Sri Caitanya-caritamrta: Madhya-lila
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Chapter 10
TEXT 152
ajna deha’ yadi tanre aniye ethai
prabhu kahe,-guru tenha, yaba tanra thani
ajna deha’-order; yadi—if; tanre—him; aniye—I can bring; ethai—here; prabhu kahe—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; guru tenha—he is My spiritual master; yaba—I shall go; tanra thani—to his place.
Mukunda Datta then asked the Lord, “Shall I bring him here?”
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Brahmananda Bharati is like My spiritual master. It is better that I go to him.”
TEXT 153
eta bali’ mahaprabhu bhakta-gana-sange
cali’ aila brahmananda-bharatira age
eta bali’-saying this; mahaprabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; bhakta-gana-sange—with the devotees; cali’—walking; aila—came; brahmananda-bharatira—of Brahmananda Bharati; age—in the presence.
After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees came into the presence of Brahmananda Bharati.
TEXT 154
brahmananda pariyache mrga-carmambara
taha dekhi’ prabhu duhkha paila antara
brahmananda—Brahmananda; pariyache—did wear; mrga-carma-ambara—a garment made of deerskin; taha dekhi’—seeing that; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; duhkha—unhappiness; paila—got; antara—within Himself.
When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His devotees approached him, they saw that he was covered with a deerskin. Seeing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became very unhappy.
Brahmananda Bharati belonged to the Sankara-sampradaya. (The title bharati indicates a member of one of that sampradaya’s ten classes of sannyasis.) It is customary for a person who has renounced the world to cover his body with a deerskin or the bark of a tree. This is enjoined by the Manu-samhita. But if a sannyasi who has renounced the world simply wears a deerskin and does not spiritually advance, he is bewildered by false prestige. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like to see Brahmananda Bharati wearing a deerskin.
TEXT 155
dekhiya ta’ chadma kaila yena dekhe nani
mukundere puche,-kahan bharati-gosani
dekhiya—seeing; ta’—certainly; chadma kaila—pretended; yena—as if; dekhe—sees; nani—not; mukundere puche—inquired from Mukunda; kahan—where; bharati-gosani—Brahmananda Bharati, my spiritual master.
Seeing Brahmananda Bharati wearing the deerskin, Caitanya Mahaprabhu pretended not to see him. Instead, He asked Mukunda Datta, “Where is Brahmananda Bharati, My spiritual master?”
TEXT 156
mukunda kahe,-ei age dekha vidyamana
prabhu kahe,-tenha nahena, tumi ageyana
mukunda kahe—Mukunda said; ei age—here in front; dekha—see; vidyamana—present; prabhu kahe—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied; tenha nahena—he is not; tumi ageyana—you are incorrect.
Mukunda Datta replied, “Here is Brahmananda Bharati, in Your presence.”
The Lord replied, "You are incorrect. This is not Brahmananda Bharati.
TEXT 157
anyere anya kaha, nahi tomara jnana
bharati-gosani kene paribena cama
anyere—another; anya kaha—you talk of someone else; nahi—there is not; tomara—your; jnana—knowledge; bharati—Brahmananda Bharati; gosani—My spiritual master; kene—why; paribena—should wear; cama—skin.
“You must be talking of someone else, for this is surely not Brahmananda Bharati. You simply have no knowledge. Why should Brahmananda Bharati wear a deerskin?”
TEXT 158
suni’ brahmananda kare hrdaye vicare
mora carmambara ei na bhaya inhare
suni’-hearing; brahmananda—Brahmananda; kare—does; hrdaye—within himself; vicare—consideration; mora—my; carma-ambara—deerskin garment; ei—this; na—not; bhaya—is approved; inhare—by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
When Brahmananda Bharati heard this, he thought, “My deerskin is not approved by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
TEXT 159
bhala kahena,--carmambara dambha lagi’ pari
carmambara-paridhane samsara na tari
bhala—well; kahena—He said; carma-ambara—the garment of deerskin; dambha—prestige; lagi’-for the matter of; pari—I put on; carma-ambara-paridhane—by putting on a garment of skin; samsara—the material world; na tari—I cannot cross.
Thus admitting his mistake, Brahmananda Bharati thought, "He spoke well. I put on this deerskin only for prestige. I cannot cross over the ocean of nescience simply by wearing a deerskin.
TEXT 160
aji haite na pariba ei carmambara
prabhu bahirvasa anaila janiya antara
aji haite—from today; na pariba—I shall not put on; ei—this; carma-ambara—deerskin garment; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; bahirh-vasa—the cloth of a sannyasi; anaila—had someone bring; janiya—knowing; antara—his contemplation.
“From today on I shall not wear this deerskin.” As soon as Brahmananda Bharati decided this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, understanding his mind, immediately sent for the robes of a sannyasi.
TEXT 161
carmambara chadi’ brahmananda parila vasana
prabhu asi’ kaila tanra carana vandana
carma-ambara chadi’-giving up the deerskin garment; brahmananda—Brahmananda Bharati; parila—put on; vasana—cloth garment; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; asi’—coming; kaila—did; tanra—his; carana vandana—worshiping the feet.
As soon as Brahmananda Bharati gave up his deerskin and covered himself with sannyasi robes, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came and offered His respects at his lotus feet.
TEXT 162
bharati kahe,-tomara acara loka sikhaite
punah na karibe nati, bhaya pana citte
bharati kahe—Brahmananda Bharati said; tomara—Your; acara—behavior; loka—people in general; sikhaite—to teach; punah—again; na—not; karibe—will do; nati—obeisances; bhaya—fear; pana—I get; citte—within the mind.
Brahmananda Bharati said, "You instruct the general populace by Your behavior. I will not do anything against Your wishes; otherwise You will not offer me respects but will neglect me. I am afraid of this.
TEXT 163
sampratika ’dui brahma’ ihan ’calacala’
jagannatha-acala brahma, tumi ta’ sacala
sampratika—at the present moment; dui brahma—two Brahmans, or spiritual identities; ihan—here; cala-acala—moving and not moving; jagannatha—Lord Jagannatha; acala brahma—not moving Brahman; tumi—You; ta’—but; sa-cala—moving Brahman.
"At the present moment I see two Brahmans. One Brahman is Lord Jagannatha, who does not move, and the other Brahman, who is moving, is You. Lord Jagannatha is the arca-vigraha, the worshipable Deity, and it is He who is the nonmoving Brahman. But You are Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and You are moving here and there. The two of You are the same Brahman, master of the material nature, but You are playing two parts-one moving and one not moving. In this way two Brahmans are now residing at Jagannatha Puri, Purusottama.
TEXT 164
tumi-gaura-varna, tenha-syamala-varna
dui brahme kaila saba jagat-tarana
tumi—You; gaura-varna—having a golden or fair complexion; tenha—He; syamala-varna—having a blackish complexion; dui brahme—both Brahmans; kaila—performed; saba jagat—of the whole world; tarana—deliverance.
“Of the two Brahmans, You are fair-complexioned, and the other, Lord Jagannatha, is blackish. Both of You are delivering the whole world.”
TEXT 165
prabhu kahe,-satya kahi, tomara agamane
dui brahma prakatila sri-purusottame
prabhu kahe—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; satya kahi—I speak the truth; tomara agamane—by your presence; dui brahma—two Brahmans; prakatila—appeared; sri-purusottame—at Jagannatha Puri.
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Actually, to tell you the truth, due to your presence there are now two Brahmans at Jagannatha Puri.
TEXT 166
’brahmananda’ nama tumi-gaura-brahma ’cala’
syama-varna jagannatha vasiyachena ’acala’
brahmananda—Brahmananda; nama tumi—your name; gaura-brahma—the Brahman of the name Gaura; cala—both of them are moving; syama-varna—of blackish hue; jagannatha—Lord Jagannatha; vasiyachena—is sitting; acala—without movement.
“Both Brahmananda and Gaurahari are moving, whereas the blackish Lord Jagannatha is sitting tight and immobile.”
Brahmananda Bharati wanted to prove that there is no difference between the Supreme Lord and the jiva, while Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to prove that He and Brahmananda Bharati were jivas and that although the jivas are Brahman, they are many, but the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Brahman, is one. On the other hand, Brahmananda Bharati also wanted to prove that Jagannatha and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are one, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but that to fulfill His mission Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to be moving whereas Lord Jagannatha appeared to be inert. Thus this jolly argument was going on. Finally, Brahmananda Bharati referred the whole matter to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya for a final decision.
TEXT 167
bharati kahe,-sarvabhauma, madhyastha hana
inhara sane amara ’nyaya’ bujha’ mana diya
bharati kahe—Brahmananda Bharati said; sarvabhauma—O Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; madhya-stha hana—becoming a mediator; inhara sane—with Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; amara—my; nyaya—logic; bujha’—try to understand; mana diya—with attention.
Brahmananda Bharati said, “My dear Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, please become the mediator in this logical argument between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and me.”
TEXT 168
’vyapya’ ’vyapaka’-bhave ’jiva’-’brahme’ jani
jiva-vyapya, brahma-vyapaka, sastrete vakhani
vyapya—localized; vyapaka—all-pervading; bhave—in this way; jiva—living entity; brahme—the Supreme Lord; jani—I know; jiva—the living entity; vyapya—localized; brahma—the Supreme Lord; vyapaka—all-pervading; sastrete—in the revealed scripture; vakhani—description.
Brahmananda Bharati continued, "The living entity is localized, whereas the Supreme Brahman is all-pervading. That is the verdict of the revealed scriptures.
Brahmananda Bharati drew Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s attention because he wanted him to judge the argument. He then stated that Brahman, the Supreme Lord, is all-pervading. This is confirmed by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita (13.3):
ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi
sarva-ksetresu bharata
ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam
yat taj jnanam matam mama
“O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this body and its knower is called knowledge. That is My opinion.”
The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His Paramatma feature is expanded everywhere. The Brahma-samhita says, andantara-stha-paramanu-cayantara-stham: by virtue of His all-pervasive nature, the Supreme Lord is within the universe as well as within all elements of the universe. He is even within the atom. In this way the Supreme Lord Govinda is all-pervasive. On the other hand, the living entities are very, very small. It is said that the living entity is one ten-thousandth of the tip of a hair. Therefore the living entity is localized. Living entities rest on the Brahman effulgence, the bodily rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
TEXT 169
carma ghucana kaila amare sodhana
donhara vyapya-vyapakatve ei ta’ karana
carma—deerskin; ghucana—taking away; kaila—did; amare—unto me; sodhana—purification; donhara—of both of us; vyapya—being localized; vyapakatve—being all-pervasive; ei—this; ta’—indeed; karana—the cause.
"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu purified me by taking away my deerskin. This is proof that He is all-pervasive and all-powerful and that I am subordinate to Him.
Brahmananda Bharati herein asserts that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Brahman and that he is the subordinate Brahman. This is confirmed in the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is Brahman or Parambrahman, the chief of all living entities. Both the Supreme Brahman, or the Personality of Godhead, and the living entities are persons, but the Supreme Brahman is the predominator, whereas the living entities are predominated.
TEXT 170
suvarna-varno hemango
varangas candanangadi
sannyasa-krc chamah santo
suvarna—of gold; varnah—having the color; hema-angah—whose body was like molten gold; vara-angah—having a most beautiful body; candana-angadi—whose body was smeared with sandalwood; sannyasa-krt—practicing the renounced order of life; samah—equipoised; santah—peaceful; nistha—of devotion; santi—and of peace; parayanah—the highest resort.
" ’His bodily hue is golden, and His whole body is like molten gold. Every part of His body is very beautifully constructed and smeared with sandalwood pulp. Accepting the renounced order, the Lord is always equipoised. He is firmly fixed in His mission of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, and He is firmly situated in His dualistic conclusion and in His peace.’
This is a quote from the Mahabharata’s Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotra.
TEXT 171
ei saba namera inha haya nijaspada
candanakta prasada-dora-sri-bhuje angada
ei saba—all these; namera—of names; inha—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; haya—is; nija-aspada—the reservoir; candana-akta—smeared with the pulp of sandalwood; prasada-dora—the thread received from the Jagannatha temple; sri-bhuje—on His arms; angada—ornaments.
“All the symptoms mentioned in the verse from the Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotra are visible in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His arms are decorated with sandalwood pulp and the thread received from the Sri Jagannatha Deity, and these are His ornamental bangles.”
TEXT 172
bhattacarya kahe,-bharati, dekhi tomara jaya
prabhu kahe,-yei kaha, sei satya haya
bhattacarya kahe—the Bhattacarya said; bharati—O Brahmananda Bharati; dekhi—I see; tumara jaya—your victory; prabhu kahe—Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; yei kaha—whatever you say; sei—that; satya—true; haya—is.
After hearing this, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya rendered his judgment, saying, “Brahmananda Bharati, I see that you are victorious.”
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately said, “I accept whatever Brahmananda Bharati has said. It is quite all right with Me.”
TEXT 173
guru-sisya-nyaye satya sisyera parajaya
bharati kahe,-eho nahe, anya hetu haya
guru-sisya-nyaye—when there is a logical argument between the spiritual master and the disciple; satya—certainly; sisyera—of the disciple; parajaya—defeat; bharati kahe—Brahmananda Bharati said; eho nahe—in this case it is not the fact; anya hetu—another cause; haya—there is.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thus posed Himself as a disciple and accepted Brahmananda Bharati as His spiritual master. He then said, “The disciple is certainly defeated in an argument with the spiritual master.”
Brahmananda Bharati immediately countered these words, saying, "This is not the cause of Your defeat. There is another cause.
TEXT 174
bhakta thani hara’ tumi,-e tomara svabhava
ara eka suna tumi apana prabhava
bhakta thani—in the presence of a devotee; hara’—become defeated; tumi—You; e—this; tomara—Your; svabhava—nature; ara—another; eka—one; suna—hear; tumi—You; apana prabhava—Your own influence.
"It is Your natural characteristic to accept defeat at the hands of Your devotee. There is also another glory of Yours, which I ask You to hear attentively.
TEXT 175
ajanma karinu muni ’nirakara’-dhyana
toma dekhi’ ’krsna’ haila mora vidyamana
a-janma—since my birth; karinu—have done; muni—I; nirakara-dhyana—meditation on impersonal Brahman; toma dekhi’—by seeing You; krsna—Lord Krsna; haila—became; mora—my; vidyamana—experience.
“I have been meditating on the impersonal Brahman since my birth, but since I have seen You, I have fully experienced Krsna.”
Brahmananda Bharati admitted that when there is an argument between the spiritual master and the disciple, the spiritual master is naturally victorious, although the disciple may put forward a strong argument. In other words, it is customary that the words of the spiritual master are more worshipable than the words of a disciple. Under the circumstances, since Brahmananda Bharati was in the position of a spiritual master, he emerged victorious over Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who considered Himself Brahmananda Bharati’s disciple. However, Brahmananda Bharati reversed the argument and took the position of a devotee, admitting that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This means that the Lord was voluntarily defeated out of affection for His devotee. He was defeated voluntarily, because no one can defeat the Supreme Lord. Concerning this, the words of Bhisma in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.9.37) are important:
sva-nigamam apahaya mat-pratijnam
rtam adhikartum avapluto ratha-sthah
dhrta-ratha-carano ’bhyayac calad-gur
harir iva hantum ibham gatottariyah
“Fulfilling my desire and sacrificing His own promise, He got down from the chariot, took up its wheel and ran toward me hurriedly, just as a lion goes to kill an elephant. He even dropped His outer garment on the way.”
Krsna promised not to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but in order to break Krsna’s promise, Bhisma attacked Arjuna in such a vigorous way that Krsna was obliged to take up a chariot wheel and attack Bhisma. The Lord did this to show that His devotee was being maintained at the sacrifice of His own promise. Brahmananda Bharati said, “Since the beginning of my life I was attached to impersonal Brahman realization, but as soon as I saw You, I became very much attached to the Personality of Godhead, Krsna.” Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord Krsna Himself, and thus Brahmananda Bharati became His devotee.
TEXT 176
krsna-nama sphure mukhe, mane netre krsna
tomake tad-rupa dekhi’ hrdaya-satrsna
krsna-nama—the holy name of Lord Krsna; sphure—is manifest; mukhe—in the mouth; mane—in the mind; netre—before the eyes; krsna—the presence of Lord Krsna; tomake—You; tat-rupa—His form; dekhi’—I see; hrdaya—my heart; sa-trsna—very eager.
Brahmananda Bharati continued, "Since I have seen You, I have been feeling Lord Krsna’s presence in my mind and have been seeing Him before my eyes. I now want to chant the holy name of Lord Krsna. Over and above this, within my heart I consider You to be Krsna, and I am therefore very eager to serve You.
TEXT 177
bilvamangala kaila yaiche dasa apanara
ihan dekhi’ sei dasa ha-ila amara
bilvamangala—Bilvamangala; kaila—did; yaiche—as; dasa—condition; apanara—his own; ihan—here; dekhi’—I see; sei dasa—that condition; ha-ila—became; amara—mine.
“Bilvamangala Thakura abandoned his impersonal realization for the realization of the Personality of Godhead. I now see that my condition is similar to his, for it has already changed.”
In his early life, Bilvamangala Thakura was an impersonalistic monist, and he used to meditate upon the impersonal Brahman effulgence. Later he became a devotee of Lord Krsna, and his explanation for this change is given in a verse (text 178) that is quoted in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Sometimes a devotee gradually comes to the stage of Bhagavan realization, realization of the Supreme Person, after having attained the lower stages of realization-impersonal Brahman realization and localized Paramatma realization. The condition of such a devotee is described in the Caitanya-candramrta (5) by Prabodhananda Sarasvati:
kaivalyam narakayate tri-dasa-pur akasa-puspayate
durdantendriya-kala-sarpa-patali protkhata-damstrayate
visvam purna-sukhayate vidhi-mahendradis ca kitayate
yat-karunya-kataksa-vaibhavavatam tam gauram eva stumah
Kaivalya, oneness in the effulgence of Brahman, appears hellish to the devotee. The heavenly planets, the abodes of the demigods, appear to a devotee like phantasmagoria. The yogis meditate for sense control, but for the devotee the senses appear like serpents with broken teeth. The devotee doesn’t have to control his senses, for his senses are already engaged in the Lord’s service. Consequently there is no possibility that the senses will act like serpents. In the material condition, the senses are as strong as poisonous snakes. But when the senses are engaged in the Lord’s service, they are like poisonous snakes with their fangs removed, and so they are no longer dangerous. The entire world is a replica of Vaikuntha for the devotee because he has no anxiety. He sees that everything belongs to Krsna, and he does not want to enjoy anything for himself. He does not even aspire for the position of Lord Brahma or Indra. He simply wants to engage everything in the service of the Lord; therefore he has no problem. He stands in his original constitutional position. All this is possible when one receives Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s merciful glance.
In the Caitanya-candramrta there are many more verses illustrating this same principle.
dhik kurvanti ca brahma-yoga-vidusas tam gauracandram numah
tavad brahma-katha vimukta-padavi tavan na tikti-bhavet
tavac capi visrnkhalatvam ayate no loka-veda-sthitih
tavac chastra-vidam mithah kala-kalo nana-bahir-vartmasu
sri-caitanya-padambuja-priya-jano yavan na dig-gocarah
gauras caurah sakalamaharat ko ’pi me tivra-viryah
A discussion of the impersonal Brahman is not very palatable to a devotee. The so-called regulations of the sastras also appear null and void to him. There are many people who argue over the sastras, but for a devotee such discussions are but tumultuous roaring. By the influence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, all these problems disappear.
TEXT 178
advaita-vithi-pathikair upasyah
sathena kenapi vayam hathena
dasi-krta gopa-vadhu-vitena
advaita-vithi—of the path of monism; pathikaih—by the wanderers; upasyah—worshipable; sva-ananda—of self-realization; simha-asana—on the throne; labdha-diksah—being initiated; sathena—by a cheater; kena api—some; vayam—I; hathena—by force; dasi-krta—made into a maidservant; gopa-vadhu-vitena—by a boy engaged in joking with the gopis.
Brahmananda Bharati concluded, “ ’Although I was worshiped by those on the path of monism and initiated into self-realization through the yoga system, I have nonetheless been forcibly turned into a maidservant by some cunning boy who is always joking with the gopis.’ ”
This is a verse written by Bilvamangala Thakura. It is quoted in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (3.1.44).
TEXT 179
prabhu kahe,-krsne tomara gadha prema haya
yahan netra pade, tahan sri-krsna sphuraya
prabhu kahe—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied; krsne—unto Krsna; tomara—your; gadha—deep; prema—love; haya—there is; yahan—wherever; netra—eyes; pade—fall; tahan—there; sri-krsna—Lord Sri Krsna; sphuraya—becomes manifest.
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, “You have a deep ecstatic love for Krsna; therefore wherever you turn your eyes, you simply heighten your Krsna consciousness.”
TEXT 180
bhattacarya kahe,-donhara susatya vacana
age yadi krsna dena saksat darasana
bhattacarya kahe—Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said; donhara—of both; su-satya—correct; vacana—statements; age—first; yadi—if; krsna—Lord Krsna; dena—gives; saksat—direct; darasana—audience.
Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "The statements of both of you are correct. Krsna gives direct audience through His own mercy.
TEXT 181
prema vina kabhu nahe tanra saksatkara
inhara krpate haya darasana inhara
prema vina—without ecstatic love; kabhu nahe—there is never; tanra—His; saksatkara—direct meeting; inhara krpate—by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; haya—becomes possible; darasana—visit; inhara—of Brahmananda Bharati.
“Without having ecstatic love for Krsna, one cannot see Him directly. Therefore through the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Brahmananda Bharati has acquired direct vision of the Lord.”
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “You are Brahmananda Bharati, an advanced devotee who ecstatically loves the Supreme Lord. Therefore you see Krsna everywhere, and there is no doubt about it.” Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was a mediator between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Brahmananda Bharati, and his judgment was that an advanced devotee like Brahmananda Bharati was seeing Krsna by Krsna’s mercy. Krsna directly presents Himself before the vision of an advanced devotee. Since Brahmananda Bharati was an advanced devotee, he saw Krsna in the person of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In the words of the Brahma-samhita (5.38):
santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti
yam syamasundaram acintya-guna-svarupam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
“I worship the primeval, Lord Govinda, who is always seen by the devotee whose eyes are anointed with the pulp of love. He is seen in His eternal form of Syamasundara, situated within the heart of the devotee.”
TEXT 182
prabhu kahe,-’visnu’ ’visnu’, ki kaha sarvabhauma
’ati-stuti’ haya ei nindara laksana
prabhu kahe—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said; visnu visnu—Lord Visnu, Lord Visnu; ki kaha—what are you speaking; sarvabhauma—Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya; ati-stuti—overly glorifying; haya—is; ei—this; nindara laksana—symptom of blasphemy.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, what are you saying? Lord Visnu, save Me! Such glorification is simply another form of blasphemy.”
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a little embarrassed by the Bhattacarya’s statement; therefore He uttered the name Visnu to save Himself. The Lord herein confirms that if one is overestimated, glorification is just another form of blasphemy. In this way He protests this so-called offensive statement.
TEXT 183
eta bali’ bharatire lana nija-vasa aila
bharati-gosani prabhura nikate rahila
eta bali’-saying this; bharatire—Brahmananda Bharati; lana—taking with Him; nija-vasa aila—returned to His own residence; bharati-gosani—Brahmananda Bharati; prabhura nikate—in the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; rahila—remained.
After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took Brahmananda Bharati with Him to His residence. From that time on, Brahmananda Bharati remained with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
TEXT 184
ramabhadracarya, ara bhagavan acarya
prabhu-pade rahila dunhe chadi’ sarva karya
ramabhadra-acarya—Ramabhadra Acarya; ara—and; bhagavan acarya—Bhagavan Acarya; prabhu-pade—under the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; rahila—remained; dunhe—both of them; chadi’—giving up; sarva karya—all other responsibilities.
Later, Ramabhadra Acarya and Bhagavan Acarya also joined them and, giving up all other responsibilities, remained under Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s shelter.
TEXT 185
kasisvara gosani aila ara dine
sammana kariya prabhu rakhila nija sthane
kasisvara gosani—Kasisvara Gosani, another devotee; aila—came; ara dine—the next day; sammana kariya—giving all respect; prabhu—Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; rakhila—kept; nija sthane—at His own place.
The next day, Kasisvara Gosani also came and remained with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who received him with great respect.
TEXT 186
prabhuke lana kara’na isvara darasana
age loka-bhida saba kari’ nivarana
prabhuke—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; lana—taking; kara’na—helps in; isvara darasana—visiting Lord Jagannatha; age—in front of; loka-bhida—crowds of people; saba—all; kari’ nivarana—restraining.
Kasisvara used to usher Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu into the Jagannatha temple. He would precede the Lord into the crowd and keep the people from touching Him.
TEXT 187
yata nada nadi yaiche samudre milaya
aiche mahaprabhura bhakta yahan tahan haya
yata—all; nada nadi—rivers; yaiche—as; samudre—in the sea; milaya—meet; aiche—similarly; mahaprabhura—of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; bhakta—devotees; yahan tahan—wherever; haya—they were.
As all the rivers flow into the sea, all the devotees throughout the country finally came to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s shelter.
TEXT 188
sabe asi’ milila prabhura sri-carane
prabhu krpa kari’ sabaya rakhila nija sthane
sabe—all; asi’—coming; milila—met; prabhura—of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sri-carane—under the shelter; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; krpa kari’—showing mercy; sabaya—every one of them; rakhila—kept; nija sthane—under His protection.
Since all the devotees came to Him for shelter, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed them all mercy and kept them under His protection.
TEXT 189
ei ta’ kahila prabhura vaisnava-milana
iha yei sune, paya caitanya-carana
ei ta’-thus; kahila—I have described; prabhura—of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu; vaisnava-milana—meeting with all the Vaisnavas; iha—this narration; yei—anyone who; sune—hears; paya—gets; caitanya-carana—the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Thus I have described the meeting of all the Vaisnavas with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Whoever hears this description ultimately attains His shelter.
TEXT 190
sri-rupa-raghunatha-pade yara asa
caitanya-caritamrta kahe krsnadasa
sri-rupa—Srila Rupa Gosvami; raghunatha—Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami; pade—at the lotus feet; yara—whose; asa—expectation; caitanya-caritamrta—the book named Caitanya-caritamrta; kahe—describes; krsnadasa—Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami.
Praying at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunatha, always desiring their mercy, I, Krsnadasa, narrate Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, following in their footsteps.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports to Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, Tenth Chapter, describing the Lord’s meeting the Vaisnavas upon His return to Jagannatha Puri from South India.