Initiations and Sannyasa Aravinda: Narayana dasa. Prabhupada: Narayana dasa. You know the rules and regulations? Thank you. Take this. Hare Krsna. Come on. This Deity photograph, this? Aravinda: Pompa dasi. Prabhupada: Pompa dasi. Pompa is the sacred river. Flow with Krsna consciousness. Hare Krsna. Aravinda: Madhupuri dasi. Prabhupada: Madhupuri. Madhupuri is Mathura, Krsna’s birthplace. So you have to serve Mathura and be associated with Radharani. Hare Krsna. You know the rules and regulation? What are they? Madhupuri: No meat-eating, no illicit sex, no intoxication… Prabhupada: No gambling. She is not married? Aravinda: Varanasi. Prabhupada: Varanasi dasi. Varanasi, the sacred conjunction of two rivers, Varuni and Asi. Varuni is Ganges, and Asi. So combination of two sacred rivers flowing from the lotus toe of Krsna. Aravinda: Prayag. Prabhupada: Spelling? Aravinda: P-r-a-y-a-g. Prabhupada: Prayag. Prayag dasi. Prayag is the chief holy place in India, where we held our… That is Allahabad. That is Prayag. Another name is Prayag. Real name is Prayag. Tirtha-raja, the king of pilgrimage. So you have to serve. Come on. You know the rules and regulation? Candanacarya: Do you know the rules and regulations? Prayag: Yes. No illicit sex, no intoxicants, no meat, fish or eggs, and no gambling. Prabhupada: Next. Come on. (japa) Aravinda: Sita-Rama dasa. Prabhupada: Oh. Sita-Rama. Raghupati raghava. Lord Ramacandra, husband of Sita. You are servant of Sita-Rama. Very high position. Come on. Hare Krsna. You know the rules and regulations? All right. Thank you. Next. Aravinda: Puspavana. Prabhupada: Eh? Aravinda: Puspavana. P-u-s-p-a-v-a-n. Prabhupada: Puspavana? Aravinda: P-u-s-p-a-v-a-n. Prabhupada: Yes. Puspavana. Puspavana is the name of Cupid. He throws the arrow of flower. And Krsna is the supreme Cupid. You know the rules and regulation? Yes. Come on. (sings softly) Radhe jaya jaya madhava dayite, gokula taruni mandala… Hm? Aravinda: Puskara. Prabhupada: Puskara dasa. There is a sacred lake in India, Puskara tirtha. Puskara tirtha. So anyone who takes bath in that lake, he becomes a devotee. So you try to bring all people of the world to take bath in Puskara. Aravinda: Tapas. Prabhupada: Tapas. From tapasya. You have to perform severe austerity. Without severe austerity nobody can achieve Krsna. Krta-punya-punjah. After many, many births’ pious activities and austerity one can understand Krsna. Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye yatatam api siddhanam [Bg. 7.3]. Siddhanam, those who have attained perfection, out of many of them, one can understand Krsna. So by Lord Caitanya’s grace we are distributing freely such thing, Krsna. Krsna-prema-pradaya te [Madhya 19.53], Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Hare Krsna. You know the rules and regulation? Then you come. [break] Open. You take this and… Yes. First of all take this. Then care of… Stand up. This side. Now where is that mantra? You chant this mantra. (Trivikrama repeats) Etam sa asthaya paratma-nistham upasitam purvatamair maha… What is this? It is not properly… Oh. Purvatamair mahadbhir aham tarisyami duranta-param tamo mukundam anghri nisevayaiva. Yes. Etam sa asthaya paratma-nistha. This vow—today you are taking sannyasa— so keeping oneself steady and fixed up in this position, etam sa asthaya paratma-nistha… Paratma, the Supreme Lord… Jiva, living entities, they are atma, and Krsna is paratma. Paramatma and paratma. So paratma-nistham, to serve Krsna. So “Taking sannyasa, from this day my vow to serve Krsna is more fixed up, steady.” Upasitam purvatamair mahadbhih: “This practice, this process was accepted by my previous acaryas.” Your spiritual master, his spiritual master, his spiritual master, they all accepted this. Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted at the age of twenty-four years. Therefore it is not a new introduction. Purvatamaih. Purvatamaih means previous acarya, they accepted it, sannyasa asrama. That is Vedic civilization. Everyone has to accept sannyasa asrama at a certain period, generally at the end. But one who is advanced, he can take sannyasa even at young age. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, Ramanujacarya took sannyasa very young age. My Guru Maharaja took sannyasa at very young age. So it is not that only old men should take sannyasa, but there are many instances. Why? Now, paratma-nistha. Etam sa asthaya aham tarisyami: “I shall cross over.” Tarisyami means cross over. Duranta-param: “which is very difficult to overcome.” Tamo: “this darkness.” This material world is dark. Tamasi ma jyotir gama. Vedic injunction is, “Don’t remain in this darkness. Go the other side, jyoti, where there is…” Na tad bhasayate suryah. There is another nature, where there is no need of sun, no need of moon, no need of electricity. There jyoti… Jyoti means effulgent light, only light. So we have to cross over this ocean of darkness and reach that jyotir dhama. Jyotirmaya dhama, brahmajyoti. Tamo mukundanghri. How it will be possible? Mukunda. Mukunda means… Muk means mukti, or liberation. So one who gives liberation and gives ananda… Unless one is liberated, one cannot understand what is ananda, or pleasure. Here in the material world we are trying to be happy by false pleasure. Actual pleasure… Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasure. When we serve Krsna, mukundanghri… Anghri means lotus feet, leg. When we appoint ourself, engage ourself in the service of the lotus feet of Mukunda, who can deliver liberation and transcendental bliss… Tamo mukundanghri nisevayaiva: “Only by serving Him I shall be able.” This mantra you shall take copy. Also Kirtanananda Maharaja, you can read this portion and… Kirtanananda: [break] “…they misunderstand the purpose of tridanda, and by such deviation…” Prabhupada: Our, this danda, there are four sticks. One stick is representing the jiva soul, another stick is representing body, another stick is mind, and another stick, speech. Kaya mana vakya. So the jiva engages himself with his body, mind, and words for preaching work. Go on. So there is another sect of sannyasi, Mayavadi sannyasi. They take one stick, eka. Kirtanananda: “They misunderstand the purpose of tridanda, and by such deviation…” (indistinct) Prabhupada: Siva Swami? What is that? Kirtanananda: S-i-v-a? Prabhupada: Siva Swami. All right. Kirtanananda: “…accepted ekadandi sannyasa order, but His acceptance of tridandi-sannyasa is understood. This mantra was first chanted by a learned brahmana of Avantipur after being too much disturbed with the materialistic way of life. (reads sannyasa speech—very faint)” Prabhupada: The ekadandi sannyasi and Mayavadi sannyasi, they think that accepting sannyasa, they become one with Narayana or the Supreme Lord. But our process is different. Our process is that we give up everything material and simply engage ourself in Krsna’s service with body, mind, and speeches, and as I am, soul. This is the difference. So we should not mix up this ekadandi sannyasi and tridandi sannyasi. Kirtanananda: “They have no inclination to render service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Being very much disgusted with the materialistic way of life, they do not understand the purpose of the sannyasa order. But those who are strictly followers of the Vaisnava principles, they do not accept Mayavadi way of sannyasa. In the sect of Lord Caitanya…” (indistinct) Prabhupada: Bas. So you’ll get a copy of this. So from this day your only business is to preach and collect alms for Krsna. Give me that mango. So I give you first of all. Take this flower. And where is your…? Yes. Give him that flower garland. Trivikrama: All glories to you, Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada: What is that? Devotee: It’s something for Your Divine Grace. Prabhupada: All right. Oh. Chant govindam adi-purusam. (end)
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
New York, July 26, 1971