Sri Caitanya-caritamrta: Madhya-lila
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Chapter 1
TEXT 122
anavasare jagannathera na pana darasana
virahe alalanatha karila gamana
anavasare—during the absence; jagannathera—of Lord Jagannatha; na—not; pana—getting; darasana—visit; virahe—in separation; alalanatha—of the place named Alalanatha; karila—did; gamana—going.
When Jagannatha was absent from the temple, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who could not see Him, felt separation and left Jagannatha Puri to go to a place known as Alalanatha.
Alalanatha is also known as Brahmagiri. This place is about fourteen miles from Jagannatha Puri and is also on the beach. There is a temple of Jagannatha there. At the present moment a police station and post office are situated there because so many people come to see the temple.
The word anavasara is used when Sri Jagannathaji cannot be seen in the temple. After the bathing ceremony (snana-yatra), Lord Jagannatha apparently becomes sick. He is therefore removed to His private apartment, where no one can see Him. Actually, during this period renovations are made on the body of the Jagannatha Deity. This is called nava-yauvana. During the Ratha-yatra ceremony, Lord Jagannatha once again comes before the public. Thus for fifteen days after the bathing ceremony, Lord Jagannatha is not visible to any visitors.
TEXT 123
bhakta-sane dina kata tahani rahila
gaudera bhakta aise, samacara paila
bhakta-sane—with the devotees; dina kata—some days; tahani—there at Alalanatha; rahila—remained; gaudera—of Bengal; bhakta—devotees; aise—come; samacara—news; paila—He got.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained for some days at Alalanatha. In the meantime, Caitanya Mahaprabhu received news that all the devotees from Bengal were coming to Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 124
nityananda-sarvabhauma agraha karina
nilacale aila mahaprabhuke la-ina
nityananda—Lord Nityananda Prabhu; sarvabhauma—Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; agraha karina—showing great eagerness; nilacale—to Jagannatha Puri; aila—returned; mahaprabhuke—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; la-ina—taking.
When the devotees from Bengal arrived at Jagannatha Puri, both Nityananda Prabhu and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya greatly endeavored to take Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu back to Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 125
virahe vihvala prabhu na jane ratri-dine
hena-kale aila gaudera bhakta-gane
virahe—in separation; vihvala—overwhelmed; prabhu—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; na—not; jane—knows; ratri-dine—day and night; hena-kale—at this time; aila—arrived; gaudera—of Bengal; bhakta-gane—all the devotees.
When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu finally left Alalanatha to return to Jagannatha Puri, He was overwhelmed both day and night due to separation from Jagannatha. His lamentation knew no bounds. During this time, all the devotees from different parts of Bengal, and especially from Navadvipa, arrived in Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 126
sabe mili’ yukti kari’ kirtana arambhila
kirtana-avese prabhura mana sthira haila
sabe mili’-meeting all together; yukti kari’-after due consideration; kirtana—congregational chanting of the holy name; arambhila—began; kirtana-avese—in the ecstasy of kirtana; prabhura—of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; mana—the mind; sthira—pacified; haila—became.
After due consideration, all the devotees began chanting the holy name congregationally. Lord Caitanya’s mind was thus pacified by the ecstasy of the chanting.
Being absolute, Lord Jagannatha is identical in person, form, picture, kirtana and all other circumstances. Therefore when Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, He was pacified. Previously, He had been feeling very morose due to separation from Jagannatha. The conclusion is that whenever a kirtana of pure devotees takes place, the Lord is immediately present. By chanting the holy names of the Lord, we associate with the Lord personally.
TEXT 127
purve yabe prabhu ramanandere milila
nilacale asibare tanre ajna dila
purve—before this; yabe—while; prabhu—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; ramanandere—Sri Ramananda Raya; milila—met; nilacale—to Jagannatha Puri; asibare—to come; tanre—him; ajna dila—ordered.
Previously, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had been touring South India, He had met Ramananda Raya on the banks of the Godavari. At that time it had been decided that Ramananda Raya would resign from his post as governor and return to Jagannatha Puri to live with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
TEXT 128
raja-ajna lana tenho aila kata dine
ratri-dine krsna-katha ramananda-sane
raja-ajna—the permission of the King, Prataparudra; lana—getting; tenho—Ramananda Raya; aila—returned; kata dine—in some days; ratri-dine—day and night; krsna-katha—talks of Lord Krsna and His pastimes; ramananda-sane—in the company of Ramananda Raya.
Upon the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Ramananda Raya took leave of the King and returned to Jagannatha Puri. After he arrived, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu very much enjoyed talking with him both day and night about Lord Krsna and His pastimes.
TEXT 129
kasi-misre krpa, pradyumna misradi-milana
kasi-misre krpa—His mercy to Kasi Misra; pradyumna misra-adi-milana—meeting with Pradyumna Misra and others; paramananda-puri—of the name Paramananda Puri; govinda—of the name Govinda; kasisvara—of the name Kasisvara; agamana—coming.
After Ramananda Raya’s arrival, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestowed His mercy upon Kasi Misra and met Pradyumna Misra and others. At that time three personalities-Paramananda Puri, Govinda and Kasisvara-came to see Lord Caitanya at Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 130
damodara-svarupa-milane parama ananda
sikhi-mahiti-milana, raya bhavananda
damodara-svarupa—Svarupa Damodara; milane—in meeting; parama—great; ananda—pleasure; sikhi-mahiti—of the name Sikhi Mahiti; milana—meeting; raya bhavananda—Bhavananda, the father of Ramananda Raya.
Eventually there was a meeting with Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, and the Lord became very greatly pleased. Then there was a meeting with Sikhi Mahiti and with Bhavananda Raya, the father of Ramananda Raya.
TEXT 131
gauda ha-ite sarva vaisnavera agamana
kulina-grama-vasi-sange prathama milana
gauda ha-ite—from Bengal; sarva—all; vaisnavera—of the Vaisnavas; agamana—appearance; kulina-grama-vasi—the residents of Kulina-grama; sange—with them; prathama—first; milana—meeting.
All the devotees from Bengal gradually began arriving at Jagannatha Puri. At this time, the residents of Kulina-grama also came to see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for the first time.
TEXT 132
narahari dasa adi yata khanda-vasi
sivananda-sena-sange milila sabe asi’
narahari dasa—of the name Narahari dasa; adi—heading the list; yata—all; khanda-vasi—devotees of the place known as Khanda; sivananda-sena—of the name Sivananda Sena; sange—with; milila—He met; sabe—all; asi’-coming there.
Eventually Narahari dasa and other inhabitants of Khanda, along with Sivananda Sena, all arrived, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu met them.
TEXT 133
snana-yatra dekhi’ prabhu sange bhakta-gana
saba lana kaila prabhu gundica marjana
snana-yatra—the bathing ceremony; dekhi’-seeing; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sange—with Him; bhakta-gana—the devotees; saba—all; lana—taking; kaila—did; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; gundica marjana—washing and cleaning the Gundica temple.
After seeing the bathing ceremony of Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu washed and cleaned Sri Gundica temple with the assistance of many devotees.
TEXT 134
saba-sange ratha-yatra kaila darasana
ratha-agre nrtya kari’ udyane gamana
saba-sange—with all of them; ratha-yatra—the car festival; kaila—did; darasana—seeing; ratha-agre—in front of the car; nrtya—dancing; kari’-doing; udyane—in the garden; gamana—going.
After this, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the devotees saw the Ratha-yatra, the car festival ceremony. Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself danced in front of the car, and after dancing He entered a garden.
TEXT 135
prataparudrere krpa kaila sei sthane
gaudiya-bhakte ajna dila vidayera dine
prataparudrere—unto King Prataparudra; krpa—mercy; kaila—did; sei sthane—in that garden; gaudiya-bhakte—to all the devotees of Bengal; ajna—the order; dila—gave; vidayera—of departure; dine—on the day.
In that garden, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestowed His mercy upon King Prataparudra. Afterwards, when the Bengali devotees were about to return home, the Lord gave separate orders to almost every one of them.
TEXT 136
pratyabda asibe ratha-yatra-darasane
ei chale cahe bhakta-ganera milane
prati-abda—every year; asibe—you should all come; ratha-yatra—the car festival; darasane—to see; ei chale—under this plea; cahe—desires; bhakta-ganera—of all the devotees; milane—the meeting.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu desired to meet all the devotees of Bengal every year. Therefore He ordered them to come to see the Ratha-yatra festival every year.
TEXT 137
sarvabhauma-ghare prabhura bhiksa-paripati
sathira mata kahe, yate randi ha-uk sathi
sarvabhauma-ghare—at the house of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; prabhura—of the Lord; bhiksa—eating; paripati—sumptuously; sathira mata—the mother of Sathi, who was the daughter of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; kahe—says; yate—by which; randi—widow; ha-uk—let her become; sathi—Sathi, the daughter.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was invited to dine at the house of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. While He was eating sumptuously, the son-in-law of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya [the husband of his daughter Sathi] criticized Him. Because of this, Sathi’s mother cursed him by praying that Sathi would become a widow. In other words, she cursed her son-in-law to die.
TEXT 138
varsantare advaitadi bhaktera agamana
prabhure dekhite sabe karila gamana
varsa-antare—at the end of the year; advaita-adi—headed by Advaita Acarya; bhaktera—of all the devotees; agamana—coming to Jagannatha Puri; prabhure—the Lord; dekhite—to see; sabe—all of them; karila—did; gamana—going to Jagannatha Puri.
At the end of the year, all the devotees from Bengal, headed by Advaita Acarya, again came to see the Lord. Indeed, there was a great rush of devotees to Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 139
anande sabare niya dena vasa-sthana
sivananda sena kare sabara palana
anande—in great pleasure; sabare—all the devotees; niya—taking; dena—gives; vasa-sthana—residential quarters; sivananda sena—of the name Sivananda Sena; kare—does; sabara—of all; palana—maintenance.
When all the devotees from Bengal arrived, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu allotted them residential quarters, and Sivananda Sena was put in charge of their maintenance.
TEXT 140
sivanandera sange aila kukkura bhagyavan
prabhura carana dekhi’ kaila antardhana
sivanandera sange—with Sivananda Sena; aila—came; kukkura—a dog; bhagyavan—fortunate; prabhura—of the Lord; carana—the lotus feet; dekhi’-seeing; kaila—did; antardhana—disappearing.
A dog accompanied Sivananda Sena and the devotees, and that dog was so fortunate that after seeing the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, it was liberated and went back home, back to Godheand.
TEXT 141
pathe sarvabhauma saha sabara milana
sarvabhauma bhattacaryera kasite gamana
pathe—on the way; sarvabhauma—Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; saha—with; sabara—of everyone; milana—meeting; sarvabhauma bhattacaryera—of the devotee named Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; kasite—to Varanasi; gamana—going.
Everyone met Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya on his way to Varanasi.
TEXT 142
prabhure milila sarva vaisnava asiya
jala-krida kaila prabhu sabare la-iya
prabhure—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; milila—met; sarva—all; vaisnava—devotees; asiya—arriving at Jagannatha Puri; jala-krida—sporting in the water; kaila—performed; prabhu—the Lord; sabare—all the devotees; la-iya—taking.
After arriving at Jagannatha Puri, all the Vaisnavas met with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Later, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sported in the water, taking all the devotees with Him.
TEXT 143
saba lana kaila gundica-grha-sammarjana
ratha-yatra-darasane prabhura nartana
saba lana—taking all of them; kaila—performed; gundica-grha-sammarjana—washing of the Gundica temple; ratha-yatra—the car festival; darasane—in seeing; prabhura—of the Lord; nartana—dancing.
First the Lord washed the temple of Gundica very thoroughly. Then everyone saw the Ratha-yatra festival and the Lord’s dancing before the car.
TEXT 144
upavane kaila prabhu vividha vilasa
prabhura abhiseka kaila vipra krsnadasa
upavane—in the garden by the road; kaila—performed; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; vividha—varieties of; vilasa—pastimes; prabhura—of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; abhiseka—bathing; kaila—did; vipra—the brahmana; krsnadasa—of the name Krsnadasa.
In the garden along the road from the Jagannatha temple to Gundica, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed various pastimes. A brahmana named Krsnadasa performed the bathing ceremony of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
TEXT 145
gundicate nrtya-ante kaila jala-keli
hera-pancamite dekhila laksmi-devira keli
gundicate—in the neighborhood of the Gundica temple; nrtya-ante—after dancing; kaila—performed; jala-keli—sporting in the water; hera-pancamite—on the day of Hera-pancami; dekhila—saw; laksmi-devira—of the goddess of fortune; keli—activities.
After dancing in the Gundica temple, the Lord sported in the water with His devotees, and on Hera-pancami day they all saw the activities of the goddess of fortune, Laksmidevi.
TEXT 146
krsna-janma-yatrate prabhu gopa-vesa haila
dadhi-bhara vahi’ tabe laguda phiraila
krsna-janma-yatrate—on the birthday ceremony of Lord Krsna; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; gopa-vesa—dressed like a cowherd boy; haila—was; dadhi-bhara—a balance for pots of yogurt; vahi’-carrying; tabe—at that time; laguda—a rod; phiraila—wheeled about.
On Janmastami, Lord Krsna’s birthday, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu dressed Himself as a cowherd boy. At that time He carried a balance with pots of yogurt and wheeled a rod about.
TEXT 147
gaudera bhakta-gane tabe karila vidaya
sangera bhakta lana kare kirtana sadaya
gaudera—of Gauda-desa (Bengal); bhakta-gane—to the devotees; tabe—then; karila—gave; vidaya—farewell; sangera—of constant companionship; bhakta—devotees; lana—taking; kare—performs; kirtana—congregational chanting; sadaya—always.
After this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bade farewell to all the devotees from Gauda-desa [Bengal] and continued chanting with His intimate devotees who constantly remained with Him.
TEXT 148
vrndavana yaite kaila gaudere gamana
prataparudra kaila pathe vividha sevana
vrndavana yaite—to go to Vrndavana; kaila—did; gaudere—to Bengal; gamana—going; prataparudra—King Prataparudra; kaila—performed; pathe—on the road; vividha—various; sevana—services.
To visit Vrndavana, the Lord went to Gauda-desa [Bengal]. On the way, King Prataparudra performed a variety of service to please the Lord.
TEXT 149
puri-gosani-sange vastra-pradana-prasanga
ramananda raya aila bhadraka paryanta
puri-gosani-sange—with Puri Gosvami; vastra-pradana-prasanga—incidents of exchanging cloth; ramananda raya—of the name Ramananda Raya; aila—came; bhadraka—a place of the name Bhadraka; paryanta—as far as.
On the way to Vrndavana via Bengal, there was an incident wherein some cloth was exchanged with Puri Gosani. Sri Ramanada Raya accompanied the Lord as far as the city of Bhadraka.
TEXT 150
asi’ vidya-vacaspatira grhete rahila
prabhure dekhite loka-sanghatta ha-ila
asi’-coming to Bengal; vidya-vacaspatira—of Vidya-vacaspati; grhete—at the home; rahila—remained; prabhure—unto Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; dekhite—to see; loka-sanghatta—crowds of men; ha-ila—there were.
When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reached Vidyanagara, Bengal, on the way to Vrndavana, He stopped at the house of Vidya-vacaspati, who was the brother of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu suddenly arrived at his house, great crowds of people gathered.
TEXT 151
panca-dina dekhe loka nahika visrama
loka-bhaye ratre prabhu aila kuliya-grama
panca-dina—continuously for five days; dekhe—see; loka—people; nahika—there is not; visrama—rest; loka-bhaye—on account of fearing the crowds of men; ratre—at night; prabhu—the Lord; aila—went; kuliya-grama—to the place known as Kuliya.
For five consecutive days all the people gathered to see the Lord, and still there was no rest. Out of fear of the crowd, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu left at night and went to the town of Kuliya [present-day Navadvipa].
If one considers the statements of the Caitanya-bhagavata along with the description by Locana dasa Thakura, it is clear that present-day Navadvipa was formerly known as Kuliya-grama. While at Kuliya-grama, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu bestowed His favor upon Devananda Pandita and delivered Gopala Capala and many others who had previously committed offenses at His lotus feet. At that time, to go from Vidyanagara to Kuliya-grama one had to cross a branch of the Ganges. All of those old places still exist. Cinadanga was formerly situated in Kuliya-grama, which is now known as Kolera Ganja.
TEXT 152
kuliya-gramete prabhura suniya agamana
koti koti loka asi’ kaila darasana
kuliya-gramete—in that place known as Kuliya-grama; prabhura—of the Lord; suniya—hearing; agamana—about the arrival; koti koti—hundreds of thousands; loka—of people; asi’-coming; kaila—took; darasana—audience.
Hearing of the Lord’s arrival in Kuliya-grama, may hundreds and thousands of people came to see Him.
TEXT 153
kuliya-grame kaila devanandere prasada
gopala-viprere ksamaila srivasaparadha
kuliya-grame—in that village known as Kuliya-grama; kaila—showed; devanandere prasada—mercy to Devananda Pandita; gopala-viprere—and to the brahmana known as Gopala Capala; ksamaila—excused; srivasa-aparadha—the offense to the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura.
The specific acts performed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at this time were His showing favor to Devananda Pandita and excusing the brahmana known as Gopala Capala from the offense he had committed at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura.
TEXT 154
pasandi nindaka asi’ padila carane
aparadha ksami’ tare dila krsna-preme
pasandi—atheists; nindaka—blasphemers; asi’-coming there; padila—fell down; carane—at the lotus feet of the Lord; aparadha ksami’-excusing them of their offenses; tare—unto them; dila—gave; krsna-preme—love of Krsna.
Many atheists and blasphemers came and fell at the lotus feet of the Lord, and the Lord in return excused them and gave them love of Krsna.
TEXT 155
vrndavana yabena prabhu suni’ nrsimhananda
patha sajaila mane paiya ananda
vrndavana—to Vrndavana; yabena—will go; prabhu—the Lord; suni’-hearing; nrsimhananda—of the name Nrsimhananda; patha—the way; sajaila—decorated; mane—within the mind; paiya—getting; ananda—pleasure.
When Sri Nrsimhananda Brahmacari heard that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would go to Vrndavana, he became very pleased and mentally began decorating the way there.
TEXT 156
kuliya nagara haite patha ratne bandhaila
nivrnta puspa-sayya upare patila
kuliya nagara—the city of Kuliya; haite—from; patha—way; ratne—with jewels; bandhaila—constructed; nivrnta—stemless; puspa-sayya—flower bed; upare—on top; patila—laid down.
First Nrsimhananda Brahmacari contemplated a broad road starting from the city of Kuliya. He bedecked the road with jewels, upon which he then laid a bed of stemless flowers.
TEXT 157
pathe dui dike puspa-bakulera sreni
madhye madhye dui-pase divya puskarini
pathe—on the road; dui dike—on both sides; puspa-bakulera—of bakula flower trees; sreni—rows; madhye madhye—in the middle; dui-pase—on both sides; divya—transcendental; puskarini—lakes.
He mentally decorated both sides of the road with bakula flower trees, and at intervals on both sides he placed lakes of a transcendental nature.
TEXT 158
ratna-bandha ghata, tahe praphulla kamala
nana paksi-kolahala, sudha-sama jala
ratna-bandha—constructed with jewels; ghata—bathing places; tahe—there; praphulla—fully blossoming; kamala—lotus flowers; nana—various; paksi—of birds; kolahala—vibrations; sudha—nectar; sama—like; jala—water.
These lakes had bathing places constructed with jewels, and they were filled with blossoming lotus flowers. There were various birds chirping, and the water was exactly like nectar.
TEXT 159
sitala samira vahe nana gandha lana
’kanaira natasala’ paryanta la-ila bandhina
sitala—very cool; samira—breezes; vahe—blowing; nana—various; gandha—fragrances; lana—carrying; kanaira nata-sala—the place named Kanai Natasala; paryanta—as far as; la-ila—carried; bandhina—constructing.
The entire road was surcharged with many cool breezes, which carried the fragrances from various flowers. He carried the construction of this road as far as Kanai Natasala.
Kanai Natasala is about 202 miles from Calcutta on the Loop line of the Eastern Railway. The railway station is named Talajhadi, and after one gets off at that station, he has to go about two miles to find Kanai Natasala.
TEXT 160
age mana nahi cale, na pare bandhite
patha-bandha na yaya, nrsimha haila vismite
age—beyond this; mana—the mind; nahi—does not; cale—go; na—is not; pare—able; bandhite—to construct the road; patha-bandha—construction of the road; na yaya—is not possible; nrsimha—Nrsimhananda Brahmacari; haila—became; vismite—astonished.
Within the mind of Nrsimhananda Brahmacari, the road could not be constructed beyond Kanai Natasala. He could not understand why the road’s construction could not be completed, and thus he was astonished.
TEXT 161
niscaya kariya kahi, suna, bhakta-gana
ebara na yabena prabhu sri-vrndavana
niscaya—assurance; kariya—making; kahi—I say; suna—please hear; bhakta-gana—my dear devotees; ebara—this time; na—not; yabena—will go; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sri-vrndavana—to Vrndavana.
With great assurance he then told the devotees that Lord Caitanya would not go to Vrndavana at that time.
Srila Nrsimhananda Brahmacari was a great devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; therefore when he heard that from Kuliya Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was going to Vrndavana, although he had no material wealth he began to construct within his mind a very attractive path or road for Caitanya Mahaprabhu to traverse. Some of the description of this path is given above. But even mentally he could not construct the road beyond Kanai Natasala. Therefore he concluded that Caitanya Mahaprabhu would not go to Vrndavana at that time.
For a pure devotee, it is the same whether he materially constructs a path or constructs one within his mind. This is because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Janardana, is bhava-grahi, or appreciative of the sentiment. For Him a path made with actual jewels and a path made of mental jewels are the same. Though subtle, mind is also matter, so any path-indeed, anything for the service of the Lord, whether in gross matter or in subtle matter-is accepted equally by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord accepts the attitude of His devotee and sees how much he is prepared to serve Him. The devotee is at liberty to serve the Lord either in gross matter or in subtle matter. The important point is that the service be in relation with the Supreme Personality of Godheand. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (9.26):
patram puspam phalam toyam
yo me bhaktya prayacchati
tad aham bhakty-upahrtam
asnami prayatatmanah
“If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.” The real ingredient is bhakti (devotion). Pure devotion is uncontaminated by the modes of material nature. Ahaituky apratihata: unconditional devotional service cannot be checked by any material condition. This means that one does not have to be very rich to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even the poorest man can equally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead if he has pure devotion. If there is no ulterior motive, devotional service cannot be checked by any material condition.