Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 7: “The Science of God”
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Chapter Ten
yuyam nr-loke bata bhuri-bhaga
lokam punana munayo ’bhiyanti
yesam grhan avasatiti saksad
gudham param brahma manusya-lingam
yuyam—all of you (the Pandavas); nr-loke—within this material world; bata—however; bhuri-bhagah—extremely fortunate; lokam—all the planets; punanah—who can purify; munayah—great saintly persons; abhiyanti—almost always come to visit; yesam—of whom; grhan—the house; avasati—resides in; iti—thus; saksat—directly; gudham—very confidential; param brahma—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; manusya-lingam—appearing just like a human being.
Narada Muni continued: My dear Maharaja Yudhisthira, all of you [the Pandavas] are extremely fortunate, for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, lives in your palace just like a human being. Great saintly persons know this very well, and therefore they constantly visit this house.
After hearing about the activities of Prahlada Maharaja, a pure devotee should be very anxious to follow in his footsteps, but such a devotee might be disappointed, thinking that not every devotee can come to the standard of Prahlada Maharaja. This is the nature of a pure devotee; he always thinks himself to be the lowest, to be incompetent and unqualified. Thus after hearing the narration of Prahlada Maharaja’s activities, Maharaja Yudhisthira, who was on the same standard of devotional service as Prahlada, might have been thinking of his own humble position. Narada Muni, however, could understand Maharaja Yudhisthira’s mind, and therefore he immediately encouraged him by saying that the Pandavas were not less fortunate; they were as good as Prahlada Maharaja because although Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared for Prahlada, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His original form as Krsna was always living with the Pandavas. Although the Pandavas, because of the influence of Krsna’s yogamaya, could not think of their fortunate position, every saintly person, including the great sage Narada, could understand it, and therefore they constantly visited Maharaja Yudhisthira.
Any pure devotee who is constantly conscious of Krsna is naturally very fortunate. The word nr-loke, meaning “within the material world,” indicates that before the Pandavas there had been many, many devotees, such as the descendants of the Yadu dynasty and Vasistha, Marici, Kasyapa, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, who were all extremely fortunate. The Pandavas, however, were better than all of them because Krsna Himself lived with them constantly. Narada Muni therefore specifically mentioned that within this material world (nr-loke) the Pandavas were the most fortunate. SB7.10.49 TEXT 49 sa va ayam brahma mahad-vimrgya- kaivalya-nirvana-sukhanubhutih priyah suhrd vah khalu matuleya atmarhaniyo vidhi-krd gurus ca SYNONYMS sah—that (Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna); va—also; ayam—this; brahma—the impersonal Brahman (which is an emanation from Krsna); mahat—by great personalities; vimrgya—searched for; kaivalya—oneness; nirvana-sukha—of transcendental happiness; anubhutih—the source of practical experience; priyah—very, very dear; suhrt—well-wisher; vah—of you; khalu—indeed; matuleyah—the son of a maternal uncle; atma—exactly like body and soul together; arhaniyah—worshipable (because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead); vidhi-krt—(yet He serves you as) an order carrier; guruh—your supreme advisor; ca—as well. TRANSLATION The impersonal Brahman is Krsna Himself because Krsna is the source of the impersonal Brahman. He is the origin of the transcendental bliss sought by great saintly persons, yet He, the Supreme Person, is your most dear friend and constant well-wisher and is intimately related to you as the son of your maternal uncle. Indeed, He is always like your body and soul. He is worshipable, yet He acts as your servant and sometimes as your spiritual master. PURPORT There is always a difference of opinion about the Absolute Truth. One class of transcendentalists concludes that the Absolute Truth is impersonal, and another class concludes that the Absolute Truth is a person. In Bhagavad-gita, the Absolute Truth is accepted as the Supreme Person. Indeed, that Supreme Person Himself, Lord Krsna, instructs in Bhagavad-gita, brahmano hi pratisthaham [Bg. 14.27], mattah parataram nanyat [Bg. 7.7]. “The impersonal Brahman is My partial manifestation, and there is no truth superior to Me.” That same Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, acted as the supreme friend and relative of the Pandavas, and sometimes He even acted as their servant by carrying a letter from the Pandavas to Dhrtarastra and Duryodhana. Because Krsna was the well-wisher of the Pandavas, He also acted as guru by becoming the spiritual master of Arjuna. Arjuna accepted Krsna as his spiritual master (sisyas te ’ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam), and Krsna sometimes chastised him. For example, the Lord said, asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase: [Bg. 2.11] “while speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief.” The Lord also said, kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam: “My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you?” Such was the intimate relationship between the Pandavas and Krsna. In the same way, a pure devotee of the Lord is always with Krsna through thick and thin; his way of life is Krsna. This is the statement of the authority Sri Narada Muni. SB7.10.50 TEXT 50 na yasya saksad bhava-padmajadibhi rupam dhiya vastutayopavarnitam maunena bhaktyopasamena pujitah prasidatam esa sa satvatam patih SYNONYMS na—not; yasya—of whom; saksat—directly; bhava—Lord Siva; padma-ja—Lord Brahma (born from the lotus); adibhih—by them and others also; rupam—the form; dhiya—even by meditation; vastutaya—fundamentally; upavarnitam—described and perceived; maunena—by samadhi, deep meditation; bhaktya—by devotional service; upasamena—by renunciation; pujitah—worshiped; prasidatam—may He be pleased; esah—this; sah—He; satvatam—of the great devotees; patih—the master. TRANSLATION Exalted persons like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma could not properly describe the truth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. May the Lord, who is always worshiped as the protector of all devotees by great saints who observe vows of silence, meditation, devotional service and renunciation, be pleased with us. PURPORT The Absolute Truth is sought by different persons in different ways, yet He remains inconceivable. Nonetheless, devotees like the Pandavas, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja and all the inhabitants of Vrndavana do not need to practice conventional processes of meditation to attain the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for He remains with them through thick and thin. Therefore a saint like Narada, understanding the difference between transcendentalists and pure devotees, always prays that the Lord will be pleased with him. SB7.10.51 TEXT 51 sa esa bhagavan rajan vyatanod vihatam yasah pura rudrasya devasya mayenananta-mayina SYNONYMS sah esah bhagavan—the same Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is Parabrahman; rajan—my dear King; vyatanot—expanded; vihatam—lost; yasah—reputation; pura—formerly in history; rudrasya—of Lord Siva (the most powerful among the demigods); devasya—the demigod; mayena—by a demon named Maya; ananta—unlimited; mayina—possessing technical knowledge. TRANSLATION My dear King Yudhisthira, long, long ago in history, a demon known as Maya Danava, who was very expert in technical knowledge, reduced the reputation of Lord Siva. In that situation, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, saved Lord Siva. PURPORT Lord Siva is known as Mahadeva, the most exalted demigod. Thus Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that although Lord Brahma did not know the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Siva could have known them. This historical incident proves that Lord Siva derives power from Lord Krsna, the Parabrahman. SB7.10.52 TEXT 52 rajovaca kasmin karmani devasya mayo ’han jagad-isituh yatha copacita kirtih krsnenanena kathyatam SYNONYMS raja uvaca—King Yudhisthira inquired; kasmin—for what reason; karmani—by which activities; devasya—of Lord Mahadeva (Siva); mayah—the great demon Maya Danava; ahan—vanquished; jagat-isituh—of Lord Siva, who controls the power of the material energy and is the husband of Durgadevi; yatha—just as; ca—and; upacita—again expanded; kirtih—reputation; krsnena—by Lord Krsna; anena—this; kathyatam—please describe. TRANSLATION Maharaja Yudhisthira said: For what reason did the demon Maya Danava vanquish Lord Siva’s reputation? How did Lord Krsna save Lord Siva and expand his reputation again? Kindly describe these incidents. SB7.10.53 TEXT 53 sri-narada uvaca nirjita asura devair yudhy anenopabrmhitaih mayinam paramacaryam mayam saranam ayayuh SYNONYMS sri-naradah uvaca—Sri Narada Muni said; nirjitah—being defeated; asurah—all the demons; devaih—by the demigods; yudhi—in battle; anena—by Lord Krsna; upabrmhitaih—increased in power; mayinam—of all the demons; parama-acaryam—the best and largest; mayam—unto Maya Danava; saranam—shelter; ayayuh—took. TRANSLATION Narada Muni said: When the demigods, who are always powerful by the mercy of Lord Krsna, fought with the asuras, the asuras were defeated, and therefore they took shelter of Maya Danava, the greatest of the demons. SB7.10.54-55 TEXTS 54–55 sa nirmaya puras tisro haimi-raupyayasir vibhuh durlaksyapaya-samyoga durvitarkya-paricchadah tabhis te ’sura-senanyo lokams trin sesvaran nrpa smaranto nasayam cakruh purva-vairam alaksitah SYNONYMS sah—that (great demon Maya Danava); nirmaya—constructing; purah—big residences; tisrah—three; haimi—made of gold; raupya—made of silver; ayasih—made of iron; vibhuh—very great, powerful; durlaksya—immeasurable; apaya-samyogah—whose movements in coming and going; durvitarkya—uncommon; paricchadah—possessing paraphernalia; tabhih—by all of them (the three residences, which resembled airplanes); te—they; asura-sena-anyah—the commanders of the asuras; lokan trin—the three worlds; sa-isvaran—with their chief rulers; nrpa—my dear King Yudhisthira; smarantah—remembering; nasayam cakruh—began to annihilate; purva—former; vairam—enmity; alaksitah—unseen by anyone else. TRANSLATION Maya Danava, the great leader of the demons, prepared three invisible residences and gave them to the demons. These dwellings resembled airplanes made of gold, silver and iron, and they contained uncommon paraphernalia. My dear King Yudhisthira, because of these three dwellings the commanders of the demons remained invisible to the demigods. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the demons, remembering their former enmity, began to vanquish the three worlds—the upper, middle and lower planetary systems. SB7.10.56 TEXT 56 tatas te sesvara loka upasadyesvaram natah trahi nas tavakan deva vinastams tripuralayaih SYNONYMS tatah—thereafter; te—they (the demigods); sa-isvarah—with their rulers; lokah—the planets; upasadya—approaching; isvaram—Lord Siva; natah—fell down in surrender; trahi—please save; nah—us; tavakan—near and dear to you and very frightened; deva—O Lord; vinastan—almost finished; tripura-alayaih—by the demons dwelling in those three planes. TRANSLATION Thereafter, when the demons had begun to destroy the higher planetary systems, the rulers of those planets went to Lord Siva, fully surrendered unto him and said: Dear Lord, we demigods living in the three worlds are about to be vanquished. We are your followers. Kindly save us. SB7.10.57 TEXT 57 athanugrhya bhagavan ma bhaisteti suran vibhuh saram dhanusi sandhaya puresv astram vyamuncata SYNONYMS atha—thereafter; anugrhya—just to show them favor; bhagavan—the most powerful; ma—do not; bhaista—be afraid; iti—thus; suran—unto the demigods; vibhuh—Lord Siva; saram—arrows; dhanusi—on the bow; sandhaya—fixing; puresu—at those three residences occupied by the demons; astram—weapons; vyamuncata—released. TRANSLATION The most powerful and able Lord Siva reassured them and said, “Do not be afraid.” He then fixed his arrows to his bow and released them toward the three residences occupied by the demons. SB7.10.58 TEXT 58 tato ’gni-varna isava utpetuh surya-mandalat yatha mayukha-sandoha nadrsyanta puro yatah SYNONYMS tatah—thereafter; agni-varnah—as brilliant as fire; isavah—arrows; utpetuh—released; surya-mandalat—from the sun globe; yatha—just as; mayukha-sandohah—beams of light; na adrsyanta—could not be seen; purah—the three residences; yatah—because of this (being covered by the arrows of Lord Siva). TRANSLATION The arrows released by Lord Siva appeared like fiery beams emanating from the sun globe and covered the three residential airplanes, which could then no longer be seen. SB7.10.59 TEXT 59 taih sprsta vyasavah sarve nipetuh sma puraukasah tan aniya maha-yogi mayah kupa-rase ’ksipat SYNONYMS taih—by those (fiery arrows); sprstah—being attacked or being touched; vyasavah—without life; sarve—all the demons; nipetuh—fell down; sma—formerly; pura-okasah—being the inhabitants of the above-mentioned three residential airplanes; tan—all of them; aniya—bringing; maha-yogi—the great mystic; mayah—Maya Danava; kupa-rase—in the well of nectar (created by the great mystic Maya); aksipat—put. TRANSLATION Attacked by Lord Siva’s golden arrows, all the demoniac inhabitants of those three dwellings lost their lives and fell down. Then the great mystic Maya Danava dropped the demons into a nectarean well that he had created. PURPORT The asuras are generally extremely powerful because of their mystic yogic power. However, as Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (6.47): yoginam api sarvesam “Of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all.” The actual purpose of mystic yoga is to concentrate one’s attention fully on the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, and always think of Him (mad-gatenantaratmana). To attain such perfection, one must undergo a certain process—hatha-yoga—and through this yoga system the practitioner achieves some uncommon mystic power. The asuras, however, instead of becoming devotees of Krsna, utilize this mystic power for their personal sense gratification. Maya Danava, for example, is mentioned here as maha-yogi, a great mystic, but his business was to help the asuras. Nowadays we are actually seeing that there are some yogis who cater to the senses of materialists, and there are imposters who advertise themselves as God. Maya Danava was such a person, a god among the demons, and he could perform some wonderful feats, one of which is described here: he made a well filled with nectar and dipped the asuras into that nectarean well. This nectar was known as mrta-sanjivayitari, for it could bring a dead body to life. Mrta-sanjivayitari is also an Ayur-vedic preparation. It is a kind of liquor that invigorates even a person on the verge of death. SB7.10.60 TEXT 60 siddhamrta-rasa-sprsta vajra-sara mahaujasah uttasthur megha-dalana vaidyuta iva vahnayah SYNONYMS siddha-amrta-rasa-sprstah—the demons, thus being touched by the powerful mystic nectarean liquid; vajra-sarah—their bodies becoming invincible to thunderbolts; maha-ojasah—being extremely strong; uttasthuh—again got up; megha-dalanah—that which goes through the clouds; vaidyutah—lightning (which penetrates the clouds); iva—like; vahnayah—fiery. TRANSLATION When the dead bodies of the demons came in touch with the nectar, their bodies became invincible to thunderbolts. Endowed with great strength, they got up like lightning penetrating clouds. SB7.10.61 TEXT 61 vilokya bhagna-sankalpam vimanaskam vrsa-dhvajam tadayam bhagavan visnus tatropayam akalpayat SYNONYMS vilokya—seeing; bhagna-sankalpam—disappointed; vimanaskam—extremely unhappy; vrsa-dhvajam—Lord Siva; tada—at that time; ayam—this; bhagavan—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; visnuh—Lord Visnu; tatra—about the well of nectar; upayam—means (how to stop it); akalpayat—considered. TRANSLATION Seeing Lord Siva very much aggrieved and disappointed, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, considered how to stop this nuisance created by Maya Danava. SB7.10.62 TEXT 62 vatsas casit tada brahma svayam visnur ayam hi gauh pravisya tripuram kale rasa-kupamrtam papau SYNONYMS vatsah—a calf; ca—also; asit—became; tada—at that time; brahma—Lord Brahma; svayam—personally; visnuh—Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ayam—this; hi—indeed; gauh—a cow; pravisya—entering; tri-puram—the three residences; kale—at noon; rasa-kupa-amrtam—the nectar contained in that well; papau—drank. TRANSLATION Then Lord Brahma became a calf and Lord Visnu a cow, and at noon they entered the residences and drank all the nectar in the well. SB7.10.63 TEXT 63 te ’sura hy api pasyanto na nyasedhan vimohitah tad vijnaya maha-yogi rasa-palan idam jagau smayan visokah sokartan smaran daiva-gatim ca tam SYNONYMS te—those; asurah—demons; hi—indeed; api—although; pasyantah—seeing (the calf and cow drinking the nectar); na—not; nyasedhan—forbade them; vimohitah—being bewildered by illusion; tat vijnaya—knowing this fully; maha-yogi—the great mystic Maya Danava; rasa-palan—unto the demons who guarded the nectar; idam—this; jagau—said; smayan—being bewildered; visokah—not being very unhappy; soka-artan—greatly lamenting; smaran—remembering; daiva-gatim—spiritual power; ca—also; tam—that. TRANSLATION The demons could see the calf and cow, but because of the illusion created by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the demons could not forbid them. The great mystic Maya Danava became aware that the calf and cow were drinking the nectar, and he could understand this to be the unseen power of providence. Thus he spoke to the demons, who were grievously lamenting. SB7.10.64 TEXT 64 devo ’suro naro ’nyo va nesvaro ’stiha kascana atmano ’nyasya va distam daivenapohitum dvayoh SYNONYMS devah—the demigods; asurah—the demons; narah—humans; anyah—or anyone else; va—either; na—not; isvarah—the supreme controller; asti—is; iha—in this world; kascana—anyone; atmanah—one’s own; anyasya—another’s; va—either; distam—destiny; daivena—which is given by the Supreme Lord; apohitum—to undo; dvayoh—of both of them. TRANSLATION Maya Danava said: What has been destined by the Supreme Lord for oneself, for others, or for both oneself and others cannot be undone anywhere or by anyone, whether one be a demigod, a demon, a human being or anyone else. PURPORT The Supreme Lord is one—Krsna, the visnu-tattva. Krsna expands Himself into visnu-tattva personal expansions (svamsa), who control everything. Maya Danava said, “However I plan, you plan or both of us plan, the Lord has planned what is to happen. No one’s plan will be successful without His sanction.” We may make our own various plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, they will never be successful. Hundreds and millions of plans are made by all kinds of living entities, but without the sanction of the Supreme Lord they are futile. SB7.10.65-66 TEXTS 65–66 athasau saktibhih svabhih sambhoh pradhanikam vyadhat dharma-jnana-virakty-rddhi- tapo-vidya-kriyadibhih ratham sutam dhvajam vahan dhanur varma-saradi yat sannaddho ratham asthaya saram dhanur upadade SYNONYMS atha—thereafter; asau—He (Lord Krsna); saktibhih—by His potencies; svabhih—personal; sambhoh—of Lord Siva; pradhanikam—ingredients; vyadhat—created; dharma—religion; jnana—knowledge; virakti—renunciation; rddhi—opulence; tapah—austerity; vidya—education; kriya—activities; adibhih—by all these and other transcendental opulences; ratham—chariot; sutam—charioteer; dhvajam—flag; vahan—horses and elephants; dhanuh—bow; varma—shield; sara-adi—arrows and so on; yat—everything that was required; sannaddhah—equipped; ratham—on the chariot; asthaya—seated; saram—arrow; dhanuh—unto the bow; upadade—joined. TRANSLATION Narada Muni continued: Thereafter, Lord Krsna, by His own personal potency, consisting of religion, knowledge, renunciation, opulence, austerity, education and activities, equipped Lord Siva with all the necessary paraphernalia, such as a chariot, a charioteer, a flag, horses, elephants, a bow, a shield and arrows. When Lord Siva was fully equipped in this way, he sat down on the chariot with his arrows and bow to fight with the demons. PURPORT As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.13.16): vaisnavanam yatha sambhuh: Lord Siva is the best of the Vaisnavas, the devotees of Lord Krsna. Indeed, he is one of the mahajanas, the twelve authorities on Vaisnava philosophy (svayambhur naradah sambhuh kumarah kapilo manuh, etc. [SB 6.3.20]). Lord Krsna is always prepared to help all the mahajanas and devotees in every respect (kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati). Although Lord Siva is very powerful, he lost a battle to the asuras, and therefore he was morose and disappointed. However, because he is one of the chief devotees of the Lord, the Lord personally equipped him with all the paraphernalia for war. The devotee, therefore, must serve the Lord sincerely, and Krsna is always in the background to protect him and, if need be, to equip him fully to fight with his enemy. For devotees there is no scarcity of knowledge or material requisites for spreading the Krsna consciousness movement. SB7.10.67 TEXT 67 saram dhanusi sandhaya muhurte ’bhijitisvarah dadaha tena durbhedya haro ’tha tripuro nrpa SYNONYMS saram—the arrows; dhanusi—on the bow; sandhaya—joining together; muhurte abhijiti—at noon; isvarah—Lord Siva; dadaha—set afire; tena—by them (the arrows); durbhedyah—very difficult to pierce; harah—Lord Siva; atha—in this way; tri-purah—the three residences of the demons; nrpa—O King Yudhisthira. TRANSLATION My dear King Yudhisthira, the most powerful Lord Siva joined the arrows to his bow, and at noon he set fire to all three residences of the demons and thus destroyed them. SB7.10.68 TEXT 68 divi dundubhayo nedur vimana-sata-sankulah devarsi-pitr-siddhesa jayeti kusumotkaraih avakiran jagur hrsta nanrtus capsaro-ganah SYNONYMS divi—in the sky; dundubhayah—kettledrums; neduh—vibrated; vimana—of airplanes; sata—hundreds and thousands; sankulah—endowed; deva-rsi—all the demigods and saints; pitr—the residents of Pitrloka; siddha—the residents of Siddhaloka; isah—all the great personalities; jaya iti—vibrated the chant “let there be victory”; kusuma-utkaraih—various kinds of flowers; avakiran—showered on the head of Lord Siva; jaguh—chanted; hrstah—in great pleasure; nanrtuh—danced; ca—and; apsarah-ganah—the beautiful women of the heavenly planets. TRANSLATION Seated in their airplanes in the sky, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems beat many kettledrums. The demigods, saints, Pitas, Siddhas and various great personalities showered flowers on the head of Lord Siva, wishing him all victory, and the Apsaras began to chant and dance with great pleasure. SB7.10.69 TEXT 69 evam dagdhva puras tisro bhagavan pura-ha nrpa brahmadibhih stuyamanah svam dhama pratyapadyata SYNONYMS evam—thus; dagdhva—burning to ashes; purah tisrah—the three residences of the demons; bhagavan—the supreme powerful; pura-ha—who annihilated the residences of the asuras; nrpa—O King Yudhisthira; brahma-adibhih—by Lord Brahma and other demigods; stuyamanah—being worshiped; svam—to his own; dhama—abode; pratyapadyata—returned. TRANSLATION O King Yudhisthira, thus Lord Siva is known as Tripurari, the annihilator of the three dwellings of the demons, because he burnt these dwellings to ashes. Being worshiped by the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, Lord Siva returned to his own abode. SB7.10.70 TEXT 70 evam vidhany asya hareh sva-mayaya vidambamanasya nr-lokam atmanah viryani gitany rsibhir jagad-guror lokam punanany aparam vadami kim SYNONYMS evam vidhani—in this way; asya—of Krsna; hareh—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sva-mayaya—by His transcendental potencies; vidambamanasya—acting like an ordinary human being; nr-lokam—within human society; atmanah—of Him; viryani—transcendental activities; gitani—narrations; rsibhih—by great saintly persons; jagat-guroh—of the supreme master; lokam—all the planetary systems; punanani—purifying; aparam—what else; vadami kim—can I say. TRANSLATION The Lord, Sri Krsna, appeared as a human being, yet He performed many uncommon and wonderful pastimes by His own potency. How can I say more about His activities than what has already been said by great saintly persons? Everyone can be purified by His activities, simply by hearing about them from the right source. PURPORT Bhagavad-gita and all the Vedic literatures fully explain that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in human society as an ordinary human being but acts very uncommonly for the well-being of the entire world. One should not be influenced by the illusory energy and think Lord Krsna to be an ordinary human being. Those who really seek the Absolute Truth come to the understanding that Krsna is everything (vasudevah samam iti). Such great souls are very rare. Nonetheless, if one studies the entire Bhagavad-gita as it is, Krsna is very easy to understand. The Krsna consciousness movement is just trying to make Krsna known all over the world as the Supreme Personality of Godhead (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam). If people take this movement seriously, their lives as human beings will be successful. Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Seventh Canto, Tenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled “Prahlada, the Best Among Exalted Devotees.”
sraddhavan bhajate yo mam
sa me yuktatamo matah