc (49:14 - 660309BG.NY)
83. Bg 02-08 LA 1968-11-27 Revive Our Relationship with Krishna (64:42 - 681127BG.LA)
84. Bg 02-08 LON 1973-08-08 Surpassing These Senses (29:34 - 730808BG.LON)
85. Bg 02-09 LON 1973-08-15 Satisfying the Senses ... and the Heart (29:08 - 730815BG.LON)
86. Bg 02-10 LON 1973-08-16 Arjuna, Playing the Role of a Rascal (28:50 - 730816BG.LON)
87. Bg 02-11 DEL 1976-03-25 Evolution-Darwinian or Divine (40:03 - 760325BG.DEL)
88. Bg 02-11 LON 1973-08-17 You're Talking Like a Learned --etc (28:19 - 730817BG.LON)
89. Bg 02-11 MAU 1975-10-01 Lament for a Lump (28:10 - 751001BG.MAU)
90. Bg 02-11 MEX 1975-02-11 Associate with Faithful (21:16 - 750211BG.MEX)
91. Bg 02-11 NY 1966-03-04 The Fragrance of the Soul --etc (28:28 - 660304BG.NY)
92. Bg 02-12 HYD 1972-11-17 Meaning of Dhira (52:06 - 721117BG.HYD)
93. Bg 02-12 HYD 1976-12-12 The Minister of Defense Has --etc (31:42 - 761212BG.HYD)
94. Bg 02-12 LON 1973-08-18 What Abortionists Don't Know (31:12 - 730818BG.LON)
95. Bg 02-12 MEX 1975-02-12 Don't Be Animalistic Scholar (22:40 - 750212BG.MEX)
96. Bg 02-12 NY 1966-03-09 God Is Individual Person (45:50 - 660307BG.NY)
97. Bg 02-13 GER 1974-06-18 We Must Surrender-God or Dog (26:18 - 740618BG.GER)
98. Bg 02-13 HYD 1972-11-18 We Are All Servants (31:25 - 721118BG.HYD)
99. Bg 02-13 HYD 1972-11-19 Not One Became Devotee (45:17 - 721119BG.HYD)
100. Bg 02-13 LA 1968-11-29 Staying Undisturbed in Distress (58:23 - 681129BG.LA)
101. Bg 02-13 LA 1973-04-14 The First Lesson-Not This Body (30:38 - 730411BG.LA)
102. Bg 02-13 LON 1973-08-19 I Am Not This Cage (29:09 - 730819BG.LON)
103. Bg 02-13 NY 1966-03-11 A Disturbed Mind Is Due to Ignorance (56:49 - 660311BG.NY)
104. Bg 02-13 PIT 1972-09-08 Hear from the Authority-Krishna (40:45 - 720908BG.PIT)
105. Bg 02-14 GER 1974-06-21 Our Real Business (30:02 - 740621BG.GER)
106. Bg 02-14 LON 1973-08-20 The Skin Disease (34:28 - 730820BG.LON)
107. Bg 02-14 MEX City 1975-02-14 Forbearance to Cure the Body (26:58 - 750214BG.MEX)
108. Bg 02-15 HYD 1972-11-21 I Am Not This Dream (37:16 - 721121BG.HYD)
109. Bg 02-15 LON 1973-08-21 Don't Cheat Others (34:01 - 730821BG.LON)
110. Bg 02-15 MEX City 1975-02-15 Immortality... or Itching (22:24 - 750215BG.MEX)
111. Bg 02-16 LON 1973-08-22 Nonexistent and Existent (35:04 - 730822BG.LON)
112. Bg 02-16 MEX City 1975-02-16 Any Understanding of God (29:08 - 750216BG.MEX)
113. Bg 02-17 HYD 1972-11-22 Material Body Is Dead Body (25:38 - 721122BG.HYD)
114. Bg 02-17 LON 1973-08-23 We Are Individuals Eternally (30:30 - 730823BG.LON)
115. Bg 02-17 MEX City 1975-02-17 Don't Increase the Disease (23:56 - 750217BG.MEX)
116. Bg 02-18 HYD 1972-11-23 Chant-Cleanse Your Brain (30:08 - 721123BG.HYD)
117. Bg 02-18 LON 1973-08-24 The Soul Will Not Be Killed (28:45 - 730824BG.LON)
118. Bg 02-19 LA 1968-12-14 Learning the Science of the Soul (65:58 - 681014BG.SEA)
119. Bg 02-19 LON 1973-08-25 Dogs and Cats Don't Need Freud (25:23 - 730825BG.LON)
120. Bg 02-20 HYD 1972-11-25 Birth and Death Caused by Maya (49:38 - 721125BG.HYD)
121. Bg 02-21 LON 1973-08-26 Your Body Is Ready, Sir--Come! (28:25 - 730826BG.LON)
122. Bg 02-22 HYD 1972-11-26 Rain Depends on Krishna--Not --etc (34:50 - 721126BG.HYD)
123. Bg 02-23 HYD 1972-11-27 The Indestructible Soul (35:04 - 721127BG.HYD)
124. Bg 02-23 LON 1973-08-27 You Are a Sample of Krishna (31:08 - 730827BG.LON)
125. Bg 02-24 HYD 1972-11-28 Sanatana...Another Nature (34:27 - 721128BG.HYD)
126. Bg 02-25 HYD 1972-11-29 Transfer Your Love to Krishna (32:33 - 721129BG.HYD)
127. Bg 02-25 LON 1973-08-28 Relieving Our Bodily Burden (32:29 - 730828BG.LON)
128. Bg 02-26 HYD 1972-11-30 Vedic and Parampara System (53:03 - 721130BG.HYD)
129. Bg 02-26 LA 1968-12-06 Evolution and Other Rubbish (44:19 - 681206BG.LA)
130. Bg 02-26 LON 1973-08-29 Why Lament Over Chemicals (32:27 - 730829BG.LON)
131. Bg 02-28 LA 1968-12-11 Some Look On the Soul As Amazing (60:36 - 681211BG.LA)
132. Bg 02-28 LON 1973-08-30 Materialists--What Do They Know (21:48 - 730830BG.LON)
133. Bg 02-30 LON 1973-08-31 Matter Grows on the Platform of Spirit (28:54 - 730831BG.LON)
134. Bg 02-31 LON 1973-09-01 Duties of the Body and Soul (25:21 - 730901BG.LON)
135. Bg 02-32 LON 1973-09-02 Government Must Be Very Strict (33:29 - 730902BG.LON)
136. Bg 02-33 LON 1973-09-03 Dishonor Is Worse than Death (58:39 - 730903BG.LON)
137. Bg 02-36 LON 1973-09-04 Compassion On the Battlefield (22:22 - 730904BG.LON)
138. Bg 02-39 LON 1973-09-12 Supreme Deceiver and Lover (30:55 - 730912BG.LON)
139. Bg 02-40 LA 1968-12-13 Material vs. Spiritual Culture (46:39 - 681213BG.LA)
140. Bg 02-46 LA 1968-12-16 The Miser and the Mahatma (63:27 - 681216BG.LA)
141. Bg 02-47 NY 1966-03-28 Soul's Constitutional Position (58:11 - 660328BG.NY)
142. Bg 02-48 NY 1966-04-01 Keeping in Touch with the Supreme (62:26 - 660401BG.NY)
143. Bg 02-49 NY 1966-04-05 One Should Spend All Energies --etc (54:36 - 660405BG.NY)
144. Bg 02-51 NY 1966-04-12 Dovetailing Yourself with the Supreme (56:59 - 660412BG.NY)
145. Bg 02-55 NY 1966-04-15 Coming Off the Mental Platform (55:06 - 660415BG.NY)
146. Bg 02-55 NY 1966-04-19 Engaging in Devotional Service --etc (50:26 - 660419BG.NY)
147. Bg 02-58 NY 1966-04-27 The Secret of Detachment (58:31 - 660427BG.NY)
148. Bg 02-62 LA 1968-12-19 Secret of Controlling the Senses (59:17 - 681219BG.LA)
149. Bg 03-01 LA 1968-12-20 Philosophy & Religion Combined (53:33 - 681220BG.LA)
150. Bg 03-06 LA 1968-12-23 From Pretension to Purity (53:16 - 681223BG.LA)
151. Bg 03-07 MAD 1976-01-01 Educating the Mudhas (55:24 - 760101BG.MAD)
152. Bg 03-08 NY 1966-05-20 Yajna Means Work for Vishnu (54:50 - 660520BG.NY)
153. Bg 03-11 LA 1968-12-27 There Is No Overpopulation (62:31 - 681227BG.LA)
154. Bg 03-13 NY 1966-05-23 Karma-yoga- Becoming God's Yes Man (57:21 - 660523BG.NY)
155. Bg 03-16 NY 1966-05-25 You Have to Love Through God (52:47 - 660525BG.NY)
156. Bg 03-17 NY 1966-05-27 Bhagavad-gita-- for the Common Man (57:18 - 660527BG.NY)
157. Bg 03-18 LA 1968-12-30 How a Self Realized Soul Acts (60:28 - 681230BG.LA)
158. Bg 03-21 NY 1966-05-30 How to Become An Ideal Person (63:24 - 660530BG.NY)
159. Bg 03-25 HYD 1976-12-17 Plan Making for More Suffering (12:28 - 761217BG.HYD)
160. Bg 03-27 MEL 1974-06-27 At Town Hall--Tiger or --etc (66:37 - 740627BG.MEL)
161. Bg 03-31 LA 1969-01-01 Servant of God or Dog (56:32 - 690101BG.LA)
162. Bg 04-01 BOM 1974-03-21 Take Perfect Knowledge (24:20 - 740321BG.BOM)
163. Bg 04-01 COL 1969-05-09 Big Scholars Can't Get What --etc (36:43 - 690509BG.COL)
164. Bg 04-01 LA 1969-01-03 The Most Important Knowledge (44:15 - 690103BG.LA)
165. Bg 04-02 BOM 1974-03-22 Government's Choice-Krishna --etc (29:43 - 740321BG.BOM)
166. Bg 04-03 BOM 1974-03-23 Cheating Religion Thrown Out (29:33 - 740323BG.BOM)
167. Bg 04-03 NY 1966-07-18 Forgetfulness of the Lord (56:34 - 660718BG.NY)
168. Bg 04-04 BOM 1974-03-24 Why We Forget and God Doesn't (28:02 - 740324BG.BOM)
169. Bg 04-05 BOM 1974-03-25 Learning to Love Unlimited One (27:36 - 740325BG.BOM)
170. Bg 04-06 BOM 1974-03-26 Try to Be Godly (Not God) (27:44 - 740326BG.BOM)
171. Bg 04-07 MON 1968-08-13 The Divine Descent of Our Duty (57:42 - 680613BG.MON)
172. Bg 04-08 BOM 1974-03-28 Everyone is Trying to Become the Master (31:42 - 740328BG.BOM)
173. Bg 04-09 BOM 1974-03-29 Cheater Leaders (29:13 - 740329BG.BOM)
174. Bg 04-09 NY 1966-07-25 Take Assistance From A Person --etc (55:22 - 660725BG.NY)
175. Bg 04-10 BOM 1974-03-30 Reducing our Animality --etc (31:55 - 740330BG.BOM)
176. Bg 04-10 CAL 1974-09-23 The World Is a Foreign Country (30:54 - 740923BG.CAL)
177. Bg 04-10 VRN 1974-08-02 No Question of Happiness Here (43:33 - 740802BG.VRN)
178. Bg 04-11 BOM 1974-03-31 Krishna Will Accept you Any --etc (30:39 - 740331BG.BOM)
179. Bg 04-11 GEN 1974-06-01 We Are Naturally Jubilant (22:34 - 740601BG.GEN)
180. Bg 04-11 LA 1969-01-08 Krishna Belongs to Everyone (46:43 - 690108BG.LA)
181. Bg 04-11 NY 1966-07-28 Know Krishna--Get Liberation (62:08 - 660728BG.NY)
182. Bg 04-11 VRN 1974-08-03 This Skin=Suffering, This --etc (24:17 - 740803BG.VRN)
183. Bg 04-12 BOM 1974-04-01 Hear, Talk, Chant, Eat, Work, --etc (26:39 - 740401BG.BOM)
184. Bg 04-12 NY 1966-07-30 Become Brahmana--Twice-born (59:10 - 660729BG.NY)
185. Bg 04-12 VRN 1974-08-04 Big Ambition-Little Brain (30:05 - 740804BG.VRN)
186. Bg 04-13 BOM 1974-04-02 Kill Krishna Gita Commentaries (41:34 - 740402BG.BOM)
187. Bg 04-13 JOH 1975-10-19 Sunday Feast--Cat and Dog Society (51:04 - 751019BG.JOH)
188. Bg 04-13 NY 1966-08-01 Divisions of Human Society (50:04 - 660801BG.NY)
189. Bg 04-13 NY 1973-04-08 Sunday Feast--The Social Body --etc (29:34 - 730408BG.NY)
190. Bg 04-14 BOM 1974-04-03 Liberated By Understanding --etc (30:02 - 740403BG.BOM)
191. Bg 04-14 NY 1966-08-03 Karma-Akarma (59:50 - 660803BG.NY)
192. Bg 04-14 VRN 1974-08-06 Who Can Understand Krishna (31:40 - 740806BG.VRN)
193. Bg 04-15 BOM 1974-04-05 Modern Civilization Vs. Model --etc (28:47 - 740404BG.BOM)
194. Bg 04-16 BOM 1974-04-05 Today's Education (28:07 - 740405BG.BOM)
195. Bg 04-17 BOM 1974-04-06 How to Act-How Not to Act (41:24 - 740406BG.BOM)
196. Bg 04-18 BOM 1974-04-07 The Highest Success in Life (30:18 - 740407BG.BOM)
197. Bg 04-18 DEL 1973-11-03 Everyone Without Krishna --etc (20:13 - 731103BG.DEL)
198. Bg 04-19 BOM 1974-04-08 Material Life-Lusty Desires (30:24 - 740408BG.BOM)
199. Bg 04-19 LA 1969-01-10 Curing the Material Disease (43:43 - 690109BG.LA)
200. Bg 04-19 NY 1966-08-08 How to Satisfy Krishna (43:22 - 660808BG.NY)
201. Bg 04-20 BOM 1974-04-09 Mundane and Divine Dividends (30:25 - 740409BG.BOM)
202. Bg 04-20 NY 1966-08-09 Varieties of Sacrifice (53:49 - 660808BG.NY)
203. Bg 04-21 BOM 1974-04-10 A Life of Purity (30:07 - 740410BG.BOM)
204. Bg 04-22 BOM 1974-04-11 Envious, Gross-bodily Religions (45:42 - 740411BG.BOM)
205. Bg 04-23 BOM 1974-04-12 Liberation Guaranteed (34:53 - 740412BG.BOM)
206. Bg 04-24 BOM 1974-04-13 You Can't Separate Anything.. (35:00 - 740413BG.BOM)
207. Bg 04-24 NM 1976-08-04 Krishna is there -- But You --etc (14:24 - 760804BG.NMR)
208. Bg 04-24 NY 1966-08-12 Varnasrama Dharma (49:25 - 660812BG.NY)
209. Bg 04-26 BOM 1974-04-15 Attracted by Spiritual Affairs (35:50 - 740415BG.BOM)
210. Bg 04-27 BOM 1974-04-16 Learning to Satisfy the Right Senses (30:57 - 740416BG.BOM)
211. Bg 04-28 BOM 1974-04-17 The Magic of Krsna Consciousness (30:41 - 740417BG.BOM)
212. Bg 05-07 NY 1966-08-27 Krsna and We-Very Intimately Connected (41:54 - 660827BG.NY)
213. Bg 05-22 NY 1966-08-31 Actual Sense Pleasure (15:22 - 660831BG.NY)
214. Bg 06-01 LA 1969-02-13 Yoga System--Everything Is Spiritual (41:30 - 690213BG.LA)
215. Bg 06-01 NY 1966-09-02 You Serve Krishna or Maya (38:21 - 660902BG.NY)
216. Bg 06-02 LA 1969-02-14 Yoga System--The Yoga Ladder (40:46 - 690214BG.LA)
217. Bg 06-04 NY 1966-09-04 Engaging the Mind in Krsna Consciousness (45:45 - 660904BG.NY)
218. Bg 06-04 NY 1966-09-07 How One Should Perform Yoga (28:10 - 660904BG.NY)
219. Bg 06-06 LA 1969-02-15 Yoga System--Conquering the Mind (44:54 - 690215BG.LA)
220. Bg 06-11 NY 1966-09-07 Yoga System--Chant the Holy --etc (35:59 - 660904BG.NY)
221. Bg 06-13 LA 1969-02-16 Yoga System--We Want Something --etc (47:10 - 690216BG.LA)
222. Bg 06-16 LA 1969-02-17 Yoga System--Keep This Useless Body Fit (47:44 - 690217BG.LA)
223. Bg 06-20 NV 1976-06-23 Yoga System--Precaution Is --etc (56:42 - 760623gc.nv)
224. Bg 06-21 NY 1966-09-09 Yoga System--Searching After --etc (28:22 - 660909BG.NY)
225. Bg 06-25 LA 1969-02-18 Yoga System--Be Self-Centered (45:08 - 690218BG.LA)
226. Bg 06-30 LA 1969-02-19 Yoga System--UNIVERSAL LOVE-- --etc (42:17 - 690219BG.LA)
227. Bg 06-32 NY 1966-09-14 Yoga System--Vairagya-- It's --etc (47:11 - 660914BG.NY)
228. Bg 06-40 NY 1966-09-18 Yoga System--There Is No Loss --etc (32:21 - 660918BG.NY)
229. Bg 06-47 AHM 1972-12-12 Blockhead to Bhakta (52:19 - 721212BG.AHM)
230. Bg 07-01 AHM 1972-12-13 Kanistha, Madhyama, Uttama (53:14 - 721213BG.AHM)
231. Bg 07-01 AHM 1972-12-14 Theory of Uncertainty (43:04 - 721214BG.AHM)
232. Bg 07-01 BOM 1973-01-13 At Pandal--Rise to Platform --etc (41:15 - 730113BG.BOM)
233. Bg 07-01 BOM 1975-12-20 The Real Thing (43:34 - 751220BG.BOM)
234. Bg 07-01 CAL 1973-01-27 The Only Way to Understand God (35:05 - 730127BG.CAL)
235. Bg 07-01 DUR 1975-10-09 Relatively Dirty or Absolutely Clean (62:10 - 751009BG.DUR)
236. Bg 07-01 FIJ 1975-05-24 The Only Business of the Human Being (52:19 - 750524BG.FIJ)
237. Bg 07-01 GAI 1971-07-29 This Movement Appeals --etc (34:59 - 710729BG.GAI)
238. Bg 07-01 HK 1975-01-25 Transfer Your Attachment (43:30 - 750125BG.HK)
239. Bg 07-01 HYD 1974-04-27 Krishna in His Vibration Form (57:36 - 740427BG.HYD)
240. Bg 07-01 HYD 1976-08-22 Increase Your Attachment to the Lord (33:26 - 760822BG.HYD)
241. Bg 07-01 LA 1968-12-02 Pros and Cons of the Material World (49:58 - 681202BG.LA)
242. Bg 07-01 LA 1969-02 Bhagavad-gita As It Is--Not --etc (59:48 - 700312BG.LA)
243. Bg 07-01 LON 1971-08-04 Beauty of Brahminical Culture (59:54 - 710804BG.LON)
244. Bg 07-01 LON 1975-03-09 Attachment to the Supreme (45:22 - 750309BG.LON)
245. Bg 07-01 MEL 1974-06-29 Surrounded by Krishna Atmosphere (30:17 - TNA*)
246. Bg 07-01 NAI 1975-10-27 Always Think of Krishna (58:30 - 751027BG.NAI)
247. Bg 07-01 PAR 1974-06-13 Serious Ones Will Come to --etc (31:09 - 740613BG.PAR)
248. Bg 07-01 SD 1972-07-01 Life's Aim Is Self-Realization (43:14 - 720701BG.SD)
249. Bg 07-01 SF 1968-09-10 Yoga-- Our Confidential --etc (29:53 - 680910BG.SF)
250. Bg 07-01 STO 1973-09-08 At University What Supreme --etc (28:35 - 730908BG.STO)
251. Bg 07-01 STO 1973-09-10 Nothing More to Be Known (60:34 - 730910BG.STO)
252. Bg 07-01 SYD 1973-02-16 Connect With the Supreme Lord (59:27 - 730216BG.SYD)
253. Bg 07-02 HYD 1974-04-28 Seeing Krishna Within the Heart (38:14 - 681202BG.LA)
254. Bg 07-02 LON 1975-03-10 Mad After the Disease (42:22 - 750310BG.LON)
255. Bg 07-02 NAI 1975-10-28 Madmen Can't Give You Knowledge (57:15 - 751028BG.NAI)
256. Bg 07-02 SF 1968-09-11 Ultimate Understanding, --etc (27:51 - 680911BG.SF)
257. Bg 07-03 BOM 1974-02-18 One in Many Million (31:59 - 740218BG.BOM)
258. Bg 07-03 LON 1975-03-11 Your Next Life, Sir-Bow, Wow (30:11 - 750311BG.LON)
259. Bg 07-03 NAI 1975-10-29 Everyone Here Is a Fool Number One (38:57 - 751029BG.NAI)
260. Bg 07-03 VRN 1974-08-09 Abominable Ananda (21:37 - 740809BG.VRN)
261. Bg 07-04 BOM 1974-02-19 Chemicals Come from Life (31:48 - 740219BG.BOM)
262. Bg 07-04 NAI 1975-10-31 Darwin-Monkeys' Knowledge (47:28 - 751031BG.NAI)
263. Bg 07-04 VRN 1974-08-10 Society, Friendship and Love (28:08 - 740810BG.VRN)
264. Bg 07-05 HYD 1972-11-23 Serving the Material World -- --etc (20:56 - 740220BG.BOM)
265. Bg 07-05 NAI 1975-11-01 High Energy-Low Energy (24:02 - 751101BG.NAI)
266. Bg 07-05 VRN 1974-08-11 God Is God-Dog Is Dog (31:11 - 740811BG.VRN)
267. Bg 07-06 HYD 1976-12-11 How Have We Become Bad (14:03 - 761211BG.HYD)
268. Bg 07-06 VRN 1974-08-12 Krishna-Our Personal Powerhouse (18:16 - TNA*)
269. Bg 07-07 BOM 1974-02-22 Superior to All Hodgepodge (31:16 - 740222BG.BOM)
270. Bg 07-07 VRN 1974-08-13 Everything Is Resting On Krishna (30:39 - 740813BG.VRN)
271. Bg 07-08 BOM 1974-02-23 Try to Experience Krishna (28:52 - 740223BG.BOM)
272. Bg 07-08 NY 1966-10-02 Remembering Krishna 24 Hours a Day (44:09 - 661002BG.NY)
273. Bg 07-09 BOM 1974-02-24 No Brain Behind Nature (29:01 - 740223BG.BOM)
274. Bg 07-09 VRN 1974-08-15 Transcendental 'Nature Study' (28:45 - 740815BG.VRN)
275. Bg 07-11 BOM 1974-02-25 Unplanned, Unwanted Children (32:44 - 740225BG.BOM)
276. Bg 07-14 HAM 1969-09-08 Let Us Die Like --etc (52:47 - 690908BG.HAM)
277. Bg 07-15 NY 1966-10-09 Four Classes of Men Come to God (41:36 - 661009BG.NY)
278. Bg 07-28 NY 1966-10-23 Discovering Your REAL Interest (40:21 - 661023BG.NY)
279. Bg 08-01 GEN 1974-06-07 Women Should Give Birth Soon (22:15 - 740607BG.GEN)
280. Bg 08-12 NY 1966-11-15 Make Sure to Pass that Final --etc (35:52 - 661115BG.NY)
281. Bg 08-14 NY 1966-11-16 Remember Krishna Without Deviation (27:14 - 661116BG.NY)
282. Bg 08-15 NY 1966-11-17 Nature of the Material World --etc (27:58 - 661117BG.NY)
283. Bg 08-20 NY 1966-11-18 There Is Another --etc (29:31 - 661118BG.NY)
284. Bg 08-21 NY 1966-11-19 The Supreme Abode--Attainable --etc (26:52 - 661119BG.NY)
285. Bg 08-22 NY 1966-11-20 Only by Bhakti Can One Enter --etc (35:30 - 661120BG.NY)
286. Bg 08-28 NY 1966-11-21 This Knowledge Is the King of --etc (28:09 - 661121BG.NY)
287. Bg 09-01 MEL 1974-06-29 Chant, Dance, Eat Prasadam... Go Home (40:49 - TNA*)
288. Bg 09-01 MEL 1976-04-19 Craft vs. Knowledge (51:37 - 760419BG.MEL)
289. Bg 09-01 VRN 1975-04-17 How to Become Non-Envious (30:30 - 750417BG.VRN)
290. Bg 09-02 MEL 1976-04-20 The King of Knowledge (36:43 - 760420BG.MEL)
291. Bg 09-02 NY 1966-11-22 It Is Everlasting, and It Is --etc (27:33 - 661122BG.NY)
292. Bg 09-02 NY 1966-11-23 Everything Is Resting On Krishna-Shine (43:59 - 661123BG.NY)
293. Bg 09-03 MEL 1976-04-21 Serve God or Serve Dog (38:57 - 760421BG.MEL)
294. Bg 09-04 MEL 1976-04-22 Civilized Evolution (48:08 - 760422BG.MEL)
295. Bg 09-04 MEL 1976-04-23 God Is There and Everywhere (41:58 - 760423BG.MEL)
296. Bg 09-04 NY 1966-11-24 Krishna Is Everywhere and --etc (31:42 - 661124BG.NY)
297. Bg 09-05 MEL 1976-04-24 Material World-Spiritual World (36:29 - 760424BG.MEL)
298. Bg 09-10 CAL 1973-06-29 Dead Heads and Supreme Life (27:19 - 730629BG.MAY)
299. Bg 09-10 MEL 1976-04-26 Destination-Lord of Destiny (45:43 - TNA*)
300. Bg 09-11 CAL 1973-06-30 If You Want to Remain Mudha... (39:58 - 730630BG.CAL)
301. Bg 09-11 NY 1966-11-27 Find Real Pleasure Serving Krishna (33:18 - 661127BG.NY)
302. Bg 09-15 NY 1966-12-01 Sravanam, Kirtanam, Vishnu (28:31 - 661201BG.NY)
303. Bg 09-15 NY 1966-12-02 Everything Comes from God Including Maya (29:06 - 661202BG.NY)
304. Bg 09-18 NY 1966-12-04 One Should Directly Approach Krishna (30:20 - 661204BG.NY)
305. Bg 09-20 NY 1966-12-06 Heavenly Planets--Temporary Happiness (32:37 - 661206BG.NY)
306. Bg 09-22 NY 1966-12-08 God Is Open for Everyone (27:51 - 661208BG.NY)
307. Bg 09-23 NY 1966-12-10 I Am the Only Enjoyer and the --etc (30:26 - 661210BG.NY)
308. Bg 09-24 NY 1966-12-12 Those Who Do Not Recognize My --etc (29:20 - 661212BG.NY)
309. Bg 09-26 NY 1966-12-16 Do Everything As An Offering to Krsna (31:02 - 661216BG.NY)
310. Bg 09-27 NY 1966-12-19 Karma, Love and Devotion (30:20 - 661219BG.NY)
311. Bg 09-29 NY 1966-12-20 Krishna's Devotion to His Devotee (30:35 - 661220BG.NY)
312. Bg 09-34 NY 1966-12-26 Being Completely Absorbed in --etc (29:31 - 661226BG.NY)
313. Bg 09-34 PAR 1976-08-03 Real Love of Self (37:40 - 760803BG.NMR)
314. Bg 10-01 CAL 1973-03-06 More or Less Demons--Still --etc (43:55 - TNA*)
315. Bg 10-02 NY 1967-01-01 The Process for Understanding God (27:36 - 670101BG.NY)
316. Bg 10-04 NY 1967-01-04 Knowledge--Understanding --etc (29:58 - 670104BG.NY)
317. Bg 12-13 BOM 1974-05-12 The STRUGGLE--Atheists vs. Theist (34:35 - 740512BG.BOM)
318. Bg 13-01 BOM 1972-12-29 Bodily Field and the Tiller (28:29 - 721229BG.BOM)
319. Bg 13-01 BOM 1973-09-24 Material Happiness Is Not All (25:23 - 730924BG.BOM)
320. Bg 13-01 BOM 1973-09-25 Knowing Self, Bodily 'Land' --etc (30:14 - 730925BG.BOM)
321. Bg 13-01 DUR 1975-10-13 The Rented House (39:30 - 751013BG.DUR)
322. Bg 13-01 MIA 1975-02-25 Technical Education-- --etc (34:48 - 750225BG.MIA)
323. Bg 13-01 PAR 1973-08-10 Real Answers to Life's Real Questions (28:50 - 730810BG.PAR)
324. Bg 13-01 STO 1973-09-07 At University Nature, the --etc (61:20 - 730907BG.STO)
325. Bg 13-03 BOM 1972-12-30 Occupant and Owner of Body (33:17 - 721230BG.BOM)
326. Bg 13-03 BOM 1973-09-26 Forgotten That We Are Spirit (30:20 - 730926BG.BOM)
327. Bg 13-03 HYD 1974-04-19 Take Knowledge from Krishna (29:55 - 740419BG.HYD)
328. Bg 13-03 LON 1976-07-25 Controllers--Junior and Senior (23:22 - 760725rc.lon)
329. Bg 13-03 MIA 1975-02-26 We Need to Satisfy Our Lord (36:25 - TNA*)
330. Bg 13-03 PAR 1973-08-11 Krishna's Definition of Knowledge (35:17 - 730811BG.PAR)
331. Bg 13-04 BOM 1973-09-27 The Witness and the Wanderer (21:14 - 730927BG.BOM)
332. Bg 13-04 HYD 1974-04-20 The Knowledge from Narayana (29:23 - 740420BG.HYD)
333. Bg 13-04 MIA 1975-02-27 Different Varieties (41:52 - 750227BG.MIA)
334. Bg 13-04 PAR 1973-08-12 Varieties of Insanities (38:40 - 730812BG.PAR)
335. Bg 13-05 BOM 1973-09-28 The Process of Progress (28:30 - 730928BG.BOM)
336. Bg 13-05 PAR 1973-08-13 Even the Lion Has to Struggle (29:34 - 730813BG.PAR)
337. Bg 13-06 BOM 1973-09-29 Nothing Is Material (28:38 - 730930BG.BOM)
338. Bg 13-08 BOM 1973-09-30 Surrender to the Supreme Person (28:32 - 730929BG.BOM)
339. Bg 13-08 BOM 1973-10-02 How to Go Beyond Your Destiny (57:03 - 731002BG.BOM)
340. Bg 13-08 BOM 1973-10-05 You Have to Approach an Acarya (28:06 - 731005BG.BOM)
341. Bg 13-13 BOM 1973-10-06 Clutches of Birth and Death (31:53 - 731006BG.BOM)
342. Bg 13-14 BOM 1973-10-07 Nondevotees Miss the Object (33:00 - 731007BG.BOM)
343. Bg 13-15 BOM 1973-10-09 God Has No Material Body (30:55 - 731009BG.BOM)
344. Bg 13-16 BOM 1973-10-10 The Supreme Truth Is a Person (30:32 - 731010BG.BOM)
345. Bg 13-17 BOM 1973-10-11 Krishna Is Everywhere in Full (24:38 - 731011BG.BOM)
346. Bg 13-18 BOM 1973-10-12 Universal Effulgence of Krishna (32:13 - 731012BG.BOM)
347. Bg 13-19 BOM 1973-10-13 Object of Knowledge (29:48 - 731013BG.BOM)
348. Bg 13-20 BOM 1973-10-14 The Enjoying Spirit (27:53 - 731014BG.BOM)
349. Bg 13-21 BOM 1973-10-15 An Abominable Body (22:44 - 731015BG.BOM)
350. Bg 13-22 BOM 1973-10-20 Through the Modes of Nature (15:43 - 731020BG.BOM)
351. Bg 13-22 HYD 1976-08-17 At Any Moment--Kicked Out (26:51 - 760817BG.HYD)
352. Bg 13-22 MEL 1974-06-25 Material Enjoyment-More Bodies (34:02 - 740625BG.MEL)
353. Bg 13-23 BOM 1973-10-22 How to Understand the Overseer (24:35 - 731022BG.BOM)
354. Bg 13-24 BOM 1973-10-23 Solving the Problems of Life (22:35 - 731023BG.BOM)
355. Bg 13-26 BOM 1973-10-25 Birth and Death- Transcending --etc (27:10 - 731025BG.BOM)
356. Bg 13-35 GEN 1974-06-06 Food and Freedom (47:28 - 740606BG.GEN)
357. Bg 15-01 BOM 1973-10-28 See Spiritual Identity Everywhere (28:25 - 731028BG.BOM)
358. Bg 15-01 CAL 1974-02-26 The Purpose of Vedic Study (10:22 - 740226BG.CAL)
359. Bg 16-01 HAW 1975-01-29 The Cure for Fear (31:23 - 750129BG.HAW)
360. Bg 16-01 NV 1976-06-26 Dealing with Cats and Dogs (60:26 - 760626gd.nv)
361. Bg 16-04 HAW 1975-01-30 Become Devotee or Remain Demon (20:44 - 750130BG.HAW)
362. Bg 16-05 CAL 1972-02-23 Some Way or Other Become --etc (44:18 - 720223BG.CAL)
363. Bg 16-05 HAW 1975-01-31 Becoming a Dog (28:05 - 750131BG.HAW)
364. Bg 16-06 DUR 1975-10-18 Demons' Symptoms (50:03 - 751018BG.JOH)
365. Bg 16-06 HAW 1975-02-02 Education in Becoming Divine (34:59 - 750202BG.HAW)
366. Bg 16-06 HYD 1976-12-13 Vedic Secular State (13:04 - 761213BG.HYD)
367. Bg 16-07 BOM 1975-01-23 Cornerstone for Godly Civilization (23:16 - 750123CS.BOM)
368. Bg 16-07 BOM 1975-12-22 Demons and Devotees (38:59 - 751222DB.BOM)
369. Bg 16-07 HAW 1975-02-03 The Demonic Want Degradation (34:33 - 750203BG.HAW)
370. Bg 16-07 HYD 1976-12-14 The Path of No (15:48 - 761214BG.HYD)
371. Bg 16-07 HYD 1976-12-15 The Asuric Public (24:04 - 761215BG.HYD)
372. Bg 16-07 SAN 1975-12-26 From Papa-yoni to Devata (19:44 - 751226BG.SAN)
373. Bg 16-07 TOK 1975-01-27 Turning Asuras Into Suras (30:28 - 750127BG.TOK)
374. Bg 16-08 HAW 1975-02-04 Who Is Demon and Who Is Divine (32:44 - 750204BG.HAW)
375. Bg 16-08 HYD 1976-12-16 Deliver Your Neighborhood (25:20 - 761216BG.HYD)
376. Bg 16-08 TOK 1975-01-28 The Unseen Controller (51:08 - 750128BG.TOK)
377. Bg 16-09 HAW 1975-02-05 The Demonic-No Sense of God (32:26 - 750205BG.HAW)
378. Bg 16-10 HAW 1975-02-06 The Demonic Attitude (32:36 - 750206BG.HAW)
379. Bg 16-11 HAW 1975-02-07 Anxiety Unlimited (31:40 - 750207BG.HAW)
380. Bg 16-13 HAW 1975-02-08 Devotional and Demonic Desires (26:39 - 750208BG.HAW)
381. Bg 16-17 NV 1976-06-28 Dishonesty Starts from Government (59:39 - 760628gc.nv)
382. Bg 17-01 MEL 1974-07-04 Faith-Blind and Sighted (43:07 - 740704BG.HON)
383. Bg 18-67 AHM 1972-12-09 What Will Max Muller --etc (43:49 - 721209BG.AHM)
384. Bg 18-67 AHM 1972-12-10 Human Form of Life Is for... (47:33 - __721210BG.AHM)
385. Cc A 1-01 MAY 1975-03-25 Become a Guru, Not a God (31:58 - 750325CC.MAY)
386. Cc A 1-02 MAY 1975-03-26 The Darkness Dispellers (25:24 - 750326CC.MAY)
387. Cc A 1-03 MAY 1975-03-27 My, My, My--What Ignorance (28:51 - 750327CC.MAY)
388. Cc A 1-04 MAY 1975-03-28 Every One of You--Become a Guru (17:32 - 750328CC.MAY)
389. Cc A 1-05 MAY 1975-03-29 Science of Supreme Pleasure (33:59 - 750329CC.MAY)
390. Cc A 1-06 MAY 1975-03-30 Krishna Is Enjoying Differently (26:16 - 750330CC.MAY)
391. Cc A 1-07 MAY 1975-03-31 Ever Expanding Life with Krishna (22:36 - 750331CC.MAY)
392. Cc A 1-08 MAY 1975-04-01 Spread Krsna Consciousness --etc (31:22 - 750401CC.MAY)
393. Cc A 1-09 MAY 1975-04-02 Big Chunk of Nonsense (29:59 - 750402CC.MAY)
394. Cc A 1-10 MAY 1975-04-03 Getting God to Talk to You (21:07 - 750403CC.MAY)
395. Cc A 1-11 MAY 1975-04-04 Update On Struggle Immortal --etc (31:48 - 750404CC.MAY)
396. Cc A 1-12 MAY 1975-04-05 Big Chunk-Big Chumps-Big Controller (24:33 - 750405CC.MAY)
397. Cc A 1-14 MAY 1975-04-07 For Materialists Stool Is Sublime (16:32 - 750407CC.MAY)
398. Cc A 1-15 DAL 1975-03-04 Our Hospital Can Stop Death (35:55 - 750304CC.DAL)
399. Cc A 1-15 MAY 1975-04-08 Gold Religion (25:17 - 750408CC.MAY)
400. Cc A 1-16 HYD 1975-04-09 Window to the Spiritual World (29:22 - 750409CC.MAY)
401. Cc A 7-01 ATL 1975-03-01 The Vulturous and the Virtuous (37:28 - 750301CC.ATL)
402. Cc A 7-01 MAY 1974-03-01 Lord Caitanya--Not Killing --etc (34:22 - 740301CC.MAY)
403. Cc A 7-03 MAY 1974-03-03 Stop Serving the Senses (31:19 - 740303CC.MAY)
404. Cc A 7-04 MAY 1974-03-04 No Mills, No --etc (36:47 - 740304CC.MAY)
405. Cc A 7-05 MAY 1974-03-07 Krishna Is the Ocean of Pleasure (31:28 - 740307CC.MAY)
406. Cc A 7-07 MAY 1974-03-09 Krishna Kills the Competition (31:20 - 740309CC.MAY)
407. Cc A 7-91 VRN 1974-03-13 Singing in Saintly Company (24:33 - 740313CC.VRN)
408. Cc A Intro SF 1967-03-18 Introduction (26:04 - 670318CC.SF)
409. Cc M 20-097 NY 1966-11-22 I Shall Give You Protection --etc (26:16 - 661122CC.NY)
410. Cc M 20-098 WDC 1976-07-04 Big Boon for a Bad Bunch (30:16 - 760704CC.WDC)
411. Cc M 20-100 BOM 1975-11-09 How to Accept the Lord's Instruction (37:22 - 751109CC.BOM)
412. Cc M 20-100 NY 1966-11-22 Sadhu Inquires for the Sake --etc (26:08 - 661122C2.NY)
413. Cc M 20-100 WDC 1976-07-05 Material Masters--You Can't Satisfy (39:50 - 760705CC.WDC)
414. Cc M 20-101 BOM 1975-11-03 To Become Spiritually Advanced (37:16 - 751103CC.BOM)
415. Cc M 20-102 BOM 1975-11-12 Who Am I--Why Am I Miserable (44:03 - 751112CC.BOM)
416. Cc M 20-102 WDC 1976-07-07 Nobody Is Fit--Nobody Survives (18:06 - 760707CC.BAL)
417. Cc M 20-103 WDC 1976-07-08 Survival of the Fittest (760708CC.WDC)
418. Cc M 20-105 NY 1976-07-11 Approach the Spiritual --etc (30:33 - 760711CC.NY)
419. Cc M 20-106 NY 1976-07-12 Occupational Duty of the Soul (19:37 - 760712CC.NY)
420. Cc M 20-107 NY 1976-07-13 Well-Placed Greed (21:02 - 760713CC.NY)
421. Cc M 20-108 NY 1976-07-15 Servant--What Loss Master--What Gain (18:55 - 760715CC.NY)
422. Cc M 20-110 BOM 1975-11-17 Truth About False Ego (30:22 - 751117CC.BOM)
423. Cc M 20-110 NY 1976-07-17 See Illumination of God (23:51 - 760717CC.NY)
424. Cc M 20-124 NY 1966-11-26 Back to Godhead--Life's Ultimate Goal (22:42 - 661126CC.NY)
425. Cc M 20-125 NY 1966-11-16 Engage Your Mind Always in --etc (25:58 - 661127CC.NY)
426. Cc M 20-131 NY 1966-11-27 The Vedas Are Your Astrologer (26:05 - 661127CC.NY)
427. Cc M 20-137 NY 1966-11-28 I Am Attained By --etc (23:41 - 661128CC.NY)
428. Cc M 20-137 NY 1966-11-29 This System Is Called Abhideya (25:17 - 661129CC.NY)
429. Cc M 20-142 NY 1966-11-30 Liberated-When One Tastes --etc (28:45 - 661130CC.NY)
430. Cc M 20-144 NY 1966-12-01 Central Point of Attraction is Krsna (23:55 - 661201CC.NY)
431. Cc M 20-146 NY 1966-12-03 Vedic Knowledge Points to Lord Krsna (26:07 - 661203CC.NY)
432. Cc M 20-152 NY 1966-12-05 Krishna-Source of Everything (28:50 - 661205CC.NY)
433. Cc M 20-154 NY 1966-12-07 Can There Be Peace Without --etc (28:26 - 661207CC.NY)
434. Cc M 20-156 NY 1966-12-11 Intimate Association with --etc (14:52 - 661211CC.NY)
435. Cc M 20-164 NY 1966-12-13 Only by Devotion Can One --etc (28:27 - 661213CC.NY)
436. Cc M 20-172 NY 1966-12-14 Krishna's Original --etc (25:40 - 661214CC.NY)
437. Cc M 20-245 NY 1966-12-16 Six Types of Avataras (24:27 - 661216CC.NY)
438. Cc M 20-254 NY 1966-12-17 Krishna's Spiritual & Material World (24:36 - 661217CC.NY)
439. Cc M 20-281 NY 1966-12-18 Manifestation of Universe (24:11 - 661218CC.NY)
440. Cc M 20-294 NY 1966-12-19 Lilavataras--No End to Them (29:17 - 661219CC.NY)
441. Cc M 20-298 NY 1966-12-20 Gunavataras--The --etc (23:30 - 661220CC.NY)
442. Cc M 20-313 NY 1966-12-21 Krishna Can See Everything (22:28 - 661221CC.NY)
443. Cc M 20-318 NY 1966-12-22 Manvantara-Avataras-- --etc (24:40 - 661222CC.NY)
444. Cc M 20-330 NY 1966-12-23 Yugavataras--Incarnations --etc (27:17 - 661223CC.NY)
445. Cc M 20-334 NY 1966-12-24 Chant Holy Name Together (27:45 - 661224CC.NY)
446. Cc M 20-337 NY 1966-12-25 One Good Quality in Kali-Yuga (24:34 - 661225CC.NY)
447. Cc M 20-353 NY 1966-12-26 Scriptural Test for Avataras (29:25 - 661226CC.NY)
448. Cc M 20-354 NY 1966-12-28 Symptoms of Saintly Persons (18:52 - 661228CC.NY)
449. Cc M 20-360 NY 1966-12-30 What Is the Use of Becoming --etc (10:05 - TNA*)
450. Cc M 20-367 NY 1966-12-31 Chief Saktyavesa Avatara (28:50 - 661231CC.NY)
451. Cc M 20-395 HYD 1976-08-17 Vaisnava Philosophy (23:04 - 760817CC.HYD)
452. Cc M 21-001 NY 1967-01-03 They Are Very Much Serious --etc (23:54 - 670103CC.NY)
453. Cc M 21-013 NY 1967-01-04 Brahma and Indra Were Astonished (28:50 - 670104CC.NY)
454. Cc M 22-014 NY 1967-01-10 Nitya-baddhas Nitya-muktas (28:10 - 670110CC.NY)
455. Cc M 22-021 NY 1967-01-11 Devotional Service Will --etc (27:57 - 670111CC.NY)
456. Cc M 22-031 NY 1967-01-16 Krishna Is Sunshine Maya Is Darkness (27:13 - 670116CC.NY)
457. Fest ATL 1975-03-02 On the Appearance Day of Srila --etc (27:49 - 750302BA.ATL)
458. Fest BHU 1977-01-31 On the Advent of Lord Varaha (21:19 - 770131VA.BHU)
459. Fest BHU 1977-02-02 Nityananda Appearance (28:17 - 770202NA.BHU)
460. Fest BOM 1974-04-01 Lord Rama Appearance--Maha-mantra --etc (13:34 - 740401BG.BOM)
461. Fest BOM 1974-05-05 Nrsimhadeva Appearance (20:17 - 740505NA.BOM)
462. Fest BOM 1975-12-22 Bhaktisiddhanta Disappearance (39:50 - 751222DB.BOM)
463. Fest BOS 1969-05-01 Lord Nrsimhadevas Appearance (15:19 - 690501NA.BOS)
464. Fest COL 1969-05-09 Temple Opening--Religion Means --etc (22:32 - TNA*)
465. Fest FIJ 1976-05-02 Deity Installation Enjoy --etc (12:43 - 760502DI.FIJ)
466. Fest GOR 1971-02-15 Bhaktisiddhanta Appearance AM (30:55 - 710215SB.GOR)
467. Fest GOR 1971-02-15 Bhaktisiddhanta Appearance PM (37:29 - 710215BA.GOR)
468. Fest HAM 1969-09-04 Janmastami--Fearlessness--There --etc (43:23 - 690827IN.HAM)
469. Fest HAM 1969-09-05 Vyasa-puja (21:09 - 690905VP.HAM)
470. Fest HAW 1969-03-05 Day After Gaura Purnima-A (23:54 - 760316SB.MAY)
471. Fest HAW 1969-03-05 Day After Gaura Purnima-B (63:52 - 690305LE.HAW)
472. Fest HAW 1969-03-27 Rama Navami (53:37 - 690327RN.HAW)
473. Fest HYD 1976-08-18 Temple Opening--Krishna --etc (17:34 - 760818SB.HYD)
474. Fest HYD 1976-08-19 Vyasa-puja--How to Avoid Reincarnation (20:35 - 760819VP.HYD)
475. Fest HYD 1976-12-10 Bhaktisiddhanta Disappearance (39:02 - 761210DB.HYD)
476. Fest LA 1968-11-18 Bhajan, Lect, Kirtan on Six Goswamis (79:24 - 681118LE.LA)
477. Fest LA 1968-12-09 Disappearance--Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (29:08 - 681209DB.LA)
478. Fest LA 1969-01-31 Nityananda Appearance--Song & Purport (27:44 - 690131PU.LA)
479. Fest LA 1969-02-07 Bhaktisiddhanta Appearance (47:44 - 690207BA.LA)
480. Fest LA 1969-07-16 Deity Installation (19:15 - 690716DI.LA)
481. Fest LA 1969-12-09 Bhaktisiddhanta Disappearance (29:12 - 681209DB.LA)
482. Fest LA 1970-02-18 Varaha Appearance (21:19 - 700218VA.LA)
483. Fest LA 1971-07-01 Ratha Yatra (31:24 - 710701LE.LA)
484. Fest LA 1972-05-27 Nrsimhadeva Appearance--Divinity, --etc (67:17 - 720527SB.LA)
485. Fest LA 1973-12-13 Bhaktisiddhanta Disappearance (22:29 - 731213DB.LA)
486. Fest LA 1973-12-13 Disappearance--Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati (22:47 - 731213DB.LA)
487. Fest LON 1969-09-18 Radhastami (49:00 - 690918RA.LON)
488. Fest LON 1969-09-23 Bhaktivinode Appearance (58:24 - 690923BA.LON)
489. Fest LON 1972-07-13 Ratha Yatra Parts 1 & 2 (22:27 - 720713RY.LON)
490. Fest LON 1973-08-21 Deity Installation (18:27 - 730821DI.LON)
491. Fest LON 1973-08-21 Deity Installation--Purpose of --etc (17:12 - 730821DI.LON)
492. Fest LON 1973-08-21 Deity Installation--Why Krishna --etc (34:13 - 730821JM.LON)
493. Fest LON 1973-08-21 Janmastami (37:17 - 730821JM.LON)
494. Fest LON 1973-08-22 Vyasa-puja--Thanks to the Original Guru (34:52 - 730822VP.LON)
495. Fest LON 1973-08-22 Vyasa-puja--What Is Guru (39:58 - 730822LE.LON)
496. Fest LON 1973-09-05 Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani (36:04 - 730905BG.LON)
497. Fest MAY 1976-02-21 Bhaktisiddhanta Appearance (21:46 - 760221BA.MAY)
498. Fest MAY 1977-02-08 Bhaktisiddhantas Appearance (30:31 - 770208BA.MAY)
499. Fest MON 1968-08-16 Janmastami (20:11 - 680816JM.MON)
500. Fest MON 1968-08-30 Radhastami (41:26 - 680830RA.MON)
501. Fest NV 1972-09-02 Vyasa-puja (25:14 - 720902VP.NV)
502. Fest NY 1966-11-04 Govardhana Puja (60:23 - 661104GP.NY)
503. Fest NY 1976-07-18 Ratha-yatra--The Culture of Liberty (14:30 - 760718RY.NY)
504. Fest PHI 1975-07-12 Ratha-yatra--Glimpse of the Spiritual World (23:45 - 750712RY.PHI)
505. Fest SD 1972-07-01 At Balboa Park--World Is Enchanted by Sex (39:58 - 720701AD.SD)
506. Fest SEA 1968-10-21 Disappearance of Keshava Maharaja (11:55 - 681021DK.SEA)
507. Fest SF 1968-03-00 Advent of Ramacandra--Code for the --etc (52:38 - 690327RN.HAW)
508. Fest SF 1970-07-04 Gundica Marjana (36:41 - 700704LE.SF)
509. Fest SF 1971-06-27 Ratha-yatra--Do Not Think There is --etc (13:16 - 710627R2.SF)
510. Fest SF 1971-06-27 Ratha-yatra--Spiritualize Your --etc (23:04 - 710627RY.SF)
511. Fest VRN 1972-10-19 Krsna Dasa Kaviraja Appearance (53:17 - 721019AK.VRN)
512. Interv AUC 1976-04-27 Press--This Religion Is Yours Also (17:13 - 760427pc.auc)
513. Interv CAL 1975-03-21 Pseudo Scientists Deny Supreme (35:13 -
514. Interv CHA 1976-10-16 Press--Everyone of You-Become Guru (27:37 - 761016iv.cha)
515. Interv CHI 1975-07-09 Press--A Higher Philosophy (34:25 - 750709pc.chi)
516. Interv CHI 1975-07-09 Television--Actual Woman's Liberation (33:07 - 750709iv.chi)
517. Interv DAL 1975-07-28 Press At Airport--Without --etc (12:01 - 750728pc.dal)
518. Interv DEL 1976-03-25 Press--India- Overintelligent (59:28 - 760325rc.del)
519. Interv FIJ 1975-05-25 Radio--You Can Make Whole World India (14:25 - 750525iv.fij)
520. Interv GAI 1971-07-29 The Only Way to Love God In This Age (26:35 - 710729IV.GAI)
521. Interv HYD 1974-04-18 Press--If You Want a Good Society (36:27 - 740418pc.hyd)
522. Interv HYD 1976-08-17 Press--Spiritual Re-education --etc (30:21 - 760817iv.hyd)
523. Interv LA 1968-12-22 Press--Manifesto of Krsna Consciousness (17:55 - 681222LE.LA)
524. Interv LA 1968-12-26 Press-LA Times--Lunacy of Moon Mission (61:14 -
525. Interv LA 1968-12-30 Press-New Cosmic Star--Progress --etc (65:16 -
526. Interv LON 1976-07-23 Press--Lon. Observer Sentiment --etc (11:39 - 760723iv.lon)
527. Interv MEL 1974-06-29 Press--Transcendental Psychiatry (47:55 - 740629iv.mel)
528. Interv MEL 1975-05-19 Press--No Culture-Just Money (25:58 - 750519rc.mel)
529. Interv MEL 1976-04-22 Press--First, Understand Your Self (59:45 - 760422r3.mel)
530. Interv NY 1975-03-05 Press--We Are Hare Krishna People (14:27 - 750305iv.ny)
531. Interv NY 1976-07-14 Press--Newsday Magazine--In Any Language (51:50 - 760714iv.ny)
532. Interv NY 1976-07-14 Press--Newsweek Magazine--Are --etc (30:11 - 760714i2.ny)
533. Interv NY 1976-07-16 Press--Associated Press--The --etc (59:34 - 760716iv.ny)
534. Interv NY 1976-07-17 Trans India Magazine--Life, --etc (43:42 - 760717iv.ny)
535. Interv PHI 1975-07-11 Press--Spirits in Alien Machines (16:46 - 750711AR.PHI)
536. Interv PHI 1975-07-13 Press--Phi. Enquirer--Women's --etc (60:05 - 750713r2.phi)
537. Interv SF 1968-03-09 Radio--KPFK LA--Transfer Your --etc (29:51 - 680309iv.sf)
538. Iso 00 LA 1970-04-27 Our Foolishness Equals Our Defeat (15:32 - 700428IP.LA)
539. Iso 00 LA 1970-05-02 Matter Has No Power (15:29 - 700502IP.LA)
540. Iso 01 LA 1970-04-29 Our Foolishness (12:29 - 700502IP.LA)
541. Iso 01 LA 1970-04-30 Our Defeat (28:18 - 700503IP.LA)
542. Iso 02 LA 1970-05-06 Everyone Is Seeing Krishna (57:23 - 700506IP.LA)
543. Iso 10 LA 1970-05-14 The Senses (27:02 - 700514IP.LA)
544. Iso 15 LA 1970-05-18 The Senses Defanged (15:48 - 700518IP.LA)
545. Lect AHM 1972-12-05 At Rotary Club--There Are So Many Anomalies (42:02 - 721205LE.AHM)
546. Lect AHM 1972-12-08 Sankaracarya Is Not Original (44:37 - 721208BG.AHM)
547. Lect ALL 1977-01-15 At Kumba Mela--Avoid Atheistic Mahatmas (16:59 - 770115LE.ALL)
548. Lect ATL 1975-03-02 At Sunday Feast--Mahaprabhu's Mercy (23:07 - 750302BA.ATL)
549. Lect BHU 1977-01-23 You Can Become Greatest Devotee (30:06 - 770123LE.BHU)
550. Lect BHU 1977-01-24 Unfortunates Not Attracted to the --etc (30:28 - 770124CC.BHU)
551. Lect BOM 1971-03-17 Take Shelter of the Six Goswamis (34:09 - 710317LE.BOM)
552. Lect BOM 1973-01-03 Brahma-samhita--Nobody Knows Krishna (42:34 - 730103BS.BOM)
553. Lect BOM 1973-01-14 At Pandal--It Is Not that Only --etc (44:23 - 701102LE.BOM)
554. Lect BOM 1973-09-25 To Lifemembers--Goloka VRN Is Everywhere (33:16 - 730925LE.BOM)
555. Lect BOM 1973-10-18 At Bharati Vidya Bhavan (20:44 - 731018LE.BOM)
556. Lect BOM 1975-11-16 The Covered Margin--Uncovered (41:28 - TNA*)
557. Lect BOM 1975-11-18 Initiation Sannyasa--Deliver One --etc (10:27 - 751118IN.BOM)
558. Lect BOM 1977-03-24 Krishna's Yoga System- Not New (29:28 - 770324SB.BOM)
559. Lect BOM 1977-03-29 We Have to Tolerate (27:41 - 770329SB.BOM)
560. Lect BOM 1977-04-01 Higher Knowledge (7:46 - 770401LE.BOM)
561. Lect BOS 1969-05-01 Krishna Conscious ... Very Kind (15:28 - 690501NA.BOS)
562. Lect BOS 1969-05-03 To Students--Well Centered --etc (57:44 - 691228LE.BOS)
563. Lect CAL 1972-02-24 The Origin Was A Chunk--We Are --etc (26:54 - TNA*)
564. Lect CAL 1972-03-06 Elevating The Low-Born-- and the High-Born (44:14 - TNA*)
565. Lect CAL 1973-01-26 Initiation Sannyasa--When I Went --etc (23:19 - 730126IN.CAL)
566. Lect CAL 1973-01-29 To Students--Something Tangible (26:27 - 730129LE.CAL)
567. Lect CAL 1973-01-30 To Businessmen--Business & --etc (47:33 - 730130LE.CAL)
568. Lect CAL 1973-01-31 At Indo-American --etc (38:22 - 730131LE.CAL)
569. Lect CAR 1975-02-22 Initiation--Who Can Conquer God (15:14 - 750222IN.CAR)
570. Lect COL 1969-05-12 To Students--We Are Begging --etc (24:14 - 690512LE.COL)
571. Lect COL 1969-05-14 Caste System Cast Out (21:13 - 690514WE.COL)
572. Lect DAL 1973-05-19 Why We Can't Forget About God (18:53 - 730519LE.DAL)
573. Lect DEL 1973-11-10 At Pandal--Hog Happiness - Human Happiness (35:00 - 731110LE.DEL)
574. Lect DET 1971-07-17 Initiation--This Kartala-Playing --etc (14:04 - 710717LE.DET)
575. Lect DUR 1975-10-07 At City Hall--Sense Gratification-No Sense (64:03 - 751007LE.DUR)
576. Lect DUR 1975-10-11 Happiness on the Planet of Misery (46:11 - 751011BG.DUR)
577. Lect GEN 1974-05-30 I See the Spirit Soul (20:01 - 740530AR.GEN)
578. Lect GEN 1974-06-06 To World Health --etc (60:57 - 740606LE.GEN)
579. Lect GER 1974-06-22 Krishna Hears Your Mind (25:35 - 740622SP.GER)
580. Lect HAM 1969-09-04 Initiation--The Sense to --etc (16:58 - 690827IN.HAM)
581. Lect HON 1969-03-23 Everyone Can Get the Highest --etc (61:11 - 690323LE.HAW)
582. Lect HON 1975-05-25 Become a Devotee-God Will Take Special Care (23:18 - 750525LE.HON)
583. Lect HYD 1975-04-14 Let Us Become Dogs of Krishna (20:47 - 750414L2.HYD)
584. Lect HYD 1976-12-10 Hearing Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Was My Hobby (36:43 - 761210DB.HYD)
585. Lect LA 1968-02-02 Relish of Renunciation, Sweetness --etc (16:23 - 680202LE.LA)
586. Lect LA 1968-11-08 Brahma Samhita 29--The Spiritual --etc (58:11 - TNA*)
587. Lect LA 1968-11-13 I Have Passed My Life Uselessly (39:21 - 681113LE.LA)
588. Lect LA 1968-11-15 Dipping Into Ocean of Love of Krishna (66:13 - 681118LE.LA)
589. Lect LA 1968-11-18 Getting Outside of the Material Boundaries (50:30 - 681115LE.LA)
590. Lect LA 1968-12-01 Initiation--The Path of Purification (49:35 - 681201IN.LA)
591. Lect LA 1968-12-19 Initiation--Avoiding the Ten Offenses (6:23 - 681219IN.LA)
592. Lect LA 1968-12-23 Message to London Temple (11:27 - 681223SP.LA)
593. Lect LA 1969-01-05 Purport to a Song by Narottama dasa Thakura (10:25 - 680106PU.LA)
594. Lect LA 1969-02-09 Guaranteed Relief (12:16 - 690209LE.LA)
595. Lect LA 1969-02-10 Our Natural Nectarean Life (8:51 - 690210LE.LA)
596. Lect LA 1970-02-00 Vedanta Sutra (10:00 - TNA*)
597. Lect LA 1970-02-20 Initiation Sannyasa--The Spiritual --etc (27:38 - TNA*)
598. Lect LA 1970-02-20 Initiation--Ten Offenses to be Avoided (17:49 - TNA*)
599. Lect LA 1970-04-16 Get Some Land and a Cow and Find Your Spirit (13:01 - 681109BS.LA)
600. Lect LA 1971-05-28 Just Learn How to Love Krishna (27:42 - 690115LE.LA)
601. Lect LA 1971-05-28 The Most Wonderful Thing--And One --etc (19:57 - TNA*)
602. Lect LA 1972-05-18 Krishna-All Attractive Just Imagine (27:24 - 720518LE.LA)
603. Lect LA 1972-05-21 Sunday Feast--The Higher Science (66:52 - 720521LE.LA)
604. Lect LA 1972-05-27 Initiation Sannyasa (5:29 - 720527SB.LA)
605. Lect LA 1972-05-27 Initiation--This Foolish Civilization (5:29 - 720527IN.LA)
606. Lect LB 1972-09-30 Beyond Mirage to the Real World (34:17 - 720930LE.LB)
607. Lect LON 1969-09-15 At Conway Hall--I Teach What You --etc (43:53 - 690915LE.LON)
608. Lect LON 1973-08-23 What Is Religion (27:37 - 730823LE.LON)
609. Lect LON 1973-08-26 The HK Movement, What and Why (31:06 - 730826LE.LON)
610. Lect LON 1975-03-12 Krishna Candy-Every Side Sweet (27:53 - 750312DP.LON)
611. Lect LON 1976-07-27 To Indian Community (26:10 - 760725LE.LON)
612. Lect MAY 1976-02-05 Initiation Sannyasa--Welfare to Others (7:24 - 760205IN.MAY)
613. Lect MAY 1976-02-21 What to Fear (14:18 - 760221BA.MAY)
614. Lect MAY 1976-03-16 Initiation Sannyasa--No Ism--No Schism (20:56 - 760316IN.MAY)
615. Lect MEL 1974-06-28 At Franciscan Seminary--The Human --etc (60:06 - 740628LE.MEL)
616. Lect MEL 1974-07-01 To Students--Talking to a Trashy Audience (27:30 - 740701LE.MEL)
617. Lect MEL 1975-05-19 We Are Doing Our Bit to Make --etc (44:53 - TNA*)
618. Lect MON 1968-06-11 To Students (young)--My and --etc (26:27 - 680611LE.MON)
619. Lect NEL 1976-01-04 Teach What Krishna Has Said (30:16 - 760104LE.NEL)
620. Lect NV 1969-06-04 Initiation--This World Is Hong Kong Flu (30:06 - 690604IN.NV)
621. Lect NY 1966-05-00 Getting the Higher Taste--Control the Tongue (52:38 - 660429BG.NY)
622. Lect NY 1966-09-08 Introduction to Maha-mantra (59:15 - 660908LE.NY)
623. Lect NY 1969-01-07 Purport to a Song by Govinda Dasa (19:38 - 670316PU.SF)
624. Lect NY 1969-04-09 Practical Renunciation (12:32 - 690409LE.NY)
625. Lect NY 1969-04-11 One Who Does Not Understand --etc (55:08 - 690411rc.ny)
626. Lect NY 1969-04-17 Krishna Obliged Me to Come With --etc (11:19 - 690417LE.NY)
627. Lect NY 1971-07-20 Horseless Carriage - Wingless --etc (34:03 - 710720LE.LA)
628. Lect SAN 1975-12-25 Follow...or Folly (19:04 - 751225LE.SAN)
629. Lect SAN 1975-12-27 Attachment to Krishna Is Natural (24:46 - 751227LE.SAN)
630. Lect SD 1972-06-30 Initiation--Svaha for Krishna or for Maya (32:28 - 720630IN.SD)
631. Lect SEA 1968-09-25 Spiritual Liberation and Beyond (49:32 - 680927LE.SEA)
632. Lect SEA 1968-09-27 How to Go from Misery to Mastery (51:25 - 680925LE.SEA)
633. Lect SEA 1968-09-30 Beyond Frustration-Science of Loving God (55:40 - 680930LE.SEA)
634. Lect SEA 1968-10-02 The Pulse of Universal Body (65:01 - 681002LE.SEA)
635. Lect SEA 1968-10-04 If You Know Krishna, You Know Everything (48:02 - 681004LE.SEA)
636. Lect SEA 1968-10-07 It is Very Pleasant to Become a --etc (50:50 - 681007LE.SEA)
637. Lect SEA 1968-10-18 Transcendental Television (63:28 - 681018LE.SEA)
638. Lect SEA 1968-10-20 Initiation--Counteract Age of Quarrel (27:59 - 681020IN.SEA)
639. Lect SEA 1968-10-20 Initiation--On the Maha-Mantra (10:50 - 681020rc.sea)
640. Lect SEA 1968-10-20 To Students--From Tiger to Rat (21:42 - 681020LE.SEA)
641. Lect SF 1968-04-02 Skyscraper Civilization vs. Soul --etc (14:18 - 680402LE.SF)
642. Lect SF 1971-06-27 On Six Goswamis --etc (29:50 - 710627RY.SF)
643. Lect STO 1973-09-06 To Students--Brahma Samhita (9:56 - 730906BS.STO)
644. Lect STO 1973-09-07 To Students Classless Society Impossible (54:27 - 730907BG.STO)
645. Lect STO 1973-09-09 To Students on --etc (16:21 - 730909LE.STO)
646. Lect TOR 1976-06-17 Initiation--Today Nobody --etc (19:56 - 760617IN.TOR)
647. Lect TOR 1976-06-20 Sunday Feast--Don't Forget Your Heritage (57:19 - 760620BG.TOR)
648. Lect VRN 1975-04-20 These Boys Were Jagai & Madhai (25:56 - 750420SP.VRN)
649. Lect VRN 1976-04-07 The Guru's Business is Not to --etc (15:21 - 760407SP.VRN)
650. Lect WDC 1976-07-06 At 10th Anniversary of ISKCON --etc (38:48 - 760706AD.WDC)
651. MW ATL 1975-03-01 Don't Speculate-Hear! (8:03 - 750301mw.atl)
652. MW BHU 1977-01-30 Meaninglessness Has Hidden Meaning (19:59 - 770129mw.bhu)
653. MW BHU 1977-02-01 Science Atheists-Blind Bluffers (30:02 - 770201mw.bhu)
654. MW BOM 1974-02-23 A Good Man & a Kick in the Face (31:02 -
655. MW BOM 1974-03-23 A Kindly Slap for a Fool (34:59 -
656. MW BOM 1974-03-24 Everyone Is Serving (28:15 -
657. MW BOM 1974-03-29 Misleading and Misled (29:42 -
658. MW BOM 1974-03-30 Lesson in Humility and Tolerance (32:17 -
659. MW BOM 1974-03-31 Take Shelter of Eternal Life (59:16 -
660. MW BOM 1974-04-01 Serve Krishna or Serve...Others (43:35 -
661. MW BOM 1974-04-02 Krishna Eats from Devotee's Hand (38:33 -
662. MW BOM 1974-04-03 Brahman is Impersonal ... But --etc (41:31 -
663. MW BOM 1974-04-04 Unlimited Is Not Impersonal (39:40 -
664. MW BOM 1974-04-05 Arguments Smashed (60:38 -
665. MW BOM 1974-04-08 All Philosophies Are Mayavadi (23:32 -
666. MW BOM 1974-04-10 Our Business is to Point Out Who Is --etc (27:28 -
667. MW BOM 1975-11-03 Peace in Society of Dogs (21:44 -
668. MW BOM 1975-11-07 Discussion of Dioramas (23:00 -
669. MW BOM 1975-11-08 So-Called Knowledge Is Useless (18:42 -
670. MW BOM 1975-11-10 Nationalism Is Irrationalism (22:18 -
671. MW BOM 1975-11-11 Advancement of Maya (38:10 -
672. MW BOM 1975-11-12 Maya and Her Ministers (15:08 -
673. MW BOM 1975-11-13 Anyone Who is Not a Devotee Is a Rascal (30:31 -
674. MW BOM 1975-11-14 Scientific Know-Nothings (43:18 -
675. MW BOM 1975-11-16 Scientists, Goats, Politicians (24:40 -
676. MW BOM 1975-11-17 Dressed Animals-Educated Dogs (36:39 -
677. MW BOM 1975-11-18 Bhakta Is the Only Scientist (18:17 -
678. MW BOM 1975-11-19 Everyone Knows Your Philosophy (16:49 -
679. MW BOM 1975-11-20 Christ Survived the Cross (24:58 -
680. MW BOM 1975-11-21 Aryan Blood-A Misnomer (29:44 -
681. MW BOM 1975-11-24 No Rain-Chant (10:55 -
682. MW BOM 1975-12-16 Scholar-Deviation from Krishna (20:40 -
683. MW BOM 1975-12-17 No Question of Hating Women (31:39 -
684. MW BOM 1975-12-20 God and Guru-No Substitutes (15:30 -
685. MW BOM 1975-12-23 Bhakti...Not Business (37:47 -
686. MW BOM 1975-12-23 In Love with God 24 Hours a Day (21:23 -
687. MW BOM 1976-04-14 Don't Give Your Vote to the Rogues (21:37 -
688. MW BOM 1976-04-15 A Child Can Do this Preaching Work (32:20 -
689. MW BOM 1976-04-17 How to Use This Body (17:56 -
690. MW BOM 1976-08-14 Cow Care (5:58 -
691. MW BOM 1976-12-25 Coverings--Concoctions--Gandhi --etc (33:16 -
692. MW BOM 1977-01-04 Can You Know You Are Liberated (30:18 -
693. MW BOM 1977-01-08 About Kumbha Mela--Know and Do What --etc (39:01 -
694. MW CAR 1975-02-21 Philosophy Is Philosophy (22:51 -
695. MW CHI 1975-07-04 Scientists Controlling Nature--That --etc (9:54 - 750704mw.chi)
696. MW CHI 1975-07-05 The Rarest Books in the World (16:51 - 750705mw.chi)
697. MW CHI 1975-07-06 These Demonic Communists Should Be Finished (5:33 - 750706mw.chi)
698. MW CHI 1975-07-08 How Blind People Are! (36:15 - 750708mw.chi)
699. MW CHI 1975-07-09 All-isms is Equal to Animalism (14:04 - 750709m2.chi)
700. MW CHI 1975-07-11 Darwin's Speculation is Not Science (30:17 - 750711mw.chi)
701. MW DAL 1975-03-04 Life-Work Hard and Sin (23:05 - 750304mw.dal)
702. MW DEL 1975-11-26 Other Religious Systems Have No Knowledge (20:17 - 751126mw.del)
703. MW DEL 1975-11-29 Lions Are Better than Marxists (37:31 - 751129mw.del)
704. MW DEL 1975-11-30 Income Tax Department-Cheating Department (17:21 - 751130mw.del)
705. MW DEL 1975-12-07 Scientific Eggheads- Manufacture an Egg (13:17 - 751207mw.vrn)
706. MW DEL 1975-12-14 Happiness Is for Intelligent (24:56 - 751214mw.del)
707. MW DEL 1976-03-25 Suffering Is Your Creation (39:12 - 760325mw.del)
708. MW DEL 1976-03-26 Impious and Pious are the Same (22:44 - 760326mw.del)
709. MW DEN 1975-06-28 Dog Race in a Dangerous Place (25:32 - 750628mw.den)
710. MW DEN 1975-06-29 With Less Labor Back to Godhead (26:42 - 750629mw.den)
711. MW DEN 1975-06-30 Most Powerful Personality (15:58 - 750630mw.den)
712. MW DEN 1975-07-01 Spiritual Food and Finance (27:34 - 750701mw.den)
713. MW DEN 1975-07-02 Each Second a New Body (34:50 - 750702mw.den)
714. MW DEN 1975-07-03 Sometimes This Material World Is --etc (21:10 - 750703mw.den)
715. MW DET 1975-08-06 Krishna and Christ-Father & Son (7:41 - 750806mw.det)
716. MW DUR 1975-10-13 Modern Primitives (36:59 - TNA*)
717. MW GEN 1974-05-30 Free to Enjoy (27:39 - 740530mw.rom)
718. MW GEN 1974-06-02 Fighting with This Maya (26:41 - 740602mw.gen)
719. MW GEN 1974-06-05 Your Position-Conditioned! (24:43 - 740605mw.gen)
720. MW GEN 1974-06-06 One Machine Makes 100 Men Unemployed (12:40 - 740606mw.gen)
721. MW GEN 1974-06-08 The Meaning of Marriage (36:09 - 740608mw.gen)
722. MW GEN 1974-06-09 Psychology of the Human Animal (29:35 - 740609mw.par)
723. MW GER 1974-06-17 Fools' Paradise Lost (9:53 - 740617mw.ger)
724. MW GER 1974-06-21 With Prof --etc (26:50 - 740621mw.ger)
725. MW HAW 1974-01-18 We Controllers Are Getting Kicked (25:16 - 740118mw.haw)
726. MW HAW 1974-01-22 The Greatest, Grandest Father (19:35 - 740122mw.haw)
727. MW HAW 1974-02-17 Let Everyone Be Happy (29:00 -
728. MW HAW 1975-02-03 Must All Devotees Live in Temple (30:21 - 750203mw.haw)
729. MW HAW 1975-06-07 Human Sheep and Jackals (17:10 - 750607mw.hon)
730. MW HON 1976-05-12 Dance, Eat and Live Eternally (22:30 - 760512mw.hon)
731. MW HON 1976-05-15 Christians Don't Accept Christ (11:36 - 760515mw.hon)
732. MW HYD 1974-04-20 You Have Not Seen God...Liar (50:57 - 740420mw.hyd)
733. MW HYD 1974-04-22 If You Love God...Why Disobey (15:45 - 740422mw.hyd)
734. MW HYD 1974-04-23 Protect Against Degradation (23:16 - 740423mw.hyd)
735. MW HYD 1974-04-29 Miracles and MIRACLES (13:22 - 740429mw.hyd)
736. MW HYD 1975-04-06 A Perfect Disciple's Imperfection (15:26 - 750408mw.may)
737. MW HYD 1975-04-07 You Can Chant Even in Moscow (23:37 - 750407mw.may)
738. MW HYD 1975-09-25 From the Frying Pan to the Fire (22:38 - 750929mw.ahm)
739. MW JOH 1975-10-14 Mischievous Merit (20:23 - 751017mw.joh)
740. MW JOH 1975-10-18 Modern Education Makes Asses (43:05 - 751018mw.joh)
741. MW JOH 1975-10-20 I'm Happy-I'm Fool Number One (29:22 - 751020mw.joh)
742. MW JOH 1975-10-21 Abortionists-Kick Them in Nose (14:41 - 751021mw.joh)
743. MW LA 1973-04-19 The Scientists' Bluff (50:37 -
744. MW LA 1973-04-28 Greedy, Pushy Scientists (46:30 -
745. MW LA 1973-05-05 In the Ocean Frogs are Conspicuous --etc (13:23 -
746. MW LA 1973-05-13 Evolution, Devolution, and Elevation (34:43 -
747. MW LA 1973-05-13 Sudras Hear from Scientists (12:27 -
748. MW LA 1973-05-15 Science vs. Veda vs. Religion (33:06 -
749. MW LA 1973-05-17 Taking the Mystery Out of Mystic Power (37:29 -
750. MW LA 1973-12-02 What the Heart Needs (29:45 -
751. MW LA 1973-12-03 Amino Asses (32:28 -
752. MW LA 1973-12-04 Sincere Atheist-Honest Thief (43:11 -
753. MW LA 1973-12-05 Don't Do Your Own Thing (44:55 -
754. MW LA 1973-12-05 We Have Free Will (32:35 -
755. MW LA 1973-12-07 Progress Towards Darkness (57:45 -
756. MW LA 1973-12-11 Scientific Church (40:50 -
757. MW LA 1973-12-13 America Has to Stop Demonism (46:19 -
758. MW LA 1973-12-14 Demons Elected by Demons (46:21 - TNA*)
759. MW LA 1973-12-15 Philosophy of the Mad (27:16 -
760. MW LA 1973-12-16 The Absolute Need for God (26:54 -
761. MW LA 1973-12-17 Soul Science (32:25 -
762. MW LA 1973-12-18 In God We Trust-Meaning What (23:19 -
763. MW LA 1974-01-03 Cats, Dogs, Camels, Goats & Madmen (30:16 -
764. MW LA 1974-01-05 Dance, Eat and Live Eternally (31:13 -
765. MW LA 1974-01-07 What Is Real Leadership (8:22 -
766. MW LA 1974-01-09 The Night-and-Day Dream (30:47 -
767. MW LA 1974-01-10 Good and Not-so-good Brains (27:50 -
768. MW LA 1974-07-13 We Going to Produce Vaishnava Heroes (22:49 -
769. MW LA 1975-06-21 Struggling for Eternality (22:42 -
770. MW LA 1975-06-22 Dedicated to the Supreme Scientist (25:28 -
771. MW LA 1975-06-23 Varnashram College 3--Colleges for --etc (54:11 -
772. MW LA 1975-06-25 Here Is God--Why Not Accept (41:52 -
773. MW LA 1975-06-26 Hypnotized by Television or by Krishna (12:09 -
774. MW LA 1975-07-24 Progress Means When You Conquer Death (30:32 -
775. MW LA 1975-07-25 Full of Anxiety Is Not OK (32:05 -
776. MW LA 1976-06-03 Death and Dreams (11:35 -
777. MW LA 1976-06-07 Spiritual Pursuit- Purifying or Putrefying (39:41 -
778. MW LA 1976-06-08 Evolutionary Suffering (24:03 -
779. MW LON 1973-08-30 With Schoolmaster--Keeping People in Darkness (40:06 - 730830mw.lon)
780. MW LON 1975-03-11 Not Only India-The Whole World (28:38 - 750311mw.lon)
781. MW MAD 1976-01-02 Bodily Spirituality Exposed (15:59 - 760102mw.mad)
782. MW MAU 1975-10-03 Progress-Die Quickly (18:42 - 751003mw.mau)
783. MW MAU 1975-10-03 The Great Ones-All Rascals (18:18 - 751003mw.mau)
784. MW MAU 1975-10-04 The Modern Misunderstanding (15:13 - 751004mw.mau)
785. MW MAU 1975-10-05 Human Life-Don't Miss the Boat (31:23 - 751005mw.mau)
786. MW MAY 1974-03-06 Americans Must Smell a Machine (42:41 - 740306mw.may)
787. MW MAY 1974-03-09 The Spirit of the Law (30:16 - 740309mw.may)
788. MW MAY 1975-04-01 Deaf Man Thinks All Others are Deaf (20:14 - 750401mw.may)
789. MW MAY 1975-04-02 Very Expert in Misinterpreting (37:54 - 750402mw.may)
790. MW MAY 1975-04-03 High-Tech, High-Sci Rascals (37:58 - 750403mw.may)
791. MW MAY 1975-04-03 The Return Ticket Hell--Heaven--Hell (35:17 - 750403mw.may)
792. MW MAY 1975-04-04 Preparing for World War Three (23:25 - 750404mw.may)
793. MW MAY 1976-02-03 You Scientists Make the Sun Rise at --etc (29:09 - 760203mw.may)
794. MW MAY 1976-02-04 Science Makes Everybody a Fool (27:10 - 760204mw.may)
795. MW MAY 1976-02-05 Primordial Criminality (20:18 - 760205mw.may)
796. MW MAY 1976-02-06 The Fighting Philosophy (35:57 - 760206mw.may)
797. MW MAY 1976-02-09 Varnashram Dharma--How Necessary (17:46 - 760209mw.may)
798. MW MAY 1976-02-10 Ten-Handed Krishna (14:21 - 760210mw.may)
799. MW MAY 1976-02-12 Laziness Is Less than Demonic (7:21 - 760212mw.may)
800. MW MAY 1976-02-25 The Process of Disgust (29:54 - 760226mw.may)
801. MW MAY 1976-02-26 Nothing But Krishna (7:18 - 760227mw.may)
802. MW MAY 1976-03-07 Disciple-Discipline (13:09 - 760307mw.may)
803. MW MAY 1976-03-11 God Will Come If there are Devotees (22:54 - 760311mw.may)
804. MW MAY 1976-03-12 One Should Give to Temple (11:50 - 760312mw.may)
805. MW MAY 1976-03-16 What Is Next (13:49 - 760316mw.may)
806. MW MAY 1976-03-17 Brain Is Already Created (23:38 - 760317mw.may)
807. MW MAY 1976-03-18 Chance...None, (but One) (20:23 - 760318mw.may)
808. MW MEL 1974-06-29 Unlimitedly Merciful Lord (12:55 - 740629mw.mel)
809. MW MEL 1975-05-19 The Envious and the Merciful (26:36 - 750519mw.mel)
810. MW MEL 1975-05-23 The One Way to Rectify Rascals (44:59 - 750523mw.mel)
811. MW MEL 1976-04-21 The Philosophy of Cow Dung (18:22 - 760421mw.mel)
812. MW MEL 1976-04-24 Happy Suffering (11:25 - 760424mw.mel)
813. MW MEL 1976-04-26 Krishna Anxiety (19:39 - 760426mw.mel)
814. MW NEL 1976-01-03 Independent Thinking (18:04 - 760103mw.nel)
815. MW NEL 1976-01-04 Caitanya Mahaprabhu Left the --etc (14:55 - 760104mw.nel)
816. MW NEL 1976-01-06 Why Not Become a Wise Man (29:47 - 760106mw.nel)
817. MW PAR 1973-08-09 Animal Killing (11:00 - 730809cc.par)
818. MW PAR 1974-06-11 Krishna-Background of Courage (21:43 - 740611mw.par)
819. MW PAR 1974-06-12 God Is Not Dead-Your Intelligence Is Dead (31:14 - 740612mw.par)
820. MW PAR 1974-06-13 Maya-Everything Belongs to Me (29:35 - 740613mw.par)
821. MW PAR 1974-06-14 The Nonsectarian Signboard (38:38 - 740614mw.par)
822. MW PAR 1974-06-19 People Want to Banish God (27:44 - 740619mw.ger)
823. MW PAR 1975-08-12 Responsible Jackals (30:13 - 750812mw.par)
824. MW PAR 1976-08-02 Master=Slave (7:24 - 760802LE.NMR)
825. MW PER 1975-05-08 Enlightened Egoism (26:57 - 750508mw.per)
826. MW PHI 1975-07-12 Inductive Illusion (21:28 - 750712mw.phi)
827. MW PHI 1975-07-14 Our Soul Necessity (33:47 - 750714mw.phi)
828. MW ROM 1974-05-24 Relief--Only for First-class Devotees (10:08 - 740524mw.rom)
829. MW ROM 1974-05-28 Stick to Your Principles--People Will Come (38:25 - 740528mw.rom)
830. MW SD 1972-06-30 Scientists--Envious Bombastic Rascals (8:15 - 720630MW.SD)
831. MW SF 1968-03-23 Prayer for a Passionate Planet (30:44 - 680323mw.sf)
832. MW SF 1975-07-16 Become a Tree at the University (24:26 - 750716mw.sf)
833. MW SF 1975-07-17 Human Civilization--Where (30:40 - 750717mw.sf)
834. MW SF 1975-07-18 Crossing the Ocean by Becoming a Fish (30:30 - 750718mw.sf)
835. MW SF 1975-07-19 'I Have Gold' - 'I Am God' (13:57 - 750719mw.sf)
836. MW SF 1975-07-20 Life from Chemicals-Prove by Experiment (11:51 - 750720mw.sf)
837. MW SF 1975-07-21 Moon Rocks from Arizona (50:49 - 750721mw.sf)
838. MW TEH 1976-08-09 A World Run by Mad Rascals (37:00 - 760809mw.teh)
839. MW TOR 1975-08-07 Dog by Action-Human by Law (16:31 - 750807mw.tor)
840. MW TOR 1976-06-18 Dealing With the Envious (5:05 - 760618mw.tor)
841. MW TOR 1976-06-21 Everyone Wants to Become Krishna (24:31 - 760621mw.tor)
842. MW VRN 1974-03-14 Varnashram College 1--Revise Human --etc (48:54 - 740314mw.vrn)
843. MW VRN 1974-03-15 Varnashram College 2--One --etc (17:18 - 740315mw.vrn)
844. MW VRN 1974-03-17 Stop All Bogus Religion (9:18 - 740317mw.vrn)
845. MW VRN 1975-09-06 Sex Propaganda Can't Stop Death (8:42 - 750906mw.vrn)
846. MW VRN 1975-09-13 Who Made You Embodied (39:34 - 750913mw.vrn)
847. MW VRN 1975-09-15 Successful Suicide--G-Zero-D (26:33 - 750915mw.vrn)
848. MW VRN 1975-12-03 Voidists, Impersonalists (17:14 - 751203mw.vrn)
849. MW VRN 1975-12-04 Want to Imitate Rama (10:36 - 751204mw.vrn)
850. MW VRN 1975-12-10 Why Doesn't Swamiji Like Women (28:16 - 751210mw.vrn)
851. MW VRN 1975-12-11 Knowledge-To Find the Source (14:42 - 751211mw.vrn)
852. MW VRN 1975-12-12 Our Gross and Subtle Toys (24:23 - 751212mw.vrn)
853. MW VRN 1976-04-10 The Crow Tal-Fruit Controversy (10:02 - 760410mw.vrn)
854. MW WDC 1976-07-05 Bengalis--Spoiled by Vivekananda (11:14 - TNA*)
855. NOD 01 VRN 1972-10-20 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (57:36 - 721020ND.VRN)
856. NOD 02 VRN 1972-10-21 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (59:05 - 721021ND.VRN)
857. NOD 03 VRN 1972-10-24 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (56:25 - 721024ND.VRN)
858. NOD 04 VRN 1972-10-26 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (58:21 - 721026ND.VRN)
859. NOD 05 VRN 1972-10-28 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (59:42 - 721028ND.VRN)
860. NOD 08 VRN 1972-11-02 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (57:16 - 721102ND.VRN)
861. NOD 09 VRN 1972-11-04 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (57:26 - 721104ND.VRN)
862. NOD 10 VRN 1972-11-05 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (56:22 - 721105ND.VRN)
863. NOD 11 VRN 1972-11-07 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (58:16 - 721107ND.VRN)
864. NOD 12 VRN 1972-11-08 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (56:29 - 721108ND.VRN)
865. NOD 13 VRN 1972-11-10 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (58:38 - 721110ND.VRN)
866. NOD 14 VRN 1972-11-12 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (41:25 - 721112ND.VRN)
867. NOD 15 VRN 1972-11-13 The Complete Science of Bhakti-Yoga (46:59 - 721113ND.VRN)
868. NOD Lect BOM 1972-12-28 Surrender to Krishna or Crocodiles (49:46 - 721228ND.BOM)
869. NOD Lect BOM 1973-01-05 Why Krishna Spoke to a --etc (34:44 - 730105ND.BOM)
870. NOD Lect CAL 1973-01-25 Remember Krsna--and Never Forget Him (39:52 - 730125ND.CAL)
871. NOD Lect CAL 1973-01-27 The Common Cause Is Krishna (21:03 - 730127ND.CAL)
872. NOD Lect LA 1970-06-23 We Don't Want Petty Gods (9:25 - 700623ND.LA)
873. NOD Lect VRN 1972-10-23 An Advanced Devotee Never --etc (39:20 - 721023ND.VRN)
874. NOD Lect VRN 1972-10-27 From Low-Grade Society to the --etc (37:31 - 721027ND.VRN)
875. NOD Lect VRN 1972-10-29 The Mental Culture of Krsna --etc (34:10 - 721029ND.VRN)
876. NOD Lect VRN 1972-11-01 Devotion Is Action Without Designation (36:12 - 721101ND.VRN)
877. NOD Lect VRN 1972-11-03 People Want Hodgepodge--Not --etc (33:36 - 721103ND.VRN)
878. NOD Lect VRN 1972-11-06 Advantages of Taking to Krsna --etc (33:26 - 721106ND.VRN)
879. NOD Lect VRN 1972-11-09 Dance with Krishna--Not Alone --etc (34:43 - 721109ND.VRN)
880. NOD Lect VRN 1972-11-11 Engage All Beautiful Women in --etc (31:24 - 721111ND.VRN)
881. NOD Pg-10 BOM 1972-12-26 Transcendental Morality (33:49 - 721226ND.BOM)
882. NOD Pg-12 BOM 1972-12-27 Real Liberation Is Bhakti-Yoga (28:52 - 721227ND.BOM)
883. NOD Pg-12 BOM 1972-12-28 The Superiority of Devotional Mellows (52:43 - 721228ND.BOM)
884. NOD Pg-13 BOM 1973-01-01 What Devotees Want and Don't Want (33:17 - 730101ND.BOM)
885. NOD Pg-13 BOM 1973-01-04 Without KC There Cannot Be Bliss (48:00 - 730104ND.BOM)
886. NOD Pg-14 BOM 1973-01-05 Invoking Natural Love to Krishna (33:02 - 730105ND.BOM)
887. NOD Pg-17 BOM 1973-01-07 Somehow or Other --etc (34:11 - 730107ND.BOM)
888. NOD Pg-19 BOM 1973-01-11 If You Don't Serve God (33:48 - 730111ND.BOM)
889. NOD Pg-32 CAL 1973-01-29 Three Kinds of Happiness (34:19 - 730129ND.CAL)
890. NOD Pg-33 CAL 1973-01-30 A Devotee's Pleasure (32:27 - 730130ND.CAL)
891. NOD Pg-35 CAL 1973-01-31 Real Self-Interest (21:51 - 730131ND.CAL)
892. RC ATL 1975-02-28 Svarupa Damodar--Research Means Rascal (30:43 - 750228rc.atl)
893. RC ATL 1975-03-01 Prof of Religion--Everyone Creating --etc (44:26 - 750301r2.atl)
894. RC ATL 1975-03-01 Svarupa Damodar--Origin of Specious Theories (65:02 - 750301r3.atl)
895. RC ATL 1975-03-01 Svarupa Damodar--Science-No Chance (25:51 - 750228rc.atl)
896. RC AUC 1976-04-27 Wildcats and Special Rascals (14:10 - 760427rc.auc)
897. RC BHU 1977-01-25 Sex and Salt May Be Bad for You- Not Krishna (30:17 - 770125rc.pur)
898. RC BHU 1977-01-31 The Great Soul (13:13 - 770131rc.bhu)
899. RC BHU 1977-02-02 Svarupa Damodar--Very Artificial Intelligence (56:19 - TNA*)
900. RC BHU 1977-02-03 Jesus Christ--We Give Christ All Honor (7:23 - 770203rc.bhu)
901. RC BOM 1973-10-04 Evolving Toward Perfection (15:24 -
902. RC BOM 1973-10-26 At Airport--That Is Not Perfection (17:29 -
903. RC BOM 1976-08-14 Fertile Brain-Rather Be a Fool (57:34 -
904. RC BOM 1976-08-14 Spreading Krishna's Instructions (28:15 -
905. RC BOM 1976-08-16 Prestige-No Match for Karma (21:02 -
906. RC BOM 1977-01-02 You Have Performed the Greatest Miracle (35:21 -
907. RC BOM 1977-01-05 Krishna Gives Sincere Right Guru (35:59 - 770105R2.BOM)
908. RC BOM 1977-01-08 Relief from the Body (30:24 -
909. RC BOM 1977-01-09 Everyone is Trying to Become Krishna (30:19 -
910. RC BOM 1977-01-09 Yogi--Accept No Fakirs, No Substitutes (30:17 -
911. RC BOM 1977-03-23 Krishna Culture (22:04 -
912. RC BOM 1977-04-01 From Skyscraper Constructor to --etc (16:45 -
913. RC BOM 1977-04-04 Unlock the Universal Science (59:24 -
914. RC BOM 1977-04-17 Beyond Sense Perception (12:45 - TNA*)
915. RC BOM 1977-04-17 Do Some Preaching (16:01 -
916. RC BOM 1977-04-24 Service to Man-Service to God (50:36 -
917. RC BOM 1977-04-25 Go to the Dogs or the Gita (5:05 -
918. RC BOM 1977-04-28 Animal Expertise (11:56 -
919. RC BOS 1969-04-29 Hippies May Be Sinners But We Raise Them (10:26 - 690429rc.bos)
920. RC CAR 1975-02-19 Profs--A Perfect Master (46:07 -
921. RC CAR 1975-02-19 Profs--One Perfect Can Teach Thousands (23:02 -
922. RC CAR 1975-02-21 Metaphysics Society--Atma and Super-Atma (45:54 -
923. RC CAR 1975-02-22 Psychiatrist--If the Driver Is Defective (28:14 -
924. RC CHA 1976-10-14 Next Body-Are You Not Afraid (28:39 - 761014gc.cha)
925. RC CHI 1975-07-04 Mayor of Evanston--Administrators --etc (37:23 - 750704rc.chi)
926. RC CHI 1975-07-05 CHI Police Dept.--How to Prevent Crime (39:49 - 750705r2.chi)
927. RC CHI 1975-07-05 Editor of Playboy Magazine--Can a --etc (56:05 - 750705rc.chi)
928. RC CHI 1975-07-09 Can You Pass a Resolution (40:18 - 750709rc.chi)
929. RC COL 1969-05-10 Follow Christ or Buddha or Krishna --etc (11:59 - 690510rc.col)
930. RC COL 1969-05-10 Seed of Frustration (58:53 - 690510rc.col)
931. RC COL 1969-05-11 Allen Ginsberg--Freedom Is Frustration (32:50 - 690511rc.col)
932. RC COL 1969-05-12 Allen Ginsberg--Our Krishna is Love (61:20 - 690512rc.col)
933. RC COL 1969-05-13 Allen Ginsberg--Walk Through Kali Yuga (39:26 - 690513rc.col)
934. RC COL 1969-05-14 Allen Ginsberg--The Senses Come to --etc (33:39 - 690514rc.col)
935. RC DEL 1973-11-01 These Miseries Will Follow You (6:47 - 731101rc.del)
936. RC DEL 1973-11-02 High Words Will Not Do (9:49 - 731102rc.del)
937. RC DEL 1973-11-03 Krishna's Special Favor Upon Srila Prabhupada (31:14 - 731103rc.del)
938. RC DEL 1975-12-14 All Doing the Same Business (17:15 - 751214rc.del)
939. RC DET 1976-06-14 Animal Civilization (57:28 - 760614gc.det)
940. RC DET 1976-06-15 Priests--Handicapped By Mundane Piety (37:28 - 760615r4.det)
941. RC DUR 1975-10-10 Prof--This Body Is Always Dead (67:23 - 751010rc.dur)
942. RC DUR 1975-10-13 Why No More Men from Apes (19:36 - TNA*)
943. RC DUR 1975-10-15 Dogs' Obstinacy (15:54 - 751015rc.joh)
944. RC FIJ 1976-05-01 President Big-Pig (19:32 - 760501rc.fij)
945. RC GEN 1974-05-31 Hatha-yoga Teacher--Submission --etc (25:49 - 740531rc.gen)
946. RC GEN 1974-05-31 U.N. International Labor --etc (57:29 - 740531r2.gen)
947. RC GEN 1974-06-04 Biochemist--Scientific and Spiritual-Unite (34:59 - 740604rc.gen)
948. RC GEN 1974-06-04 Prof of Sanskrit--Avatars Come to --etc (26:17 - 740604rc.gen)
949. RC GEN 1974-06-05 Nuclear Physicist--Spiritual Physics (29:33 - 740605rc.gen)
950. RC GEN 1974-06-05 Protestant Leaders--Love God, Love --etc (12:09 - 740605r2.gen)
951. RC GER 1974-06-19 Prof Durckheim 1--Outside the --etc (7:44 - 740619rc.ger)
952. RC GER 1974-06-19 Prof Durckheim 2--Take the Name of --etc (44:06 - 740619rc.ger)
953. RC GER 1974-06-22 Monk--Krishna's Name Accepted by Jesus (33:56 - 740622rc.ger)
954. RC HAW 1975-06-07 Yogi Bhajan--Looking Toward Unity of Men (58:28 - 750607rc.hon)
955. RC HK 1975-01-26 Children--This Is Yoga (15:40 - TNA*)
956. RC HON 1976-05-03 Making Common Cause for Krishna (32:45 - 760503rc.hon)
957. RC HON 1976-05-04 That Rascal-Mao Tse-Tung (40:55 - 760504rc.hon)
958. RC HRI 1977-05-09 Don't Be a Dog-Be a Guru (52:04 - 770509ed.hri)
959. RC HRI 1977-05-11 Krishna Is That One (28:58 - 770511ed.hri)
960. RC HRI 1977-05-12 Every Village, Neighborhood, Home --etc (42:56 - 770512ed.hri)
961. RC HRI 1977-05-13 Real Mystic Power (28:49 - 770513ed.hri)
962. RC HRI 1977-05-14 Dry Land in Ocean of Faults (17:31 - 770514ed.hri)
963. RC HYD 1975-04-12 Sannyasa Mentality (9:37 - 750412r2.hyd)
964. RC HYD 1975-04-12 You Cannot Preach Your Philosophy (33:47 - 750412rc.hyd)
965. RC HYD 1975-04-14 Supreme Science, Supreme Music (47:13 - 750414rc.hyd)
966. RC HYD 1976-08-22 A Favorable Newspaper Article (55:19 - 760822rc.hyd)
967. RC HYD 1976-08-22 Government Minister--Relief from --etc (26:55 - 760822rc.hyd)
968. RC HYD 1976-08-22 Government Ministers--Government --etc (34:40 - 760822r3.hyd)
969. RC HYD 1976-08-24 Sweepers, Lepers, and Government Ministers (25:15 - 760824r2.hyd)
970. RC HYD 1976-08-25 There Is An Eternal World (19:38 - 760825rc.hyd)
971. RC HYD 1976-12-03 Evening Darshan (41:15 - 761203ed.hyd)
972. RC HYD 1976-12-10 Love Feast Was Beginning (31:54 - 761210rc.hyd)
973. RC HYD 1976-12-10 Scientists Etiquette... Don't Talk of God (41:12 - 761203ed.hyd)
974. RC JOH 1975-10-14 Monkeys Produced Man--and You Call --etc (15:26 - 751014rc.joh)
975. RC JOH 1975-10-16 People Follow Leader (22:11 - 751016rc.joh)
976. RC JOH 1975-10-21 Border Between Matter & Spirit (9:35 - 751021rc.joh)
977. RC LA 1973-12-09 Prof--A Little Krishna Consciousness --etc (30:19 -
978. RC LA 1975-06-20 These Are Krishna's Books (28:10 - 750620AR.LA)
979. RC LA 1975-06-22 Dr. Gerson--Happiness Is for the Devotees (55:19 -
980. RC LA 1975-06-23 Philosopher--Bad Allowed by the All-Good (60:28 -
981. RC LA 1975-06-24 Profs--Bird-Brained Scholarship (58:51 -
982. RC LA 1975-06-25 God Is As Sure As Death (6:59 -
983. RC LA 1976-06-08 Prabhupada's Journey to America (49:52 -
984. RC LA 1976-06-09 The Huge Little Chance (34:25 -
985. RC LB 1975-07-26 We Cannot Possess and Renounce (60:47 -
986. RC LON 1969-09-11 Harrison, Lennon & Yoko Ono (57:55 - 690911rc.lon)
987. RC LON 1973-07-09 Act According to Krishna's Whims (45:08 - 730709r3.lon)
988. RC LON 1973-07-09 Slaughterhouse School (56:58 - 730709r2.lon)
989. RC LON 1973-07-09 Where is the Education About Our Future Life (45:00 - 730709rc.lon)
990. RC LON 1973-07-10 Prof. Waddell of Private Boys --etc (47:29 - 730710rc.lon)
991. RC LON 1973-07-11 Educationists--The Greatest Gain (37:20 - 730711r6.lon)
992. RC LON 1973-07-11 Guest & Devotees--Yoga- Feeling --etc (31:53 - 730711r4.lon)
993. RC LON 1973-07-11 Guest--Young Wise Men, Old Hypocrites (33:03 - 730711rc.lon)
994. RC LON 1973-07-12 Schoolmaster--Krishna-More than Nirvana (82:32 - 730712r2.lon)
995. RC LON 1973-07-19 Rasas-Variety of Liking Krishna (10:10 - 730719rc.lon)
996. RC LON 1973-07-21 Alastair Hardy--It Is Also Vedic Literature (28:30 - 730721rc.lon)
997. RC LON 1973-07-22 Dr. Arnold Toynbee, --etc (47:08 - 730722rc.lon)
998. RC LON 1973-07-23 Lord Brockway--Our Service Bring Suffering (61:35 - 730723rc.lon)
999. RC LON 1973-07-24 Reporter--Violent Nonviolence (45:45 - 730724rc.lon)
1000. RC LON 1973-07-25 Devotee's Mother and Jesuit Priest (28:36 - 730725gc.lon)
1001. RC LON 1973-07-26 Schumacher & Popworth--Purifying --etc (41:53 - 730726rc.lon)
1002. RC LON 1973-08-30 Schoolmaster--Everybody Is Chanting (4:04 - 730830rc.lon)
1003. RC LON 1973-08-31 God Is One-Is Religion Two (29:52 - 730831rc.lon)
1004. RC LON 1973-09-01 Radharani Recommends to Krishna (19:06 - 730901rc.lon)
1005. RC LON 1973-09-02 We Can Defy All the Rascals (33:15 - 730902rc.lon)
1006. RC LON 1975-03-09 Reporter--Produce Food or Problems (22:32 - 750309rc.lon)
1007. RC LON 1976-07-26 The Next Life (25:52 - 760726r2.lon)
1008. RC LON 1976-07-27 A Wrong Civilization (8:13 - 760726r2.lon)
1009. RC MAU 1975-10-04 Students--Death-The Ultimate Philosophy (49:47 - 751004rc.mau)
1010. RC MAU 1975-10-05 Blueprint for a Blissful Life (58:49 - 751005rc.mau)
1011. RC MAY 1975-03-23 Bhaktivinode Predicted Someone (13:40 - 750323AR.MAY)
1012. RC MAY 1975-03-30 Entering the Family of Krishna (34:39 - 750330rc.may)
1013. RC MAY 1975-04-01 Theologian Speculators (61:29 - 750401rc.may)
1014. RC MAY 1975-04-04 They Are Envious of Me (15:45 - 750404rc.may)
1015. RC MAY 1976-01-16 Science-Dogmatic Foolishness (19:57 - 760116rc.may)
1016. RC MAY 1977-02-16 The Secret of Safety (6:44 - 770216r2.may)
1017. RC MEL 1974-06-28 Priest--Tests for Godliness (30:24 - 740628r2.mel)
1018. RC MEL 1974-06-29 Bishop--Original Sin -- Original Sanctity (26:43 - 740629rc.mel)
1019. RC MEL 1974-06-29 Transcendental Psychiatry (25:55 - 740629rc.mel)
1020. RC MEL 1974-07-01 Bhurijana and Others--Cooking Smoke --etc (25:18 - 740701rc.mel)
1021. RC MEL 1974-07-02 Scientists--Scientist Who Made Your Brain (26:28 - 740702r2.mel)
1022. RC MEL 1974-07-02 World Wars I and II--Caused by --etc (27:49 - 740702rc.mel)
1023. RC MEL 1975-05-19 Mystic Concoction vs. Spiritual Vision (25:29 - 750519r2.mel)
1024. RC MEL 1975-05-19 When Looking Inward is Looking Outward (31:21 - 751008rc.dur)
1025. RC MEL 1975-05-21 Director of Research--Vox --etc (47:04 - 750521rc.mel)
1026. RC MEL 1975-05-22 Lawyers--If One Doesn't Know What --etc (61:50 - 750522rc.mel)
1027. RC MEL 1976-04-20 Who Is Within the Body (58:04 - 760420rc.mel)
1028. RC MEL 1976-04-23 Cleanse the Core of the Heart (40:03 - 760423rc.mel)
1029. RC MEX 1975-02-12 Sanskrit Prof--Bona Fide or Bogus (49:23 - 750212rc.mex)
1030. RC MEX 1975-02-13 Sanskrit Prof--Why Is There Anything (59:23 - 750213rc.mex)
1031. RC MEX 1975-02-15 Philosopher-Yogi--Psychology for --etc (14:49 - 750215rc.mex)
1032. RC NAI 1975-10-29 Serving Krishna-Feeding Stomach (27:09 - 751029r2.nai)
1033. RC NAI 1975-11-01 Lord's Gigantic Body (12:56 - 751101mw.nai)
1034. RC NEL 1976-01-03 Napoleon-Drink Horse Urine (19:09 - 760103rc.nel)
1035. RC NEL 1976-01-08 Special Eyes (15:03 - 760108rc.nel)
1036. RC NM 1976-08-03 Prodigal Sons and Silly Jackals (28:14 - 760803RC.NMR)
1037. RC NV 1976-06-22 Cloudburst vs. Tap Water (58:31 - 760622gc.nv)
1038. RC NV 1976-06-24 Plain Living, High Thinking (57:52 - 760624rc.nv)
1039. RC NV 1976-06-24 You Enjoy and Forget Goal (6:05 - 760624rc.nv)
1040. RC NV 1976-06-28 Bhavans Journal-1 Society Going to the Dogs (59:54 - 760628bj.nv)
1041. RC NV 1976-06-28 Bhavans Journal-2 Innocent, --etc (60:02 - 760628bj.nv)
1042. RC NV 1976-06-28 Bhavans Journal-3 Go to the Real Guru (60:00 - 760628bj.nv)
1043. RC NV 1976-06-28 Bhavans Journal-4 Sanctity for the Sinful (60:16 - 760628bj.nv)
1044. RC NV 1976-06-28 Bhavans Journal-5 What Is the Sign --etc (39:02 - 760628bj.nv)
1045. RC NV 1976-07-01 Religious or Wretched (21:41 - 760702rc.nv)
1046. RC NY 1976-07-11 Animal Killers Will Never Understand God (8:03 - 760711ed.ny)
1047. RC NY 1976-07-11 Can God Directly Talk to Man (18:00 - 760711ed.ny)
1048. RC NY 1976-07-11 Christ-Our Guru (12:08 - 760711ed.ny)
1049. RC NY 1976-07-13 Love-- Perverted or Pure (47:45 - 760713ed.ny)
1050. RC NY 1976-07-17 Krishna- Supreme or Second-Best (29:49 - 760717rc.ny)
1051. RC PAR 1973-08-09 Priest, Cardinal Danielou--Thou --etc (27:50 - 730809r2.par)
1052. RC PAR 1973-08-10 Daughter of French Author--Doggish Knowledge (28:07 - 730810rc.par)
1053. RC PAR 1973-08-11 Our Freedom-God's Flaw (18:15 - 730811rc.par)
1054. RC PAR 1973-08-11 UNESCO Worker--Simply Wasting Time --etc (36:15 - 730810r2.par)
1055. RC PAR 1973-08-12 Recalling a Life of Pure Devotion (26:26 - TNA*)
1056. RC PAR 1973-08-13 About Guru Maharaji--What to Do --etc (15:31 - 730813r3.par)
1057. RC PAR 1973-08-13 French Nun--First-Class Mysticism (15:35 - 730813r4.par)
1058. RC PAR 1973-08-13 Rosicrucians--Vague, Bogus...A Waste of Time (28:05 - 730813r2.par)
1059. RC PAR 1973-08-13 Sanskrit Prof.--Any Sane Man Will --etc (13:22 - 730813rc.par)
1060. RC PAR 1974-06-09 How to Experience the Supreme (61:10 - 740609RC.PAR)
1061. RC PAR 1974-06-11 Let Cows Die Naturally (18:19 - 740611rc.par)
1062. RC PAR 1974-06-11 Slaughterhouse Civilization (32:30 - 740611r2.par)
1063. RC PAR 1974-06-12 Communist --etc (41:49 - 740612rc.par)
1064. RC PAR 1974-06-12 French Poet--Flies Want to Enjoy the Fire (14:25 - TNA*)
1065. RC PAR 1974-06-13 Buddhist Deshimaru--Zen and the --etc (51:44 - 740613rc.par)
1066. RC PAR 1974-06-13 Russian Orthodox Church--Moral --etc (17:55 - 740613r2.par)
1067. RC PAR 1974-06-14 Prof--In Every Town and Village (62:28 - 740614rc.par)
1068. RC PAR 1974-06-15 About Kali-yuga In the --etc (46:54 - 740615rc.par)
1069. RC PAR 1974-06-15 Buddhist--You Cannot Change God (25:51 - 740615r2.par)
1070. RC PAR 1976-07-31 Vedic Civilization vs. None (36:15 - 760802R3.NMR)
1071. RC PAR 1976-08-02 Becoming Guru (6:46 - 760802R2.NMR)
1072. RC PAR 1976-08-02 Gurukula Teachers (9:12 - 760802R2.NMR)
1073. RC PAR 1976-08-03 Satisfaction- Without Science, Sex, --etc (22:12 - 760803R2.NMR)
1074. RC PER 1975-05-08 Philosopher--Drug Philosophy - --etc (27:20 - 750508rc.per)
1075. RC PER 1975-05-12 Psychiatrist and Indian --etc (20:31 - 750512rc.per)
1076. RC PER 1975-05-14 Geographer--No Grain-Will You Eat Money (46:14 - 750514r2.per)
1077. RC PER 1975-05-16 Alcohol & Drug Hospital--Send All --etc (29:48 - 750516rc.per)
1078. RC PHI 1975-07-13 Prof Thomas J. Hopkins--The Churn --etc (61:12 - 750713rc.phi)
1079. RC PHI 1975-07-13 You Are Reborn At Every Moment (5:40 - 750713r3.phi)
1080. RC ROM 1974-05-23 Irish Poet--Dog-ism, Cat-ism (48:38 - 740523rc.rom)
1081. RC ROM 1974-05-24 Rascal Leasers .. Putting People into Chaos (36:08 - 740524r2.rom)
1082. RC ROM 1974-05-24 Secretary to the Pope--Love for --etc (43:41 - 740524rc.rom)
1083. RC ROM 1974-05-24 The Head of the Social Body Must be Clean (45:14 - 740524r2.rom)
1084. RC SAN 1975-12-26 Hampered Enjoyment (49:48 - 751226rf.san)
1085. RC SD 1972-06-29 Wherever You Go ...Your Fortune or --etc (50:17 -
1086. RC SF 1967-04-05 Part 1 Outline of Lord Caitanya Play (54:01 - 670405lc.sf)
1087. RC SF 1967-04-05 Part 2 Outline of Lord Caitanya Play (53:35 - 670405lc.sf)
1088. RC STO 1973-09-10 Psychiatrist--Ours Is a Psychiatric Movement (14:24 - 730910rc.sto)
1089. RC TEH 1975-03-13 Canadian Ambassador to --etc (46:48 - 750313rc.teh)
1090. RC TEH 1975-03-13 Indians--Only Krishna Should Be Satisfied (44:31 - 750313r2.teh)
1091. RC TEH 1975-03-14 Yoga Student--The Clear Conception of God (150:21 - 750314rc.teh)
1092. RC TEH 1976-08-09 Highly Elevated Vultures (58:50 - 760809ed.teh)
1093. RC TEH 1976-08-09 The 'Good of Humanity' (19:47 - 760809mw.teh)
1094. RC TEH 1976-08-10 Satisfy Krishna (59:24 - 760810ed.teh)
1095. RC TEH 1976-08-10 Small Can Fall-Wise Can Rise (59:06 - 760810ed.teh)
1096. RC TEH 1976-08-11 Progress Means Problems (57:28 - 760811ed.teh)
1097. RC TEH 1976-08-12 God Is Great-How Great (59:39 - 760812ed.teh)
1098. RC TOK 1975-01-27 'Mixture' Means Mixer (10:41 - 750127rc.tok)
1099. RC TOR 1976-06-18 Don't Screw Out Your Concocted Meaning (46:50 - 760618iv.tor)
1100. RC TOR 1976-06-18 Prof O'Connell--Real Education is --etc (35:53 - 760618iv.tor)
1101. RC VRN 1973-10-31 Glories of the Supreme Lord (8:38 - 731031rc.vrn)
1102. RC VRN 1974-02-06 Gurudas--Krishna & Guru-Not in Every Birth (19:16 - 740206RC.VRN)
1103. RC VRN 1975-04-20 Governor--The State Should Train Men (33:29 - 750420rc.vrn)
1104. RC VRN 1976-09-04 Happy Within Yourself (5:02 - 760904rc.vrn)
1105. RC VRN 1976-09-07 Spiritual Happiness and Suicidal Monkey (13:13 - 760907rc.vrn)
1106. RC VRN 1976-09-09 Chastity vs. Change-O-Mania (13:09 - 760909r2.vrn)
1107. RC VRN 1976-09-09 What Have They (Godbrothers) Done (7:47 - 760909r2.vrn)
1108. RC VRN 1976-09-29 Doctor--Fact, Faith, Foolishness (10:59 - 760929rc.vrn)
1109. RC VRN 1976-11-03 Sex Education-Wasting Time (14:32 - 761103rc.vrn)
1110. RC VRN 1976-11-04 Nobody Is Satisfied Income (11:39 - 761104rc.vrn)
1111. RC VRN 1976-11-05 Gurukula Guidelines (32:16 - 761105rc.vrn)
1112. RC VRN 1976-11-13 Vote for the Hare Krishna's (21:44 - 761113rc.vrn)
1113. RC VRN 1976-11-20 Skyscraper Thoughts Dangerous (12:29 - 761120rc.vrn)
1114. RC WDC 1976-07-02 Prabhupada Respecting Prasadam--We --etc (10:12 - 760702ar.wdc)
1115. RC WDC 1976-07-05 Prof--Righteous-Roguish (20:56 - 760705rc.wdc)
1116. RC WDC 1976-07-06 Svarupa Damodar--Matter and the Glance of God (32:17 - TNA*)
1117. RC WDC 1976-07-07 From Mental Speculator to Mahatma (60:10 - 760707ed.wdc)
1118. RC WDC 1976-07-07 Prof--Rascals Know Everything Except God (60:00 - 760707ed.wdc)
1119. RC WDC 1976-07-07 Scientists--Two Grains of Sand on --etc (29:04 - 760707rc.bal)
1120. RC WDC 1976-07-08 Government of the Rascals, by the Rascals (57:30 - 760708ed.wdc)
1121. RC WDC 1976-07-08 S. Damodar--Life Comes By the --etc (13:08 - 760708r2.wdc)
1122. SB 1-01-01 CAR 1975-02-20 Increasing Your Problems (28:05 - 750220SB.CAR)
1123. SB 1-01-01 CAR 1975-02-21 The Car Is Ford-But Ford Is --etc (31:50 - 750221SB.CAR)
1124. SB 1-01-02 CAR 1975-02-23 You Are Always Dependent on --etc (27:51 - 750223SB.CAR)
1125. SB 1-01-03 CAR 1975-02-24 There is No Religion Except --etc (35:57 - 750224SB.CAR)
1126. SB 1-01-19 AUC 1973-02-20 The Acharya Knows How to --etc (37:43 - 730220sb.auc)
1127. SB 1-02-02 ROM 1974-05-26 The Supreme Destination Is --etc (33:34 - 740526SB.ROM)
1128. SB 1-02-03 ROM 1974-05-27 Darkness Of Disobedience (32:41 - 740527SB.ROM)
1129. SB 1-02-04 ROM 1974-05-28 'Riverside --etc (19:51 - 740528SB.ROM)
1130. SB 1-02-05 ALI 1976-10-09 The Religion Above All Cheating (30:14 - 761009SB.ALI)
1131. SB 1-02-05 DEL 1973-11-11 The Ultimate Gain in Life (33:54 - 731111SB.DEL)
1132. SB 1-02-05 NV 1972-09-04 This Bhagavatam Culture is --etc (44:18 - 720904SB.NV)
1133. SB 1-02-06 CAL 1972-02-23 The Spirit of Giving to --etc (16:53 - 720223SB.CAL)
1134. SB 1-02-06 CAL 1974-02-27 Krishna Takes Only the --etc (33:40 - 740227SB.CAL)
1135. SB 1-02-06 DEL 1973-11-12 Toward Perfect Peace of Mind (33:50 - 731112SB.DEL)
1136. SB 1-02-06 HYD 1974-04-18 Bhakti Is Not a Business (23:03 - 740418SB.HYD)
1137. SB 1-02-06 LON 1973-07-23 East and West Should Cooperate (31:46 - 730723SB.LON)
1138. SB 1-02-06 MAU 1975-10-05 Our Superior Engagement (52:08 - 751005SB.MAU)
1139. SB 1-02-06 NV 1972-09-05 This Nice Car Is Rotten (45:57 - 720905SB.NV)
1140. SB 1-02-06 ROM 1974-05-24 Body-isms Like 'Democracy' --etc (43:28 - 740524SB.ROM)
1141. SB 1-02-07 DEL 1973-11-13 Understand God from God (33:47 - 731113SB.DEL)
1142. SB 1-02-07 HYD 1974-04-21 Understand Your Position (41:11 - 740421SB.HYD)
1143. SB 1-02-08 HYD 1974-04-22 Duty...or a Waste of Time (36:31 - 740422SB.HYD)
1144. SB 1-02-08 NV 1972-09-06 Spiritualize Your Subtle Body (45:11 - 720906SB.NV)
1145. SB 1-02-09 DEL 1973-11-14 Real Dharma-It's Not Karma (33:28 - 731114SB.DEL)
1146. SB 1-02-09 DET 1975-08-02 Can Sugar Not be Sweet (47:30 - 750803S2.DET)
1147. SB 1-02-09 HYD 1974-04-23 Illusion Realized (34:13 - 740423SB.HYD)
1148. SB 1-02-09 NV 1972-09-07 The Art of Knowing What to --etc (47:33 - 720907SB.NV)
1149. SB 1-02-09 VRN 1972-10-20 Everyone Can Serve Krishna (35:28 - 721020SB.VRN)
1150. SB 1-02-10 DEL 1973-11-16 Love Comes from Krishna (27:58 - 731116SB.DEL)
1151. SB 1-02-10 VRN 1972-10-21 No Industrial Development (31:11 - 721021SB.VRN)
1152. SB 1-02-11 VRN 1972-10-22 The Last Word in Understanding (31:21 - 721022SB.VRN)
1153. SB 1-02-12 DEL 1973-11-18 Qualifying to Dance with Krishna (48:13 - 731118SB.DEL)
1154. SB 1-02-12 LA 1972-08-15 Become Very Eager to See Krishna (17:16 - 720815SB.LA)
1155. SB 1-02-12 VRN 1972-10-23 Beyond Business of Hogs and Dogs (43:00 - 721023SB.VRN)
1156. SB 1-02-13 VRN 1972-10-24 If Krishna Says All --etc (27:45 - 721024SB.VRN)
1157. SB 1-02-14 LA 1972-08-17 Make Four Social Classes (32:20 - 720817SB.LA)
1158. SB 1-02-15 LA 1972-08-18 Cutting the Knots of Karma (28:27 - 720818SB.LA)
1159. SB 1-02-16 LA 1972-08-19 The Way to Go Back to Godhead (28:14 - 720819SB.LA)
1160. SB 1-02-16 VRN 1972-10-27 Developing Taste for the --etc (33:13 - 721027SB.VRN)
1161. SB 1-02-17 LA 1972-08-20 Krsna Is Selfish-- He Wants --etc (27:55 - 720820SB.LA)
1162. SB 1-02-17 NY 1966-03-25 Krishna Is Omnipotent (55:57 - 670325SB.SF)
1163. SB 1-02-17 VRN 1972-10-28 Taking Help from the Friend --etc (32:45 - 721028SB.VRN)
1164. SB 1-02-18 CAL 1974-09-26 Hear Krishna's Glories-Be Cleansed (29:16 - 740926SB.CAL)
1165. SB 1-02-18 LA 1972-08-21 The Choice-Krishna or Maya (30:40 - 720821SB.LA)
1166. SB 1-02-18 VRN 1972-10-29 All That Is Troublesome to --etc (34:48 - 721029SB.VRN)
1167. SB 1-02-19 CAL 1974-09-27 Understanding-Krishna's Mercy (34:51 - 740927SB.CAL)
1168. SB 1-02-19 LA 1972-08-22 The Bhakti Lift to Love and --etc (31:30 - 720822SB.LA)
1169. SB 1-02-19 VRN 1972-10-30 Above Nature's Modes... to Happiness (33:58 - 721030SB.VRN)
1170. SB 1-02-20 LA 1972-08-23 Spiritual Life Is Scientific (23:45 - 720823SB.LA)
1171. SB 1-02-20 VRN 1972-10-31 Spiritual Life Means Joyfulness (31:51 - 721031SB.VRN)
1172. SB 1-02-21 LA 1972-08-24 In This Material World We --etc (18:58 - 720824SB.LA)
1173. SB 1-02-21 VRN 1972-11-01 Untying the Knot Between --etc (31:27 - 721101SB.VRN)
1174. SB 1-02-22 LA 1972-08-25 A First-class Devotee Is --etc (21:48 - 720825SB.LA)
1175. SB 1-02-22 VRN 1972-11-02 Enlivening to the Self (27:29 - 721102SB.VRN)
1176. SB 1-02-23 LA 1972-08-26 The Material World-A Chance (26:14 - 720826SB.LA)
1177. SB 1-02-23 VRN 1972-11-03 How to Derive the Ultimate Benefit (24:55 - 721103SB.VRN)
1178. SB 1-02-24 LA 1972-08-27 How to See the Absolute Truth (33:00 - 720827SB.LA)
1179. SB 1-02-24 VRN 1972-11-04 Rising Beyond the Modes (29:00 - 721104SB.VRN)
1180. SB 1-02-25 LA 1972-08-28 Paltry Research Work (24:27 - 720828SB.LA)
1181. SB 1-02-25 VRN 1972-11-05 Impersonalists Misguide People (31:23 - 721105SB.VRN)
1182. SB 1-02-26 VRN 1972-11-06 People Are Being Killed (30:01 - 721106SB.VRN)
1183. SB 1-02-27 VRN 1972-11-07 Devotee Doesn't Want Anything (31:30 - 721107SB.VRN)
1184. SB 1-02-28 VRN 1972-11-08 Kamsa's and Ravana's Secular State (36:03 - 721108SB.VRN)
1185. SB 1-02-30 VRN 1972-11-09 We Are Controlled (28:52 - 721109SB.VRN)
1186. SB 1-02-31 VRN 1972-11-10 Getting in Touch With Krishna (22:02 - 721110SB.VRN)
1187. SB 1-02-32 VRN 1972-11-11 Oneness Is Variety (31:50 - 721111SB.VRN)
1188. SB 1-02-33 VRN 1972-11-12 Subtle Cosmic Button-Pusher (28:26 - 721112SB.VRN)
1189. SB 1-02-34 VRN 1972-11-13 The Rascals' Business...Is --etc (31:44 - 721113SB.VRN)
1190. SB 1-03-01 SF 1968-03-28 God Has No Body Like Ours (45:02 - 680328SB.SF)
1191. SB 1-03-01 VRN 1972-11-14 Our Eternal Position (31:52 - 721114SB.VRN)
1192. SB 1-03-07 LA 1972-09-13 Krishna Will Save You (23:36 - 720913SB.LA)
1193. SB 1-03-10 LA 1972-09-16 Modern Facilities-Beneficial --etc (31:03 - 720916SB.LA)
1194. SB 1-03-11 LA 1972-09-17 How a Devotee Approaches Krishna (14:37 - 720917SB.LA)
1195. SB 1-03-13 LA 1972-09-18 You Must First Be Gentle (29:59 - 720918SB.LA)
1196. SB 1-03-14 LA 1972-09-19 Today's Civilized Man--Less --etc (25:22 - 720919SB.LA)
1197. SB 1-03-15 LA 1972-09-20 Don't Be Carried Away by Maya (29:43 - 720920SB.LA)
1198. SB 1-03-16 LA 1972-09-21 Don't Think You Are All in All (13:46 - 720921SB.LA)
1199. SB 1-03-17 LA 1972-09-22 Ideal Married Life (26:09 - 720922SB.LA)
1200. SB 1-03-19 LA 1972-09-24 Offering Everything to Krishna (26:52 - 720924SB.LA)
1201. SB 1-03-20 LA 1972-09-25 This Tax, That Tax-Tax, Tax, Tax (25:00 - 720925SB.LA)
1202. SB 1-03-21 LA 1972-09-26 Intelligent Words for This Age (25:42 - 720926SB.LA)
1203. SB 1-03-22 LA 1972-09-27 Incarnation of God Isn't Cheap (17:25 - 720927SB.LA)
1204. SB 1-03-23 LA 1972-09-28 What Is Actual Happiness (26:15 - 720928SB.LA)
1205. SB 1-03-24 LA 1972-09-29 Lord Buddha--Tricking the --etc (23:28 - 720929SB.LA)
1206. SB 1-03-25 LA 1972-09-30 The Folly of Our Age (25:32 - 720930SB.LA)
1207. SB 1-03-26 LA 1972-10-01 First Educate People (28:36 - 721001SB.LA)
1208. SB 1-03-27 LA 1972-10-02 The Perfect Philosophy (27:58 - 721002SB.LA)
1209. SB 1-03-28 LA 1972-10-03 ISKCON Is Incarnation of Krishna (44:03 - 721003SB.LA)
1210. SB 1-03-29 LA 1972-10-04 God Is Everywhere (30:48 - 721004SB.LA)
1211. SB 1-03-30 LA 1972-10-05 Krishna Is Within Every Atom (24:40 - 721005SB.LA)
1212. SB 1-05-02 NV 1969-05-23 Don't Change Activities... --etc (39:17 - 690522SB.NV)
1213. SB 1-05-08 NV 1969-05-24 Sky Flowers and Horse Eggs (45:49 - 690524SB.NV)
1214. SB 1-05-09 NV 1969-06-06 First Business--Protect Your Soul (59:26 - 690606SB.NV)
1215. SB 1-05-11 LON 1973-09-12 Great Books for a Gross Age (26:23 - 720820SB.LA)
1216. SB 1-05-11 NV 1969-06-10 Spiritual Aesthetics - Swanlike Men (58:01 - 690610SB.NV)
1217. SB 1-05-12 NV 1969-06-11 Unnecessary Necessities and --etc (52:04 - 690611SB.NV)
1218. SB 1-05-13 NV 1969-06-13 Wonderful Cure for Illusion (48:42 - 690613SB.NV)
1219. SB 1-05-14 NV 1969-06-16 One Has to Live in God (55:37 - 690616SB.NV)
1220. SB 1-05-14 NV 1969-06-18 Abominable Nonsense--Don't --etc (47:24 - 690618SB.NV)
1221. SB 1-05-15 NV 1969-06-19 At Least Lift Your Anchor (47:36 - 690619SB.NV)
1222. SB 1-05-18 NV 1969-06-22 Krishna's Hypnotism (35:29 - 690622SB.NV)
1223. SB 1-05-22 VRN 1974-08-03 Show Your Knowledge's Origin (58:18 - 740803SB.VRN)
1224. SB 1-05-23 VRN 1974-08-04 Service to Devotees-How Potent (31:56 - 740804SB.VRN)
1225. SB 1-05-23 VRN 1974-08-13 See Whether Your Life Is Perfect (38:27 - 740813SB.VRN)
1226. SB 1-05-24 VRN 1974-08-05 Great Devotee-Great Discipline (31:31 - 740805SB.VRN)
1227. SB 1-05-25 VRN 1974-08-06 Self Attraction-Dirty or Divine (30:12 - 740806SB.VRN)
1228. SB 1-05-28 VRN 1974-08-09 Secret of Supreme Satisfaction (23:00 - 740809SB.VRN)
1229. SB 1-05-29 VRN 1974-08-10 Here is a Disciple of Kali (24:05 - 740810SB.VRN)
1230. SB 1-05-30 VRN 1974-08-11 Mahatma Speaks in Krishna's Favor (28:35 - 740811SB.VRN)
1231. SB 1-05-33 VRN 1974-08-14 Lower Planets or Liberation (24:13 - 740814SB.VRN)
1232. SB 1-05-35 VRN 1974-08-16 Krishna-Satisfied with Devotees (36:57 - 740816SB.VRN)
1233. SB 1-07-02 DUR 1975-10-14 Seeing Krishna 24 Hours a Day (49:37 - 751014SB.JOH)
1234. SB 1-07-05 JOH 1975-10-15 Survival of the...What Fittest (32:50 - 751015SB.JOH)
1235. SB 1-07-05 VRN 1976-09-04 Human Life-Understand God (18:30 - 760904SB.VRN)
1236. SB 1-07-06 GEN 1974-05-31 All Problems Are Illusion (25:59 - 740531SB.GEN)
1237. SB 1-07-06 VRN 1975-04-18 Unwanted Nonsense-and Freedom (39:24 - 750418SB.VRN)
1238. SB 1-07-06 VRN 1975-04-23 Making Good Use of the Useless (27:02 - 750423SB.VRN)
1239. SB 1-07-06 VRN 1976-09-05 Produce Grain-Not Goodyear Tires (24:02 - 760905SB.VRN)
1240. SB 1-07-07 VRN 1975-04-24 Curing Our Heart Disease (30:17 - 750424SB.VRN)
1241. SB 1-07-07 VRN 1976-09-06 To Live Means to Love Krishna (30:22 - 760906SB.VRN)
1242. SB 1-07-08 VRN 1976-09-07 Our Condition-Precarious (25:45 - 760907SB.VRN)
1243. SB 1-07-10 VRN 1976-09-09 Read These Books (16:00 - 760909SB.VRN)
1244. SB 1-07-11 VRN 1976-09-10 When Mad Is Not Bad (28:50 - 760910SB.VRN)
1245. SB 1-07-12 VRN 1976-09-11 Bhakti On the Battlefield (21:13 - 760911SB.VRN)
1246. SB 1-07-13 VRN 1976-09-12 There Is No Training (24:55 - 760912SB.VRN)
1247. SB 1-07-15 VRN 1976-09-13 The Mammoth Mantra (25:01 - 760913SB.VRN)
1248. SB 1-07-18 VRN 1976-09-15 Darkness and Disturbance (26:18 - 760915SB.VRN)
1249. SB 1-07-19 VRN 1976-09-16 Hare Krishna-Lord and Potency (25:16 - 760916SB.VRN)
1250. SB 1-07-20 VRN 1976-09-17 Don't Wait for Another Life (27:50 - 760917SB.VRN)
1251. SB 1-07-22 VRN 1976-09-18 Material Advancement-Suffering (9:56 - 760918SB.VRN)
1252. SB 1-07-23 VRN 1976-09-20 Krishna's Real Representative (28:22 - 760920SB.VRN)
1253. SB 1-07-24 VRN 1976-09-21 This Material Life Has No Value (34:11 - 760921SB.VRN)
1254. SB 1-07-25 VRN 1976-09-22 The Age of Embarrassment (26:47 - 760922SB.VRN)
1255. SB 1-07-26 VRN 1976-09-23 Freedom Without Fall-Down (23:59 - 760923SB.VRN)
1256. SB 1-07-27 VRN 1976-09-24 Krishna-Blessing or Burden (27:03 - 760924SB.VRN)
1257. SB 1-07-28 VRN 1976-09-25 Who Needs Krishna (30:02 - 760925SB.VRN)
1258. SB 1-07-30 VRN 1976-09-26 Why Make Krishna Impersonal (30:13 - 760926SB.VRN)
1259. SB 1-07-32 VRN 1976-09-27 Counteracting Kali-Yuga (32:11 - 760927SB.VRN)
1260. SB 1-07-34 VRN 1976-09-28 The Psychology of the True Brahmana (29:05 - 760928SB.VRN)
1261. SB 1-07-36 VRN 1976-09-29 The Point--Is Krishna Pleased (30:13 - 760929SB.VRN)
1262. SB 1-07-38 VRN 1976-09-30 Don't Keep a Guru As Fashion (30:28 - 760930SB.VRN)
1263. SB 1-07-40 VRN 1976-10-01 The Callous Can't Pass Krishna's Test (27:58 - 761001SB.VRN)
1264. SB 1-07-41 VRN 1976-10-02 Servant of Servant of Servant (26:11 - 761002SB.VRN)
1265. SB 1-07-43 VRN 1976-10-03 Husband, Wife and Happy Home (24:47 - 761003SB.VRN)
1266. SB 1-07-44 VRN 1976-10-04 To Serve Vaisnava Is More.. (22:24 - 761004SB.VRN)
1267. SB 1-07-45 VRN 1976-10-05 Deity Worship-Not Idol Worship (29:06 - 761005SB.VRN)
1268. SB 1-07-47 VRN 1976-10-06 A Devotee's Heart (28:07 - 761006SB.VRN)
1269. SB 1-07-49 VRN 1976-10-07 Love God, Love His Dog (14:15 - 761007SB.VRN)
1270. SB 1-07-51 VRN 1976-10-08 Anyone Can Become Devotee (23:19 - 761008SB.VRN)
1271. SB 1-08-18 CHI 1974-07-04 Krishna is So Kind. He Has --etc (28:15 - TNA*)
1272. SB 1-08-18 MAY 1974-09-28 'Democracy' vs. Divine Rule (29:47 - 740928SB.MAY)
1273. SB 1-08-18 NY 1973-04-10 How to See Greatness of God (33:34 - 730410SB.NY)
1274. SB 1-08-19 CHI 1974-07-05 For Dull-Headed Asses God --etc (22:41 - TNA*)
1275. SB 1-08-19 MAY 1974-09-29 We Came Here to Pass Stool (31:18 - 740929SB.MAY)
1276. SB 1-08-20 MAY 1974-09-30 To Be Understood by Anyone (29:41 - 740930SB.MAY)
1277. SB 1-08-20 NY 1973-04-12 Queen Kunti's Humility (15:48 - 730412SB.NY)
1278. SB 1-08-21 MAY 1974-10-01 The Krishna Connection (29:24 - 741001SB.MAY)
1279. SB 1-08-21 NY 1973-04-13 Spiritual Sense Gratification (31:24 - 730413SB.NY)
1280. SB 1-08-22 LA 1973-04-14 If You Actually Love God You --etc (21:12 - 730414SB.LA)
1281. SB 1-08-23 LA 1973-04-15 Beginning of Material Life is Envy (25:31 - 730415SB.LA)
1282. SB 1-08-23 MAY 1974-10-03 A Slip 'Twixt the Cup and Lip (30:08 - 741003SB.MAY)
1283. SB 1-08-24 LA 1973-04-16 If Krishna Wants to Protect --etc (25:06 - 730416SB.LA)
1284. SB 1-08-24 MAY 1974-10-04 Always Expect Danger (31:00 - 741004SB.MAY)
1285. SB 1-08-25 LA 1973-04-17 Cross This Ocean of Danger (35:20 - 730417SB.LA)
1286. SB 1-08-25 VRN 1974-10-05 Reincarnation-Very Risky (26:48 - 741005SB.MAY)
1287. SB 1-08-26 LA 1973-04-18 Krishna Conscious Communism (24:12 - 730418SB.LA)
1288. SB 1-08-26 MAY 1974-10-06 I've Got Something (42:41 - 741006SB.MAY)
1289. SB 1-08-27 LA 1973-04-19 Predominator to Predominated (30:22 - 730419SB.LA)
1290. SB 1-08-28 LA 1973-04-20 Krishna Is Equal to Everyone (23:55 - 730420SB.LA)
1291. SB 1-08-28 MAY 1974-10-08 Don't Be a 'Skin Observer' (29:52 - 741008SB.MAY)
1292. SB 1-08-29 LA 1973-04-21 Try to Satisfy Krishna (27:07 - 730421SB.LA)
1293. SB 1-08-29 MAY 1974-10-09 Krishna's Loving Impartiality (29:30 - 741009SB.MAY)
1294. SB 1-08-30 LA 1973-04-22 Chant, Chant, Chant--Can't, --etc (36:04 - 730422SB.LA)
1295. SB 1-08-30 MAY 1974-10-10 Krishna's Active Inactivity (26:55 - 741010SB.MAY)
1296. SB 1-08-31 LA 1973-04-23 Increase Your Love for Krishna (25:48 - 730423SB.LA)
1297. SB 1-08-31 MAY 1974-10-11 A Devotee Likes to Be --etc (32:41 - 741011SB.MAY)
1298. SB 1-08-32 LA 1973-04-24 Why Does the Unborn Take Birth (29:06 - 730424SB.LA)
1299. SB 1-08-32 MAY 1974-10-12 Become Dear to Krishna (32:17 - 741012SB.MAY)
1300. SB 1-08-33 LA 1973-04-25 Converting Crows Into Swans (31:00 - 730425SB.LA)
1301. SB 1-08-33 MAY 1974-10-13 The Whole Thing in One Word (30:03 - 741013SB.MAY)
1302. SB 1-08-34 LA 1973-04-26 Seeing the World's Soul (38:55 - 730426SB.LA)
1303. SB 1-08-34 MAY 1974-10-14 Relief from Unbearable Burdens (27:17 - 741014SB.BOM)
1304. SB 1-08-35 MAY 1974-10-15 Rascal Surrender (34:30 - 741015SB.MAY)
1305. SB 1-08-36 LA 1973-04-28 Just Go On Hearing About Krishna (27:24 - 730428SB.LA)
1306. SB 1-08-36 MAY 1974-10-16 Senses On Strike (33:55 - 741016SB.MAY)
1307. SB 1-08-37 LA 1973-04-29 We Are in Dangerous Position (27:23 - 730429SB.LA)
1308. SB 1-08-38 LA 1973-04-30 Our Senses Belong to Krishna (29:18 - 730430SB.LA)
1309. SB 1-08-39 LA 1973-05-01 How Everything Can Become Beautiful (29:47 - 730501SB.LA)
1310. SB 1-08-39 MAY 1974-10-19 Keep Krishna Here (25:35 - 741019SB.MAY)
1311. SB 1-08-40 LA 1973-05-02 By Krishna's Glance All Is OK (28:26 - 730502SB.LA)
1312. SB 1-08-40 MAY 1974-10-20 Modern Inventions Make Hell (29:55 - 741020SB.MAY)
1313. SB 1-08-41 LA 1973-05-03 The Greatest Enemy of Human Society (33:26 - 730503SB.LA)
1314. SB 1-08-41 MAY 1974-10-21 The Ropes of Affection (40:20 - 741021SB.MAY)
1315. SB 1-08-42 LA 1973-05-04 How Not to Be in the Material World (33:08 - 730504SB.LA)
1316. SB 1-08-42 MAY 1974-10-22 The Psychology of the Eternal (23:16 - 741022SB.MAY)
1317. SB 1-08-43 LA 1973-05-05 Protector of Cows and Brahmanas (30:25 - 730505SB.LA)
1318. SB 1-08-43 MAY 1974-10-23 Enter Krishna's Family (40:39 - 741023SB.MAY)
1319. SB 1-08-44 LA 1973-05-06 Approaching All-Good Absolute (31:58 - 730506SB.LA)
1320. SB 1-08-44 MAY 1974-10-24 Selected Words for the Smiling Lord (23:15 - 741024SB.MAY)
1321. SB 1-08-45 LA 1973-05-07 We Can Purchase Krishna by Love (31:20 - 730507SB.LA)
1322. SB 1-08-45 MAY 1974-10-25 Krishna Wants to Be Controlled (26:32 - 741025SB.MAY)
1323. SB 1-08-46 LA 1973-05-08 The Ksatriya Spirit (33:28 - 730508SB.LA)
1324. SB 1-08-46 MAY 1974-10-26 Politics-Me... King, Others... Killed (20:22 - 741026SB.MAY)
1325. SB 1-08-47 MAY 1974-10-27 Material Affection Has No Meaning (36:55 - 741027SB.MAY)
1326. SB 1-08-48 LA 1973-05-10 This Body Belongs to Others (29:59 - 730510SB.LA)
1327. SB 1-08-48 MAY 1974-10-28 My Body and I Belong to Krishna (30:55 - 741028SB.MAY)
1328. SB 1-08-49 MAY 1974-10-29 Devotees Have No Debts (36:14 - 741029SB.MAY)
1329. SB 1-08-50 LA 1973-05-12 When to Be Nonviolent - Violent (17:25 - 730512SB.LA)
1330. SB 1-08-51 LA 1973-05-13 Responsibilities of Fathers, --etc (28:02 - 730513SB.LA)
1331. SB 1-08-52 LA 1973-05-14 Slaughterhouse Victims Were --etc (29:20 - 730514SB.LA)
1332. SB 1-09-01 LA 1973-05-15 Equality-How (19:18 - 730515SB.LA)
1333. SB 1-09-02 LA 1973-05-16 The Opulence of Krsna Consciousness (33:08 - 730516SB.LA)
1334. SB 1-09-03 LA 1973-05-17 Qualifications of Bhakta and Bhagavan (24:08 - 730517SB.LA)
1335. SB 1-09-40 NY 1973-05-22 We Alone Teach 'You're Not This Body' (22:30 - 730522SB.NY)
1336. SB 1-09-48 MAY 1973-06-14 Gandhari-Chaste and Faithful (31:55 - 730614SB.MAY)
1337. SB 1-09-49 MAY 1973-06-15 Ruling by Religious Principles (30:53 - 730615SB.MAY)
1338. SB 1-10-01 MAY 1973-06-16 Yudhisthira-Perfect Surrender (28:07 - 730616SB.MAY)
1339. SB 1-10-02 MAY 1973-06-17 Seeing That Krishna Is Satisfied (27:52 - 730617SB.MAY)
1340. SB 1-10-03 MAY 1973-06-18 God-Conscious Monarchy (36:13 - 730618SB.MAY)
1341. SB 1-10-03 TEH 1975-03-13 Monarchy & Maha-Mantra-Perfect (18:13 - 750313SB.TEH)
1342. SB 1-10-04 LON 1973-11-25 Get Necessities from the Land (26:12 - 731125SB.LON)
1343. SB 1-10-04 MAY 1973-06-19 When People Become Demons (35:43 - 730619SB.MAY)
1344. SB 1-10-05 MAY 1973-06-20 Comforts for the Body and Soul (24:41 - 730620SB.MAY)
1345. SB 1-10-06 MAY 1973-06-21 Peaceful People in Kingdom (38:31 - 730621SB.MAY)
1346. SB 1-10-07 MAY 1973-06-22 Independence-More Dependence (38:25 - 730622SB.MAY)
1347. SB 1-10-11 MAY 1973-06-25 Satsanga...Asatsanga (32:15 - 730625SB.MAY)
1348. SB 1-10-13 MAY 1973-06-26 Associating with Krishna (28:34 - 730626SB.MAY)
1349. SB 1-10-14 MAY 1973-06-27 Truly Selfless Love (23:16 - 730627SB.MAY)
1350. SB 1-13-10 GEN 1974-06-01 Make Your Heart a Place of Pilgrimage (25:55 - 740601SB.GEN)
1351. SB 1-13-11 GEN 1974-06-02 Your Qualification-Renouncing (23:45 - 740602SB.GEN)
1352. SB 1-13-12 GEN 1974-06-03 Dear Words for Dormant Hearts (17:39 - 740603SB.GEN)
1353. SB 1-13-15 GEN 1974-06-04 Why One GBC Became a Sudra (23:33 - 740604SB.GEN)
1354. SB 1-15-01 NY 1973-11-29 Very Intimately Connected (27:13 - 731129SB.NY)
1355. SB 1-15-20 LA 1973-11-30 Again Become a Mouse (32:14 - 731130SB.LA)
1356. SB 1-15-21 LA 1973-12-01 Civilization Minus Krishna (32:18 - 731201SB.LA)
1357. SB 1-15-22 LA 1973-12-02 Intoxication on Top of Intoxication (29:51 - 731202SB.LA)
1358. SB 1-15-24 LA 1973-12-03 You Think You Can Bluff the --etc (22:22 - 731203SB.LA)
1359. SB 1-15-25 LA 1973-12-04 Varnasrama-Overhauling Hell (30:06 - 731204SB.LA)
1360. SB 1-15-26 LA 1973-12-05 Making the World Truly Aryan (44:37 - 731204SB.LA)
1361. SB 1-15-27 LA 1973-12-05 Mistaking Suffering for Enjoyment (16:57 - 731205SB.LA)
1362. SB 1-15-27 NY 1975-03-06 Blazing Fire Within the Heart (43:22 - 750306SB.NY)
1363. SB 1-15-28 LA 1973-12-06 Who to Meditate On (27:55 - 731206SB.LA)
1364. SB 1-15-29 LA 1973-12-07 Becoming Anxiety-Less (27:17 - 731207SB.LA)
1365. SB 1-15-30 LA 1973-12-08 Hearing the Gita As Arjuna Did (32:05 - 731208SB.LA)
1366. SB 1-15-31 LA 1973-12-09 Illusory Contemplations (29:20 - 731209SB.LA)
1367. SB 1-15-33 LA 1973-12-11 Separation and Search (29:23 - 731211SB.LA)
1368. SB 1-15-34 LA 1973-12-12 Demonic Means Puffed Up (30:24 - 731212SB.LA)
1369. SB 1-15-35 LA 1973-12-13 The Mantra of Meekness (30:55 - 731213SB.LA)
1370. SB 1-15-36 LA 1973-12-14 From External Illusion (29:52 - 731214SB.LA)
1371. SB 1-15-37 LA 1973-12-15 Exalted Elected Dogs and Asses (29:29 - 731215SB.LA)
1372. SB 1-15-38 LA 1973-12-16 The Ruler Should Be Devotee (32:21 - 731216SB.LA)
1373. SB 1-15-39 LA 1973-12-17 Retirement, Timely and Transcendental (23:09 - 731217SB.LA)
1374. SB 1-15-40 LA 1973-12-18 Bondage and Freedom (30:26 - 731218SB.LA)
1375. SB 1-15-41 LA 1973-12-19 Aural Concentration (30:12 - 731219SB.LA)
1376. SB 1-15-42 LA 1973-12-20 Trust a God You Don't Know (29:30 - 731220SB.LA)
1377. SB 1-15-44 LA 1973-12-22 Our Real Problem Isn't Petrol (29:35 - 731222SB.LA)
1378. SB 1-15-45 LA 1973-12-23 This Civilization Will Not Help (30:19 - 731223SB.LA)
1379. SB 1-15-46 LA 1973-12-24 Predictions for Age of Quarrel (29:45 - 731224SB.LA)
1380. SB 1-15-47 LA 1973-12-25 Seeing Krishna Face to Face (29:36 - 731225SB.LA)
1381. SB 1-15-49 LA 1973-12-26 What to Think About at Death (29:03 - 731226SB.LA)
1382. SB 1-15-50 LA 1973-12-27 Simply Depending On Krishna (32:36 - 731227SB.LA)
1383. SB 1-15-51 LA 1973-12-28 How to Become Very Dear to God (32:13 - 731228SB.LA)
1384. SB 1-16-01 LA 1973-12-29 The Best Form of Government (29:41 - 731229SB.LA)
1385. SB 1-16-02 LA 1973-12-30 Brahmanas Slip--Kali-yuga Starts (23:23 - 731230SB.LA)
1386. SB 1-16-03 LA 1973-12-31 You Can See and Talk with God (28:16 - 731231SB.LA)
1387. SB 1-16-04 LA 1974-01-01 Kali Began with Animal Killing (31:18 - 740101SB.LA)
1388. SB 1-16-05 LA 1974-01-02 Fish, but Don't Touch the Water (31:43 - 740102SB.LA)
1389. SB 1-16-06 LA 1974-01-03 The Medicine for Death (30:15 - 740103SB.LA)
1390. SB 1-16-07 LA 1974-01-04 Inevitable Death and a Way Out (29:28 - 740104SB.LA)
1391. SB 1-16-08 LA 1974-01-05 How to Stop Death (29:40 - 740105SB.LA)
1392. SB 1-16-10 LA 1974-01-07 Pariksit's Answer to Kali (27:55 - 740107SB.LA)
1393. SB 1-16-11 LA 1974-01-08 Subduing the Demons (27:51 - 740108SB.LA)
1394. SB 1-16-12 LA 1974-01-09 Rogues and Rascals Cause War (31:50 - 740109SB.LA)
1395. SB 1-16-13 LA 1974-01-10 Mischievous and Magnanimous (33:02 - 740110SB.LA)
1396. SB 1-16-16 LA 1974-01-11 Respects-Who Will Chastise (32:40 - 740111SB.LA)
1397. SB 1-16-17 LA 1974-01-12 Democracy-Elect Rascal Monarch (28:14 - 740112SB.LA)
1398. SB 1-16-19 HAW 1974-01-15 Antidotes for Contaminated Age (30:29 - 740115SB.HAW)
1399. SB 1-16-19 LA 1974-07-09 Everyone Is Spirit-Servant (20:54 - 740709SB.LA)
1400. SB 1-16-20 HAW 1974-01-16 Bad, Good and Truly Good (25:34 - 740116SB.HAW)
1401. SB 1-16-20 LA 1974-07-10 Make Everyone a --etc (27:49 - 740710SB.LA)
1402. SB 1-16-21 HAW 1974-01-17 Unlawful Meat-eaters Restricted (47:04 - 740117SB.HAW)
1403. SB 1-16-21 LA 1974-07-11 The Cutthroat Age--Women and --etc (22:42 - 740711SB.LA)
1404. SB 1-16-22 HAW 1974-01-18 Cow Killing-Rascal Government (29:32 - 740118SB.HAW)
1405. SB 1-16-22 LA 1974-07-12 Scientists, Philosophers, --etc (30:08 - 740712SB.LA)
1406. SB 1-16-23 HAW 1974-01-19 Beware the Busy Fool (29:14 - 740119SB.HAW)
1407. SB 1-16-23 LA 1974-07-13 Avatara for the Already Dead (26:14 - 740713SB.LA)
1408. SB 1-16-24 HAW 1974-01-20 Finish the Business (27:09 - 740120SB.HAW)
1409. SB 1-16-24 LA 1974-07-14 Faith or No Faith-Fact Is Fact (15:20 - 740714SB.LA)
1410. SB 1-16-25 HAW 1974-01-21 Finding Happiness (26:15 - 740121SB.HAW)
1411. SB 1-16-26 HAW 1974-01-23 How Can I Be God (30:04 - 740123SB.HAW)
1412. SB 1-16-35 HAW 1974-01-28 Initiations Make a Farce-No --etc (31:18 - 740128SB.HAW)
1413. SB 1-16-36 TOK 1974-01-30 Kali-yuga--Disagree with Guru (39:24 - 740130SB.TOK)
1414. SB 2-01-01 BOS 1969-12-22 Self-Realized vs. Body-Realized (52:19 - 691222SB.BOS)
1415. SB 2-01-01 DEL 1973-11-04 In VRN There are More --etc (37:15 - 731104SB.DEL)
1416. SB 2-01-01 LA 1970-07-01 Death Is... As Sure As Death (38:05 - TNA*)
1417. SB 2-01-01 NY 1969-04-10 The Krishna-Approaching Body (13:41 - 690410SB.NY)
1418. SB 2-01-01 PAR 1974-06-09 Hankering to Hear About Krishna (31:49 - 740609SB.PAR)
1419. SB 2-01-01 VRN 1974-03-16 How to Be Fearless at Death (43:11 - 740316SB.VRN)
1420. SB 2-01-02 MON 1968-10-23 Leer and Fear...or Hear (57:53 - 681023SB.MON)
1421. SB 2-01-02 PAR 1974-06-11 From One Garbage Body to Another (31:12 - 740611SB.PAR)
1422. SB 2-01-02 VRN 1974-03-17 The Self-Aware Command Respect (24:03 - 740317SB.VRN)
1423. SB 2-01-03 DEL 1973-11-06 The Sighted and the Blind (35:04 - 731106SB.DEL)
1424. SB 2-01-03 PAR 1974-06-12 Not Even Napoleon Was Safe (43:24 - 740612SB.PAR)
1425. SB 2-01-04 DEL 1973-11-07 The Anatomy of Madness (34:17 - 731107SB.DEL)
1426. SB 2-01-04 MEL 1974-06-26 The Right Questions (34:04 - 740626SB.MEL)
1427. SB 2-01-04 VRN 1974-03-19 A Madman's So-called Soldiers (13:08 - 740319SB.VRN)
1428. SB 2-01-05 DEL 1973-11-08 Hearing Your Way Clear (35:07 - 731108SB.DEL)
1429. SB 2-01-05 PAR 1974-06-13 Hear, Chant and Be Fearless (29:49 - 740613SB.PAR)
1430. SB 2-01-06 PAR 1974-06-14 Do You Know How to Die (23:15 - 740614SB.PAR)
1431. SB 2-01-07 PAR 1974-06-15 The Topmost --etc (28:50 - 740615SB.PAR)
1432. SB 2-02-05 LA 1968-12-02 Serving Krishna Not Ordinary Thing (56:01 - 681202SB.LA)
1433. SB 2-02-05 NY 1975-03-05 How Shall I Be Maintained (25:21 - 750305SB.NY)
1434. SB 2-03-01 LA 1972-05-19 Who Can Say 'I'm Not on the --etc (29:19 - 720519SB.LA)
1435. SB 2-03-01 LA 1972-05-22 If You Want Vagina Instead of Krishna (34:03 - 720522SB.LA)
1436. SB 2-03-02 LA 1972-05-20 Why Are You Going to Hell (32:50 - 720520SB.LA)
1437. SB 2-03-09 LA 1972-05-26 If You Actually Want Freedom --etc (21:21 - 720526SB.LA)
1438. SB 2-03-10 LA 1972-05-28 Only a Devotee of Krishna --etc (58:09 - 720528SB.LA)
1439. SB 2-03-13 LA 1972-05-30 A Devotee Is Kind (23:40 - 720530SB.LA)
1440. SB 2-03-14 LA 1972-05-31 If You Actually Feel for People (29:58 - 720531SB.LA)
1441. SB 2-03-15 LA 1972-06-01 Devotion to Krishna (35:57 - 720601SB.LA)
1442. SB 2-03-17 LA 1972-06-12 If You Want to Live Forever (34:55 - 720612SB.LA)
1443. SB 2-03-18 LA 1972-06-13 Hogs, Dogs, Camels and Asses (28:08 - 720613SB.LA)
1444. SB 2-03-19 LA 1972-06-13 Doghouse or Igloo- Home Sweet Home (10:10 - 720613SB.LA)
1445. SB 2-03-19 LA 1972-06-15 A Thorn Chewing, --etc (41:43 - 720615SB.LA)
1446. SB 2-03-20 LA 1972-06-16 Ear Holes Like Snake Holes (31:51 - 720616SB.LA)
1447. SB 2-03-20 LA 1972-06-17 Criminal Enjoyment (31:21 - 720617SB.LA)
1448. SB 2-03-21 LA 1972-06-18 Lifting the Burden from Society (32:51 - 720618SB.LA)
1449. SB 2-03-22 LA 1972-06-19 Peacock-plume Eyes (32:43 - 720619SB.LA)
1450. SB 2-03-23 LA 1972-06-20 Only a Devotee of a Devotee --etc (29:08 - 720620SB.LA)
1451. SB 2-03-24 LA 1972-06-22 Steel-framed Hearts (28:39 - 720622SB.LA)
1452. SB 2-03-25 LA 1972-06-23 Spiritual Realization --etc (27:47 - 720623SB.LA)
1453. SB 2-04-01 LA 1972-06-24 Searching After Krishna (26:43 - 720624SB.LA)
1454. SB 2-04-02 LA 1972-06-25 Simply Negating Is No Good (30:22 - 720625SB.LA)
1455. SB 2-04-02 LA 1972-06-26 Fight for Freedom (28:20 - 720626SB.LA)
1456. SB 2-04-03 LA 1972-06-27 Make Krishna Your Beloved (29:56 - 720627SB.LA)
1457. SB 2-08-07 LA 1975-02-10 What Caused Our Coming Here (23:03 - 750210SB.LA)
1458. SB 3-01-10 DAL 1973-05-21 Sage Advice For Human Society (26:35 - 730521SB.DAL)
1459. SB 3-12-18 NAI 1975-10-27 Stay Under Krishna's Protection (31:12 - 751027SB.NAI)
1460. SB 3-12-19 DAL 1975-03-03 Entering Krishna's Family (37:27 - 750303SB.DAL)
1461. SB 3-25-01 BOM 1974-11-01 Fire Is Fire, Gold Is Gold, --etc (38:34 - 741101SB.BOM)
1462. SB 3-25-02 BOM 1974-11-02 Eat, Drink, Be Merry--(For --etc (25:26 - 741102SB.BOM)
1463. SB 3-25-03 BOM 1974-11-03 Krishna Has Everything (33:41 - 741103SB.BOM)
1464. SB 3-25-04 BOM 1974-11-04 Approach a Proper Guru (33:42 - 741104SB.BOM)
1465. SB 3-25-05 BOM 1974-11-05 An 'Independent' Woman --etc (23:24 - 741105SB.BOM)
1466. SB 3-25-07 BOM 1974-11-07 Sensual Darkness-Spiritual --etc (33:48 - 741107SB.BOM)
1467. SB 3-25-08 BOM 1974-11-08 This World Is Darkness (33:47 - 741108SB.BOM)
1468. SB 3-25-09 BOM 1974-11-09 'Advanced' Equals Ass (39:43 - 741109SB.BOM)
1469. SB 3-25-10 BOM 1974-11-10 Get Free from Attachments (42:06 - 741110SB.BOM)
1470. SB 3-25-11 BOM 1974-11-11 Even Expert Swimmers Struggle (39:31 - 741111SB.BOM)
1471. SB 3-25-12 BOM 1974-11-12 Village Talk-Vaikuntha Talk (32:37 - 741112SB.BOM)
1472. SB 3-25-13 BOM 1974-11-13 Above Happiness and Distress (32:42 - 741113SB.BOM)
1473. SB 3-25-14 BOM 1974-11-14 Relief from the Poison-Fire (28:58 - 741114SB.BOM)
1474. SB 3-25-15 BOM 1974-11-15 Conditioned or Krishnized (28:19 - 741115SB.BOM)
1475. SB 3-25-16 BOM 1974-11-16 Mind Is Covered by Dirty Things (30:55 - 741116SB.BOM)
1476. SB 3-25-17 BOM 1974-11-17 Seeing the Real Person (30:50 - 741117SB.BOM)
1477. SB 3-25-18 BOM 1974-11-18 Nobody's Servant but Krishna's (34:57 - 741118SB.BOM)
1478. SB 3-25-19 BOM 1974-11-19 One Kind of Devotion Will Do (34:50 - 741119SB.BOM)
1479. SB 3-25-20 BOM 1974-11-20 How to Get Rid of This Body (35:07 - 741120SB.BOM)
1480. SB 3-25-21 BOM 1974-11-21 The Sadhu's Symptoms (35:16 - 741121SB.BOM)
1481. SB 3-25-22 BOM 1974-11-22 The Only Rescue (32:11 - 741122SB.BOM)
1482. SB 3-25-23 BOM 1974-11-23 Devotees Don't Feel Suffering (31:50 - 741123SB.BOM)
1483. SB 3-25-24 BOM 1974-11-24 Association of Devotees (27:17 - 741124SB.BOM)
1484. SB 3-25-25 BOM 1974-11-25 Taste of Talks About Krishna (26:49 - 741125SB.BOM)
1485. SB 3-25-26 BOM 1974-11-26 Krishna Gratification (34:42 - 741126SB.BOM)
1486. SB 3-25-27 BOM 1974-11-27 World Is Under Misunderstanding (34:41 - 741127SB.BOM)
1487. SB 3-25-28 BOM 1974-11-28 You Must Go to a Guru (31:20 - 741128SB.BOM)
1488. SB 3-25-29 BOM 1974-11-29 Understanding Highest Truth (30:55 - 741129SB.BOM)
1489. SB 3-25-30 BOM 1974-11-30 Understanding-Standing Under (35:04 - 741130SB.BOM)
1490. SB 3-25-31 BOM 1974-12-01 Hear About Krishna Submissively (33:34 - 741201SB.BOM)
1491. SB 3-25-32 BOM 1974-12-02 From Degradation to Devotion (31:38 - 741202SB.BOM)
1492. SB 3-25-33 BOM 1974-12-03 How to Dissolve Our Suffering (31:40 - 741203SB.BOM)
1493. SB 3-25-35 BOM 1974-12-04 Eager to Talk with Krishna (32:13 - 741204SB.BOM)
1494. SB 3-25-36 BOM 1974-12-05 The Lord Is Charming (31:52 - 741205SB.BOM)
1495. SB 3-25-37 BOM 1974-12-06 The Devotional Position (31:32 - 741206SB.BOM)
1496. SB 3-25-38 BOM 1974-12-07 Krishna's Service-Absolute Delight (31:26 - 741207SB.BOM)
1497. SB 3-25-39 BOM 1974-12-08 Take Krishna As Everything (31:32 - 741208SB.BOM)
1498. SB 3-25-41 BOM 1974-12-09 Atheists...'Overbold' (27:48 - 741209SB.BOM)
1499. SB 3-25-42 BOM 1974-12-10 Don't Take Krishna Lightly (32:54 - 741210SB.BOM)
1500. SB 3-25-43 BOM 1974-12-11 No More Fear (32:38 - 741211SB.BOM)
1501. SB 3-26-01 BOM 1974-12-13 Getting Uncontaminated (35:40 - 741213SB.BOM)
1502. SB 3-26-02 BOM 1974-12-14 You Belong to Spiritual World (43:47 - 741214SB.BOM)
1503. SB 3-26-03 BOM 1974-12-15 Our Knowledge Is Not Knowledge (29:45 - 741215SB.BOM)
1504. SB 3-26-04 BOM 1974-12-16 The Truth Will Set You Free (29:58 - 741216SB.BOM)
1505. SB 3-26-05 BOM 1974-12-17 Crazy Fellows and Colorful Life (41:49 - 741217SB.BOM)
1506. SB 3-26-06 BOM 1974-12-18 Atheistic Arrogance (36:04 - 741218SB.BOM)
1507. SB 3-26-07 BOM 1974-12-19 Tangle of Material Happiness (37:21 - 741219SB.BOM)
1508. SB 3-26-08 BOM 1974-12-20 The Enjoyer Mentality (34:02 - 741220SB.BOM)
1509. SB 3-26-09 BOM 1974-12-21 Controlled Enjoyer (25:01 - 741221SB.BOM)
1510. SB 3-26-10 BOM 1974-12-22 The World--not God--Is Impersonal (33:47 - 741222SB.BOM)
1511. SB 3-26-11 BOM 1974-12-23 Analyze the Trap...and Escape (28:34 - 741223SB.BOM)
1512. SB 3-26-15 BOM 1974-12-24 Maya Is Krishna's (28:24 - 741224SB.BOM)
1513. SB 3-26-16 BOM 1974-12-25 Fear--The Time Factor (32:47 - 741225SB.BOM)
1514. SB 3-26-17 BOM 1974-12-26 Don't Remain Asleep (29:19 - 741226SB.BOM)
1515. SB 3-26-18 BOM 1974-12-27 United by Chanting and Dancing (44:25 - 741227SB.BOM)
1516. SB 3-26-19 BOM 1974-12-28 This Society Needs Some Brains (35:08 - 741228SB.BOM)
1517. SB 3-26-20 BOM 1974-12-29 We're All Asleep (33:20 - 741229SB.BOM)
1518. SB 3-26-23 BOM 1975-01-01 Slave vs. Revolting Mentality (30:58 - 750101SB.BOM)
1519. SB 3-26-25 BOM 1975-01-02 Secret of Satisfying Everyone (24:52 - 750102SB.BOM)
1520. SB 3-26-26 BOM 1975-01-03 Breaking Our Karmic Chains (37:47 - 750103SB.BOM)
1521. SB 3-26-27 BOM 1975-01-04 Controlling the Uncontrollable (28:04 - 750104SB.BOM)
1522. SB 3-26-28 BOM 1975-01-05 Centering the Central Sense (27:34 - 750105SB.BOM)
1523. SB 3-26-29 BOM 1975-01-06 This Body Is Imitation (30:35 - 750106SB.BOM)
1524. SB 3-26-30 BOM 1975-01-07 We Should Have Firm Faith (43:50 - 750107SB.BOM)
1525. SB 3-26-31 BOM 1975-01-08 First-class Yoga (29:42 - 750108SB.BOM)
1526. SB 3-26-32 BOM 1975-01-09 Creation--Sound Explanation (36:28 - 750109SB.BOM)
1527. SB 3-26-34 BOM 1975-01-11 Passing Life's Final Examination (31:58 - 750111SB.BOM)
1528. SB 3-26-35 BOM 1975-01-12 Tolerance of Matter's Touch (28:39 - 750112SB.BOM)
1529. SB 3-26-39 BOM 1975-01-14 Forest Fire of False Ego (20:13 - 750114SB.BOM)
1530. SB 3-26-40 BOM 1975-01-15 Study Krishna Analytically (27:45 - 750115SB.BOM)
1531. SB 3-26-41 BOM 1975-01-16 Working of Universal Machinery (32:42 - 750116SB.BOM)
1532. SB 3-26-42 BOM 1975-01-17 Universal Mixer & Taste Maker (34:45 - 750117SB.BOM)
1533. SB 3-26-43 BOM 1975-01-18 Refreshment for Parched Mind (33:10 - 750118SB.BOM)
1534. SB 3-26-44 BOM 1975-01-19 Pure Love (32:28 - 750119SB.BOM)
1535. SB 3-26-45 BOM 1975-01-20 Transcendental Transaction (32:30 - 750120SB.BOM)
1536. SB 3-26-46 BOM 1975-01-21 Putting Krishna in His Place (34:15 - 750121SB.BOM)
1537. SB 3-26-47 BOM 1975-01-22 Dead Sound--Living Sound (40:43 - 750122SB.BOM)
1538. SB 3-28-01 HON 1975-06-01 The Path to Permanence (41:18 - 750601SB.HON)
1539. SB 3-28-17 NAI 1975-10-26 I Must Love Krishna (23:59 - 751026SB.NAI)
1540. SB 3-28-19 NAI 1975-10-29 Krishna's Impression in Heart (23:25 - 751029SB.NAI)
1541. SB 3-28-20 NAI 1975-10-30 A Most Moving 'Statue' (30:57 - 751030SB.NAI)
1542. SB 3-28-21 NAI 1975-11-01 Why Pay Electric --etc (25:16 - 751101SB.NAI)
1543. SB 5-05-01 BOM 1976-12-25 Human--Not Working Like Animal (30:27 - 761225SB.BOM)
1544. SB 5-05-01 BOM 1977-03-25 Don't Live the Life of a Hog (29:31 - 770325SB.BOM)
1545. SB 5-05-01 DEL 1975-11-28 Hog Civilization (51:52 - 751128SB.DEL)
1546. SB 5-05-01 HYD 1975-04-10 Gold Is Gold, God Is God (39:10 - TNA*)
1547. SB 5-05-01 JOH 1975-10-20 The Natural World --Unnatural (43:17 - 751020SB.JOH)
1548. SB 5-05-01 LON 1969-09-12 Depend On Krishna (21:24 - 690912SB.LON)
1549. SB 5-05-01 STO 1973-09-06 'Isms' Are Sense Gratification (28:00 - 730906SB.STO)
1550. SB 5-05-01 STO 1973-09-07 Horrible Civilization-Going to Hell (27:54 - 730907SB.STO)
1551. SB 5-05-01 STO 1973-09-07 To Students--Horrible --etc (41:30 - 730907SB.STO)
1552. SB 5-05-01 STO 1973-09-08 Leaders Will Force You to --etc (29:36 - 730908SB.STO)
1553. SB 5-05-01 STO 1973-09-10 In Ignorance All Is Defeat (44:28 - 730910SB.STO)
1554. SB 5-05-01 VRN 1976-10-23 Real Austerity (28:15 - 761023SB.VRN)
1555. SB 5-05-02 HYD 1975-04-11 Don't Kill Yourself (41:05 - 750411SB.HYD)
1556. SB 5-05-02 HYD 1975-04-12 The Essence of Scripture (46:40 - 750413SB.HYD)
1557. SB 5-05-02 HYD 1975-04-13 Liberation... Meaning What (47:13 - 750413SB.HYD)
1558. SB 5-05-02 HYD 1975-04-15 How to Find a Grhasta-mahatma (43:15 - 750415SB.HYD)
1559. SB 5-05-02 JOH 1975-10-22 Get Out of Material Disease (70:10 - 751022SB.JOH)
1560. SB 5-05-02 LON 1969-09-17 We Spirit Souls Have Immense Power (39:43 - 690917SB.LON)
1561. SB 5-05-03 STO 1973-09-09 Living Like Animals (43:30 - 730909SB.STO)
1562. SB 5-05-06 VRN 1976-10-28 Civilization = Degradation (25:34 - 761028SB.VRN)
1563. SB 5-05-06 VRN 1976-11-28 Krishna's Criminal and Civil depts (24:55 - 761128SB.VRN)
1564. SB 5-05-07 VRN 1976-10-29 Fully Extended Self-Interest (31:57 - 761029SB.VRN)
1565. SB 5-05-08 VRN 1976-10-30 Remain with Celibacy and be Happy (28:41 - 761030SB.VRN)
1566. SB 5-05-09 VRN 1976-10-31 Being with Krishna Is Fact (30:33 - 761031SB.VRN)
1567. SB 5-05-10 VRN 1976-11-01 Simple Living (27:21 - 761101SB.VRN)
1568. SB 5-05-15 VRN 1976-11-03 Not Brainwashing--Brain Cleaning (29:50 - 761103SB.VRN)
1569. SB 5-05-16 VRN 1976-11-04 Envious Monkey Business (26:28 - 761104SB.VRN)
1570. SB 5-05-17 VRN 1976-11-05 'Classless' Means --etc (29:01 - 761105SB.VRN)
1571. SB 5-05-18 VRN 1976-11-06 Guru Shouldn't Cheat Disciple (28:02 - 761106SB.VRN)
1572. SB 5-05-19 VRN 1976-11-07 Spiritual Eye Surgery (28:45 - 761107SB.VRN)
1573. SB 5-05-20 VRN 1976-11-08 Whole Planet Belongs to Krishna (31:02 - 761108SB.VRN)
1574. SB 5-05-21 VRN 1976-11-09 Evolved Consciousness (26:14 - 761109SB.VRN)
1575. SB 5-05-23 VRN 1976-11-10 Culture-Brahminical or Animal (25:40 - 761110SB.VRN)
1576. SB 5-05-24 VRN 1976-11-11 Transcendental Goodness (24:01 - 761111SB.VRN)
1577. SB 5-05-25 VRN 1976-11-12 Hog Intestines or Halava (26:58 - 761112SB.VRN)
1578. SB 5-05-26 VRN 1976-11-13 Krishna Is Within the Atom (14:57 - 761113SB.VRN)
1579. SB 5-05-27 VRN 1976-11-14 The Greatest Bewilderment (26:07 - 761114SB.VRN)
1580. SB 5-05-28 VRN 1976-11-15 Maharajas and Maha-rascals (23:08 - 761115SB.VRN)
1581. SB 5-05-29 VRN 1976-11-16 Peace Impossible (25:00 - 761116SB.VRN)
1582. SB 5-05-32 VRN 1976-11-19 Krishna Movement Can't Be Killed (28:09 - 761119SB.VRN)
1583. SB 5-05-33 VRN 1976-11-20 Ask Rascal Incarnations --etc (22:54 - 761122SB.VRN)
1584. SB 5-05-34 VRN 1976-11-21 Brahmacari Escapes Tribulation (26:32 - 761121SB.VRN)
1585. SB 5-06-03 VRN 1976-11-25 Never Trust Your Mind (26:40 - 761125SB.VRN)
1586. SB 5-06-04 VRN 1976-11-26 The Unchaste Mind (22:22 - 761126SB.VRN)
1587. SB 5-06-05 VRN 1976-11-27 Divine Couple (23:14 - 761127SB.VRN)
1588. SB 5-06-07 VRN 1976-11-29 Mayavadis Think Krishna Is... Maya (22:29 - 761129SB.VRN)
1589. SB 5-06-08 VRN 1976-11-30 Fire Brigade Cannot --etc (25:32 - 761130SB.VRN)
1590. SB 5-06-10 BOM 1976-12-28 Real Varnasrama (14:55 - 761228SB.BOM)
1591. SB 5-06-11 BOM 1976-12-29 Soul-Killing Civilization (13:08 - 761229SB.BOM)
1592. SB 6-01-01 MEL 1975-05-21 Serve the Divine or Designations (64:03 - 750521SB.MEL)
1593. SB 6-01-01 MEL 1975-05-22 Hog's Life- Eat Any Damned Food (60:28 - 750521SB.MEL)
1594. SB 6-01-02 HON 1976-05-06 Know Krishna...or No Way Out (13:41 - 760506SB.HON)
1595. SB 6-01-06 HON 1976-05-07 Saved from Severe Punishment (23:08 - 760507SB.HON)
1596. SB 6-01-06 NEL 1976-01-05 Cleansing Away Our Criminality (24:20 - 760105SB.NEL)
1597. SB 6-01-07 HON 1975-06-15 The Perfect Sympathizer (38:17 - 750615SB.HON)
1598. SB 6-01-07 HON 1976-05-08 Why Are There Varieties of Life (22:32 - 760508SB.HON)
1599. SB 6-01-08 HON 1976-05-09 The Only Hope (20:21 - 760509SB.HON)
1600. SB 6-01-08 LA 1975-06-21 A Vaisnavas Concern (24:26 - 750621SB.LA)
1601. SB 6-01-08 NY 1971-07-22 Krishna Is --etc (41:04 - 710722SB.NY)
1602. SB 6-01-09 HON 1976-05-10 I Don't Wish to Die --Can You Help Me (17:10 - 760510SB.HON)
1603. SB 6-01-09 NEL 1976-01-07 Devotional Desire (25:02 - 760107SB.NEL)
1604. SB 6-01-09 NY 1971-07-24 Heinous Proposals - Heinous Habits (39:29 - 710724SB.NY)
1605. SB 6-01-10 HON 1976-05-11 There Is No Culture & Education (16:29 - 760511SB.HON)
1606. SB 6-01-10 LA 1975-06-23 No Heart Free of Dirt (20:50 - 750623SB.LA)
1607. SB 6-01-11 HON 1976-05-12 Real Reform School (13:54 - 760512SB.HON)
1608. SB 6-01-11 NY 1971-07-15 Karma and Again-and-Again Cures (45:23 - 710725SB.NY)
1609. SB 6-01-12 HON 1976-05-13 How Can One Become Civilized (16:15 - 760513SB.HON)
1610. SB 6-01-12 LA 1970-01-09 Vedic Culture vs. Industrialism (29:54 - TNA*)
1611. SB 6-01-12 LA 1975-06-25 Repent Sinners--How (36:21 - 750625SB.LA)
1612. SB 6-01-13 HON 1975-06-26 God is not a Petty Thing (36:27 - 750626SB.LA)
1613. SB 6-01-13=14 HON 1976-05-14 Sex and the Sober (21:29 - 760514SB.HON)
1614. SB 6-01-15 DEN 1975-06-28 The Whole Material World is --etc (26:28 - 750628SB.DEN)
1615. SB 6-01-15 LON 1971-08-03 Understand Krishna-Be Liberated (56:06 - 710730SB.LON)
1616. SB 6-01-15 NEL 1976-01-08 Liberation by Pure Understanding (28:03 - 760108SB.NEL)
1617. SB 6-01-16 HON 1976-05-16 Mercy of the Spiritual Master (19:07 - 760516SB.HON)
1618. SB 6-01-17 DEN 1975-06-30 Who Is a True Christian (24:13 - 750630SB.DEN)
1619. SB 6-01-17 HON 1975-06-17 Happiness--Dance With Krishna (23:24 - TNA*)
1620. SB 6-01-18 DEN 1975-07-01 Prasadam Krishna's --etc (20:12 - 750701SB.DEN)
1621. SB 6-01-18 HON 1976-05-18 Everything Here Is Punishment (15:17 - 760518SB.HON)
1622. SB 6-01-19 DEN 1975-07-01 Pure Profit (17:55 - 750702SB.DEN)
1623. SB 6-01-19 HON 1976-05-19 Barking Like a Dog (23:26 - 760519SB.HON)
1624. SB 6-01-20 CHI 1975-07-04 Crime-Why and What to Do (25:18 - 750704SB.CHI)
1625. SB 6-01-20 HON 1976-05-20 Wasting Human Form of Life (22:12 - 760520SB.HON)
1626. SB 6-01-21 CHI 1975-07-05 How to Prevent Crime (19:59 - 750705SB.CHI)
1627. SB 6-01-21 HON 1976-05-21 True Guru (30:37 - 760521SB.HON)
1628. SB 6-01-21 LA 1970-01-17 Purity Made Easy (37:36 - TNA*)
1629. SB 6-01-22 CHI 1975-07-06 Fifth Class Education... --etc (37:38 - 750706SB.CHI)
1630. SB 6-01-22 HON 1976-05-22 Dancing-dog Guru Will Not Help (22:44 - 760522SB.HON)
1631. SB 6-01-23 CHI 1975-07-07 Time and Tide Wait for No Man (35:41 - 750707SB.CHI)
1632. SB 6-01-23 HON 1976-05-23 Don't Be a Hypocrite (25:50 - 760523SB.HON)
1633. SB 6-01-24 CHI 1975-07-08 Family Life (28:14 - 750708SB.CHI)
1634. SB 6-01-24 HON 1976-05-24 Trade the Dark Well for VRN Forest (17:49 - 760524SB.HON)
1635. SB 6-01-25 CHI 1975-07-09 Attachment-To Shadows (36:07 - 750709SB.CHI)
1636. SB 6-01-25 HON 1976-05-25 Hiranyakasipu vs. Prahlada (21:47 - 760525SB.HON)
1637. SB 6-01-26 CHI 1975-07-11 An Ass's Affection (10:01 - 750711SB.CHI)
1638. SB 6-01-26 HON 1976-05-26 Krishna's Sense Gratification (24:47 - 760526SB.HON)
1639. SB 6-01-27 HON 1976-05-27 God Is Not Dead-You Are Dead (18:16 - 760527SB.HON)
1640. SB 6-01-27 PHI 1975-07-12 Asses All (32:40 - 750712SB.PHI)
1641. SB 6-01-28 HON 1976-05-28 Killing the Soul (22:20 - 760528SB.HON)
1642. SB 6-01-28 PHI 1975-07-13 Krishna Is Very Tricky (24:50 - 750713SB.PHI)
1643. SB 6-01-30 HON 1976-05-29 He's Chanting Narayana... Take Him (21:32 - 760529SB.HON)
1644. SB 6-01-30 PHI 1975-07-14 Stop Wasting Your Time --etc (24:38 - 750714SB.PHI)
1645. SB 6-01-31 HON 1976-05-30 Krishna, Kindly Marry Us (25:55 - 760530SB.HON)
1646. SB 6-01-31 SF 1975-07-16 Doom, Boon and Deliverance (26:10 - 750716SB.SF)
1647. SB 6-01-32 HON 1976-05-31 Everything working --etc (22:07 - 760531SB.HON)
1648. SB 6-01-32 SF 1975-07-17 Universal Government (31:01 - 750717SB.SF)
1649. SB 6-01-33 HON 1976-06-01 No Sex in the Spiritual World (23:21 - 760601SB.HON)
1650. SB 6-01-33 SF 1975-07-18 Catching the Tail of a Dog (31:21 - 750718SB.SF)
1651. SB 6-01-37 LA 1976-06-03 Follow What Krishna Says (18:29 - 760603SB.LA)
1652. SB 6-01-37 SF 1975-07-19 Irreligious Religion (29:50 - 750719SB.SF)
1653. SB 6-01-38 LA 1976-06-04 Jeweled Snakes (25:53 - 760604SB.LA)
1654. SB 6-01-39 LA 1976-06-05 Does Your Heart Cry Out for God (28:31 - 760605SB.LA)
1655. SB 6-01-39 SF 1975-07-20 Who Is Punishable (28:10 - 750720SB.SF)
1656. SB 6-01-40 LA 1976-06-06 Graduates of Transcendental Tech (25:38 - 760606SB.LA)
1657. SB 6-01-40 SF 1975-07-21 God Is Krishna-Satan Is Maya (22:48 - 750721SB.SF)
1658. SB 6-01-41 LA 1976-06-07 Total Dependence-Independence (29:34 - 760607SB.LA)
1659. SB 6-01-42 LA 1976-06-08 No Fakir-Go to Guru (28:23 - 760608SB.LA)
1660. SB 6-01-43 LA 1976-06-09 Better Without Disturbance (23:18 - 760609SB.LA)
1661. SB 6-01-44 LA 1976-06-10 Lion-killer Rabbit (30:14 - 760610SB.LA)
1662. SB 6-01-45 LA 1976-06-11 Krishna's Central Intelligence Agency (19:31 - 760611SB.LA)
1663. SB 6-01-45 LB 1975-07-26 Why Not Eternal Life (30:34 - 750726SB.LB)
1664. SB 6-01-46 SD 1975-07-27 Transcending All Misery (29:25 - 750727SB.SD)
1665. SB 6-01-47 DAL 1975-07-29 Your Next Life-What Will It Be (23:20 - 750729SB.DAL)
1666. SB 6-01-47 DET 1976-06-13 Animal Killers Cannot Understand God (22:12 - 760613SB.DET)
1667. SB 6-01-48 DAL 1975-07-30 Part and Parcel of Krishna (23:40 - 750730SB.DAL)
1668. SB 6-01-49 DET 1976-06-15 Deity Installation--Sense --etc (25:33 - 760615SB.DET)
1669. SB 6-01-49 NO 1975-08-01 Take Advantage of the Sastra (23:49 - 750801SB.NO)
1670. SB 6-01-50 DET 1975-08-03 Live Happily and Go Back (26:34 - 750803SB.DET)
1671. SB 6-01-50 DET 1976-06-16 Medicine for Conditioned Mind (33:38 - 760616SB.DET)
1672. SB 6-01-51 DET 1975-08-04 All Wrapped Up in Matter (25:19 - 750804SB.DET)
1673. SB 6-01-52 DET 1975-08-05 No Hard Labor-Only Light (34:00 - 750805SB.DET)
1674. SB 6-01-55 LON 1975-08-13 Be a Helper-Not the Whole Show (29:53 - 750813SB.LON)
1675. SB 6-01-55 PAR 1975-08-11 Dangerous Yogis (16:19 - 750811SB.PAR)
1676. SB 6-01-56 BOM 1975-08-14 Skin Expert to Soul Expert (44:51 - 750814SB.BOM)
1677. SB 6-01-61 VRN 1975-08-28 Sexual Heart Disease (26:01 - 750828SB.VRN)
1678. SB 6-01-62 VRN 1975-08-29 The Agitated Mind (33:00 - 750829SB.VRN)
1679. SB 6-01-63 VRN 1975-08-30 Haunted Enjoyment (27:42 - 750830SB.VRN)
1680. SB 6-01-64 VRN 1975-09-01 Above Material Nature (15:20 - 750901SB.VRN)
1681. SB 6-01-66 VRN 1975-09-02 How to Degrade Yourself (21:41 - 750902SB.VRN)
1682. SB 6-01-67 VRN 1975-09-03 Life Is Very Risky (20:36 - 750903SB.VRN)
1683. SB 6-01-68 VRN 1975-09-04 Don't Infect Yourself with --etc (14:06 - 750904SB.VRN)
1684. SB 6-02-01 VRN 1975-09-05 ABC's of Degradation & Elevation (26:06 - 750905SB.VRN)
1685. SB 6-02-02 VRN 1975-09-06 The Absolute Science (19:40 - 750906SB.VRN)
1686. SB 6-02-03 VRN 1975-09-07 Save Your Dependent (21:31 - 750907SB.VRN)
1687. SB 6-02-04 VRN 1975-09-08 Behave Ideally or Don't Preach (30:07 - 750908SB.VRN)
1688. SB 6-02-05 VRN 1975-09-09 In Contact with a Bona Fide Guru (22:25 - 750909SB.VRN)
1689. SB 6-02-07 VRN 1975-09-10 Government and Guardians (25:10 - 750910SB.VRN)
1690. SB 6-02-08 VRN 1975-09-11 Chant Hare Krishna-No Loss (19:57 - 750911SB.VRN)
1691. SB 6-02-11 VRN 1975-09-13 Unalloyed Peace-How (29:58 - 750913SB.VRN)
1692. SB 6-02-13 VRN 1975-09-15 Seeing Is Not Believing (18:12 - 750915SB.VRN)
1693. SB 6-02-14 VRN 1975-09-17 Non-Anxiety-Ask for It by Name (26:39 - 750917SB.VRN)
1694. SB 6-02-15 VRN 1975-09-18 The Glories of the Holy Name (28:45 - 750918SB.VRN)
1695. SB 6-02-16 VRN 1975-09-19 Krishna in Outlaw Country (37:23 - 750919SB.VRN)
1696. SB 6-02-17 VRN 1975-09-20 Don't Try to Be Happy Here (20:37 - 750920SB.VRN)
1697. SB 7-05-23 VRN 1976-03-31 Hear from a Real Devotee (14:19 - 760331SB.VRN)
1698. SB 7-05-30 MAU 1975-10-02 Material Life (58:46 - 751002SB.MAU)
1699. SB 7-05-31 MAU 1975-10-04 Books for the Blind (39:30 - 751004SB.MAU)
1700. SB 7-06-01 BOM 1975-12-17 We Are Expansions of Radharani (37:48 - 751217LE.BOM)
1701. SB 7-06-01 MAD 1976-01-02 Spiritual Convalescence & Cure (56:22 - 760102SB.MAD)
1702. SB 7-06-01 NY 1969-04-09 Why Are You Spoiling My Boy (34:45 - 690409SB.NY)
1703. SB 7-06-01 SF 1968-03-15 A Way to Spend Your Time (57:22 - 680315SB.SF)
1704. SB 7-06-01 VRN 1975-12-02 Here Is God-Krishna-Take It (27:18 - 751202SB.VRN)
1705. SB 7-06-02 TOR 1976-06-18 Innermost Benefit from the --etc (29:02 - 760618SB.TOR)
1706. SB 7-06-02 VRN 1975-12-03 Everyone Is Dear to Krishna (29:36 - 751203SB.VRN)
1707. SB 7-06-03 MON 1968-06-16 Stop Adjusting the Material World (56:03 - 670308SB.SF)
1708. SB 7-06-03 TOR 1976-06-19 Pots Change ... Contents Stay (32:38 - 760619SB.TOR)
1709. SB 7-06-03 VRN 1975-12-04 Our Human Opportunity (31:58 - 751204SB.VRN)
1710. SB 7-06-04 TOR 1976-06-20 Innermost Benefit from the --etc (23:55 - 760620SB.TOR)
1711. SB 7-06-04 VRN 1975-12-05 How to Waste Your Life (36:15 - 751205SB.VRN)
1712. SB 7-06-05 VRN 1975-12-07 Polished Pig-ism (31:39 - 751207SB.VRN)
1713. SB 7-06-06 MON 1968-06-23 Center Society on Spiritual Profit (59:00 - 680623SB.MON)
1714. SB 7-06-06 NV 1976-06-22 Modern Civilization--No --etc (27:26 - 760622SB.NV)
1715. SB 7-06-06 VRN 1975-12-08 The Victors and the Victimized (23:38 - 751208SB.VRN)
1716. SB 7-06-07 VRN 1975-12-09 We're Taking Death As Life (37:01 - 751209SB.VRN)
1717. SB 7-06-08 NV 1976-06-24 The Greatest Success .. But --etc (19:09 - 760624SB.NV)
1718. SB 7-06-08 VRN 1975-12-10 Mad Attachments in a Bad Age (34:36 - 751210SB.VRN)
1719. SB 7-06-09 NV 1976-06-25 I Love My Sense Gratification (31:41 - 760625SB.NV)
1720. SB 7-06-09 VRN 1975-12-11 Attachment Education (30:36 - 751211SB.VRN)
1721. SB 7-06-10 VRN 1975-12-12 Krishna and Non-Krishna Desires (29:48 - 751212SB.VRN)
1722. SB 7-06-11 NV 1976-06-27 Natural Detachment (20:06 - 760627SB.NV)
1723. SB 7-06-14 NV 1976-06-28 The Problem of Family and Belly (17:41 - 760628SB.NV)
1724. SB 7-06-15 NV 1976-06-29 The Problem of Family and Belly (12:51 - 760629SB.NV)
1725. SB 7-06-16 NV 1976-06-30 Material Entrapment (17:41 - 760630SB.NV)
1726. SB 7-06-17 NV 1976-07-01 Material Entrapment (16:43 - 760701SB.NV)
1727. SB 7-06-19 NV 1976-07-02 Material Service ... Nobody --etc (20:54 - 760702SB.NV)
1728. SB 7-07-19 BOM 1971-03-18 Designations ... Demoniac (37:03 - 710318SB.BOM)
1729. SB 7-07-29 SF 1967-03-15 Here Is A Personality to --etc (29:52 - 670315SB.SF)
1730. SB 7-09-01 MAY 1976-02-08 Don't Make Krishna Unhappy (16:15 - 760208SB.MAY)
1731. SB 7-09-02 BHU 1977-02-12 Lakshmi and Narayan (23:04 - 770212SB.MAY)
1732. SB 7-09-03 MAY 1976-02-10 Never Think 'I Have Become Big' (19:43 - 760210SB.MAY)
1733. SB 7-09-03 MAY 1977-02-17 Easily Available for Devotees (17:39 - 770217SB.MAY)
1734. SB 7-09-04 MAY 1977-02-11 Prahlada--Krishna's --etc (29:01 - 760211SB.MAY)
1735. SB 7-09-04 MAY 1977-02-18 Can God Become Angry (17:14 - 770218SB.MAY)
1736. SB 7-09-05 MAY 1977-02-25 Don't Think God Has No Feeling (24:38 - 770225SB.MAY)
1737. SB 7-09-06 MAY 1977-02-26 God--Supreme Being (20:49 - 770226SB.MAY)
1738. SB 7-09-07 MAY 1976-02-14 Making Faith Firm (24:23 - 760214SB.MAY)
1739. SB 7-09-07 MAY 1977-02-27 Touch Krishna By Your Tongue (25:14 - 770227SB.MAY)
1740. SB 7-09-08 MAY 1976-02-15 Hell, Heaven or Home --Decide (28:29 - 760215SB.MAY)
1741. SB 7-09-08 MAY 1977-02-28 How A Devotee Thinks (30:29 - 770228SB.MAY)
1742. SB 7-09-08 SEA 1968-10-21 Nobody Can Exist Without God (47:41 - 681021SB.SEA)
1743. SB 7-09-09 MAY 1976-02-16 Education Is Not Electronic (28:14 - 760216SB.MAY)
1744. SB 7-09-09 MAY 1977-03-01 Dedicate Your Life To Krishna (23:46 - 770301SB.MAY)
1745. SB 7-09-10 MAY 1976-02-17 Every Dog Has His Pride (31:26 - 760217SB.MAY)
1746. SB 7-09-10 MON 1968-07-12 The Difference Between a --etc (29:13 - 680712SB.MON)
1747. SB 7-09-11 HON 1969-03-24 Krishna Help Me Forget You. --etc (58:32 - 690324SB.HAW)
1748. SB 7-09-11 MAY 1976-02-18 Krishna Needs Us --Why (25:23 - 760218SB.MAY)
1749. SB 7-09-11 MON 1968-08-17 Krishna Is Begging Your Love (51:37 - 680817SB.MON)
1750. SB 7-09-12 MAY 1976-02-19 Follow Without Mental Concoction (24:39 - 760219SB.MAY)
1751. SB 7-09-12 MON 1968-08-18 God is Dead--The Vulture's Curse (44:17 - 680818SB.MON)
1752. SB 7-09-12 MON 1968-08-19 God Only Cares How Much You LOVE Him (14:14 - 680819SB.MON)
1753. SB 7-09-13 MAY 1976-02-20 Snakes Don't Scare Devotees (19:33 - 760220SB.MAY)
1754. SB 7-09-13 MON 1968-08-20 Getting a Job with the --etc (29:16 - 680820SB.MON)
1755. SB 7-09-14 MAY 1976-02-21 Demoniac--Disturbing & Disturbed (24:22 - 760221SB.MAY)
1756. SB 7-09-15 MAY 1976-02-22 No Gentleman Can Live Here (21:07 - 760222SB.MAY)
1757. SB 7-09-16 MAY 1976-02-23 Spreading the Moonlight (35:22 - 760223SB.MAY)
1758. SB 7-09-17 MAY 1976-02-24 Crushed by the Wheel of Time (16:12 - 760224SB.MAY)
1759. SB 7-09-18 MAY 1976-02-25 Literature vs. Litter-ature (30:01 - 760225SB.MAY)
1760. SB 7-09-19 MAY 1976-02-26 Remember the Titanic (27:10 - 760226SB.MAY)
1761. SB 7-09-20 MAY 1976-02-27 Nothing Other than Krishna (23:53 - 760227SB.MAY)
1762. SB 7-09-21 MAY 1976-02-28 Beginning of Material Life (18:25 - 760228SB.MAY)
1763. SB 7-09-22 MAY 1976-02-29 It Is Not Alright (22:57 - 760229SB.MAY)
1764. SB 7-09-23 MAY 1976-03-01 Krishna Impersonators Killed (22:24 - 760301SB.MAY)
1765. SB 7-09-24 MAY 1976-03-02 The Master Disease (18:22 - 760302SB.MAY)
1766. SB 7-09-26 MAY 1976-03-04 Krishna's Touch (24:09 - 760304SB.MAY)
1767. SB 7-09-27 MAY 1976-03-05 Jealousy--It's Cause and Cure (23:01 - 760305SB.MAY)
1768. SB 7-09-28 MAY 1976-03-06 Serpents and Servants (26:03 - 760306SB.MAY)
1769. SB 7-09-29 MAY 1976-03-07 The Clever One (20:16 - 760307SB.MAY)
1770. SB 7-09-30 MAY 1976-03-08 Enter the Spirit (25:39 - 760308SB.MAY)
1771. SB 7-09-31 MAY 1976-03-09 First Lesson--Who Am I (21:36 - 760309SB.MAY)
1772. SB 7-09-32 MAY 1976-03-10 The All Pure and Powerful (25:06 - 760310SB.MAY)
1773. SB 7-09-33 MAY 1976-03-11 Basic Principle (20:23 - 760311SB.MAY)
1774. SB 7-09-34 MAY 1976-03-12 Make Krishna Smile (23:15 - 760312SB.MAY)
1775. SB 7-09-36 MAY 1976-03-14 Simple Boy-Real God (21:12 - 760314SB.MAY)
1776. SB 7-09-37 MAY 1976-03-15 Faith Vs. Fact (23:17 - 760315SB.MAY)
1777. SB 7-09-38 MAY 1976-03-16 Gaura Purnima--The Undercover Avatar (23:14 - 760316SB.MAY)
1778. SB 7-09-39 MAY 1976-03-17 How Will They Become Brahmanas (27:27 - 760317SB.MAY)
1779. SB 7-09-40 MAY 1976-03-18 Serve One Master... Or Many (33:43 - 760318SB.MAY)
1780. SB 7-09-41 MAY 1976-03-19 Is God Unkind (26:02 - 760319SB.MAY)
1781. SB 7-09-42 MAY 1976-03-22 Impossible to Be Independent (18:33 - 760322SB.MAY)
1782. SB 7-09-44 MAY 1976-03-26 How to Get Krishna's Attention (12:33 - 760326SB.DEL)
1783. SB 7-09-47 VRN 1976-04-02 Demonic Habits Are Being Killed (22:08 - 760402SB.VRN)
1784. SB 7-09-49 VRN 1976-04-04 Big Talk, Hard Work- Not the Way (22:42 - 760404SB.VRN)
1785. SB 7-09-52 VRN 1976-04-07 Nondevotees--Cruel, Cruel, Cruel (36:33 - 760407SB.VRN)
1786. SB 7-09-53 VRN 1976-04-08 Please Krishna, See Krishna (28:12 - 760408SB.VRN)
1787. SB 7-09-54 VRN 1976-04-09 No More Wanting (25:28 - 760409SB.VRN)
1788. SB 7-09-55 VRN 1976-04-10 The Spoiling Civilization (31:14 - 760410SB.VRN)
1789. SB 7-12-01 BOM 1976-04-12 I Don't Say You're a Rascal (18:58 - 760412SB.BOM)
1790. SB 7-12-02 BOM 1976-04-13 Hippie Population (27:35 - 760413SB.BOM)
1791. SB 7-12-03 BOM 1976-04-14 Sex Life-Spiritual Life (20:09 - 760414SB.BOM)
1792. SB 7-12-04 BOM 1976-04-15 Shortcut Your Necessities (24:03 - 760415SB.BOM)
1793. SB 7-12-05 BOM 1976-04-16 Our Main Principle-Chant (20:12 - 760416SB.BOM)
1794. SB 7-12-06 BOM 1976-04-17 Know Everything of Something (17:48 - 760417SB.BOM)
1795. SB E-11-03-21 NY 1969-04-13 Commanders-in-Chief in the --etc (25:02 - 690413SB.NY)
1796. SB Lect BOM 1973-01-12 At Pandal--Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam (51:28 - 730113SB.BOM)
1797. SB Lect LA 1969-07-12 This Life Is Very Valuable (53:27 - 690712SB.LA)
1798. Story 01 Introduction (0:12 - TNA*)
1799. Story 02 Again become mouse (2:56 - 720527SB.LA)
1800. Story 03 Alexander the Great (1:14 - 740112SB.LA)
1801. Story 04 Arjunacarya (4:28 - 661206BG.NY)
1802. Story 05 Bilvamangala Thakura (7:23 - 661130CC.NY)
1803. Story 06 Birds in net (2:11 - 760226SB.MAY)
1804. Story 07 The Brahmana and the Cobbler (5:21 - 661123BG.NY)
1805. Story 08 Can't, can't, can't (1:46 - 730629BG.MAY)
1806. Story 09 Cut coat tails (2:11 - 750607mw.hon)
1807. Story 10 Dinabandhu dada (6:49 - 741207SB.BOM.)
1808. Story 11 Don't live, don't die (5:02 - 681209DB.LA)
1809. Story 12 Dr. Frog (1:46 - 710912SB.MOM)
1810. Story 13 Feeding market people (1:59 - 670306SB.SF)
1811. Story 14 Gandhari, Duryodhana, Krsna (4:32 - 760912SB.VRN)
1812. Story 15 Ghost, ghost (1:44 - 750414rc.hyd)
1813. Story 16 Gladstone (2:56 - 770131VA.BHU)
1814. Story 17 Mahabharata (2:04 -
1815. Story 18 Stool and urine (2:20 - 730811rc.par)
1816. Story 19 Illiterate brahmana (3:13 - 741126SB.BOM)
1817. Story 20 Jackal king (2:54 -
1818. Story 21 King & ass (2:52 - 730130ND.CAL)
1819. Story 22 Krsna breaking promise (5:02 - 661220BG.NY)
1820. Story 23 European, Krsna is God (1:33 - 680818SB.MON)
1821. Story 24 Jayananda looks like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu (0:26 - 681201IN.LA)
1822. Story 25 Krsna's headache (2:00 - 721226ND.BOM)
1823. Story 26 Lady carrying sticks on head (1:46 - 741202SB.BOM)
1824. Story 27 Liquid Beauty (2:29 - 690430LE.BOS)
1825. Story 28 Mirabhai & Rupa Gosvami (1:10 - 721208BG.AHM)
1826. Story 29 Monkey and log (7:17 - 680716rc.mon)
1827. Story 30 Mrgari the hunter (3:40 - 730907BG.STO)
1828. Story 31 Potter (2:45 - 761103SB.VRN)
1829. Story 32 Radha and Krsna at Kuruksetra (3:36 - 700704LE.SF)
1830. Story 33 Saksi-Gopala (9:06 - 661124BG.NY)
1831. Story 34 Sanatana & Radharani (4:41 - 661123CC.NY)
1832. Story 35 Scholar and the boatman (2:08 - 740614SB.PAR)
1833. Story 36 Shah Jahan (4:48 - 720521LE.LA)
1834. Story 37 Siva, Parvati, watermelon (1:47 - 760810ed.teh)
1835. Story 38 16,000 wives (4:12 - 760216SB.MAY)
1836. Story 39 Smearing stool (1:19 - 760523SB.HON)
1837. Story 40 Savitri (2:43 - 660916BG.NY)
1838. Story 41 Thief to Vrndavana (3:20 - 720815SB.LA)
1839. Story 42 Vastrana-lila (3:46 - 760526SB.HON)
1840. Story 43 Visvamitra Muni (4:27 - 660918BG.NY)
1841. Story 44 Yogi burning finger (2:58 - 740417BG.BOM)
1842. Story 45 Yogi who could walk on water (2:47 - 690110IN.LA)
1843. Story 46 Simply wonderful (1:32 - 710720LE.LA)
* TNA = Transcription not available.
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