Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.31
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Vrndavana, November 10, 1972

Pradyumna: (leads chanting, etc.)

taya vilasitesv esu gunesu gunavan iva antah-pravista abhati vijnanena vijrmbhitah

Translation: “After creating the material substance, the Lord expands Himself and enters into it. And although He is within the material modes of nature and appears to be one of the created beings, He is always fully enlightened and in His transcendental position.”


taya vilasitesv esu gunesu gunavan iva antah-pravista abhati vijnanena vijrmbhitah

Now, this material creation is possible when the Supreme Spirit enters into it. This is a problem to the modern scientist, how creation was possible. They cannot understand that without spiritual touch, there cannot be any creation. That is their poor fund of knowledge. The Darwin’s theory, development, process of evolution, they are childish. They are concentrating on the matter: matter is evolving. Matter does not evolve; matter is dead. It is due to the presence of the spirit soul it evolves. That they do not understand, although actually we are seeing. Just like a child born. If the child is born dead, it is simply dead matter. It does not grow. It is our practical experience. But if the child is living, or the spirit soul is within that body, then it develops. Similarly, the whole cosmic manifestation, this big universe, unless there is, in the center, the Supreme Spirit, how it develops? It cannot develop. Either you take this body or take this universal body—without the spirit being entered within it, there cannot be development. The modern scientists, they have no knowledge. They cannot understand this. They are so poor fund of knowledge. Practically we are seeing every day. This body has developed, your body, my body, how it has developed? Because I, the spirit soul, you, the spirit soul, enter into the matter. Therefore, it has developed. Karmana daiva-netrena jantur deha upapattaye [SB 3.31.1].

So deha upapatti, development of this body, is possible when the spirit soul enters. The man, the male and female, they have sex life, and the two secretions, they mix up, becomes emulsified, and the spirit soul takes shelter within that matter. And then the matter develops gradually. That is the development within the embryo. And when it is fully developed, with hands and legs, consciousness, at seven months, then child wants to come out. Then, by the natural process, on the tenth month the child comes out. But medical science or physiologist, biologists, they do not know this. They do not know this. They cannot explain how the body is developing, how the body is being formed. They do not know. But it is the fact.

Taya vilasitesu gunesu gunavan iva. Now, the living entity wanted to enjoy this material world. We get different types of bodies on account of our desire to have such body. We want to enjoy the material, the matter, in a certain way, and Krsna gives us the opportunity to enjoy as we liked Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah [Bg. 3.27]. Everything is under control of Krsna. Although the body’s obtained by material arrangement, still, behind the matter, there is Krsna. Krsna is… As the living entity enters this material world, Krsna is also there along with him. Sometimes the Mayavadi philosophers, they mistake that the soul and the Supersoul, there is no such difference: only the soul is the Supersoul, or the Supersoul is the soul; atma, Paramatma, they are both one. But not they are not both one. They are two. That is stated in the Upanisads, that they are sitting in one tree like two birds, friendly birds. One is enjoying the fruit of the tree; other is only witnessing. So the witnessing bird is Paramatma, and the fruit- eating bird is atma. These are the Vedic statements.

So we have entered this material world for enjoyment, and to give us facility for enjoyment, the plenary portion of Krsna, Paramatma, brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti, He’s also within this body. The…, this can be explained by one example. Just like when there is some fair. In India, just like we had attended that Kumbha Mela fair. So because the people would come and gather there, the government takes precaution, or makes necessary arrangement. There is actually a small government; the commissioner, the magistrate, they go there and manage things, that things are going on nicely so that people may not be in inconvenience, let them take bath peacefully. That is the idea. Similarly the government is Krsna. And because we wanted to come here to enjoy, the Krsna has made so many nice arrangements. The… Sometimes they question, “Why this material world is created?” That is created for us. Because Krsna knows that some of them, they want to enjoy this material world, to give them facility everything is arranged there. This is a, a replica of the spiritual world, but it is temporary, exactly like the Kumbha Mela camp is temporary. Bhutva bhutva praliyate. A chance is given to the living entities to enjoy to their satisfaction, and the Vedic instruction is there so that they may follow and again come back home, back to home, back to Godhead. This is the whole arrangement.

So gunesu gunavan iva. Now, the Supersoul does not become affected by the material qualities, but the individual souls, they are affected by the material qualities. Sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. But the Supersoul is above these gunas always. Antah-pravista abhati vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He’s always full conscious. When Krsna comes within this material world, He does not become affected by the qualities as we become. Therefore, those who are mudhas, those who are fools, they consider that Krsna is also a human being like us. Avajananti mam mudha manusim tanum asritam [Bg. 9.11]. But Krsna, about Krsna, it is said, vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He’s full, fully conscious. He knows. Vedaham samatitani. “I know everything,” Krsna says, “past, present, future.” Just like Krsna said to Arjuna, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam, aham avyayam: [Bg. 4.1] “Formerly I spoke to the sun-god.” So because He does not forget past, present, future… Vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He’s always conscious, fully conscious. Whatever was done in the past, what will happen in the future, and what is happening, everything is known to Krsna. Vijnanena vijrmbhitah. But we have lost our consciousness. We have lost our memory that we have past, that we are parts and parcels of Krsna, and we are identifying with this material world in different capacities. Somebody’s identifying with this body; somebody’s identifying with the society or community or nation or country. But Krsna does not become such materially affected. Vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He’s always conscious.

So the Paramatma… Although the Paramatma is within this body, antah-pravista abhati, without Him… Both the Paramatma and jivatma are within this body, and the intelligence is coming from the Paramatma. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita: sarvasya caham hrdi-sannivistah. Sarvasya caham hrdi-sannivistah: “I have entered in everyone’s heart.” Sarvasya caham hrdi-sannivisto mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca [Bg. 15.15]. Smrtir jnanam apohanam ca. Remembrance, memory, knowledge—everything is coming from Him. Smrtir jnanam apohanam ca. And forgetfulness is also from Him. (loud kirtana in background) (aside:) That’s all right. Let them… Jnanam and apohanam ca. Knowledge and forgetfulness, both are there. Both are coming from Krsna. Knowledge…Suppose I wanted to enjoy something in my past life. So Krsna has given me a type of body so that I can enjoy, and He gives me reminder also: “Now you wanted to enjoy like this. You have got this opportunity. You do it.” This is the proof. You’ll find even a, what is called, the cub, born of an animal, the dog, cats and dogs, they find out where is the mother’s breast. The human child also, they also try to find out where is the mother’s breast. Because they, they explain it as intuition. But we don’t say it is intuition. Or even if you call “intuition,” wherefrom it is coming? It is coming from Paramatma. He’s giving that “You find out. Here you’ll find your mother’s breast, and here is your food. Here is your food.” Therefore even just after birth, the kitty, or a small child, finds out where is the food. This is the explanation of intuition.

But the modern scientists, they say “intuition,” but they cannot explain how the intuition is coming. It is explained in the Bhagavad-gita: mattah smrtir jnanam apohanam ca [Bg. 15.15]. It is coming from Paramatma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Antah-pravista abhati vijnanena vijrmbhitah. But Krsna, sarvasya caham hrdi-sannivistah, as Paramatma, He has entered in everyone’s heart. He is in His knowledge. He knows that “This individual soul wanted to enjoy this material world,” so He gives him facility: “Now you enjoy.” Those who have no discrimination of eating—all abominable things one can eat—he’s given the chance of eating everything up to stool in the form of a hog. The facility’s given. One who is shameless… Now this civilization has spread in the Western countries—they want to remain naked. There are so many nudie clubs. So next life they’ll be given chance to become tree, to stand naked for thousands of years. This is laws of nature. They do not know how they’re getting chance, different types of body for different types of enjoyments, material enjoyment. Sometimes he’s put as a poor man; sometimes he’s put as a rich man. Sometimes as demigod, sometimes as cat, sometimes as dog. In this way, it is going on. But they are…, there is no knowledge. The modern civilization, they do not take care of this Vedic information, neither they have got any sufficient knowledge how these 8,400,000 species of life are becoming possible. They have no science. But here it is stated: antah-pravista abhati vijnanena vijrmbhitah.

So our, this Krsna consciousness movement is all-pervasive. It is including science, philosophy—everything that we require. Everything complete. By Krsna consciousness movement, everything becomes completely known. Prakasa. Prakasa. Because as soon as we become in touch with Krsna, Krsna gives us all intelligence. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam [Bg. 10.10]. If we engage ourself in Krsna consciousness, in devotional service, sincerely, and seriously, then all intelligence will come from within. Because Paramatma is there, Krsna is already there. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati [Bg. 18.61]. So simply… Just like the television set is there already. You can get so many news from outside, but you have to know how to tackle it. As soon as you push some button, electronic button, immediately the picture and the speaking immediately become manifest. Similarly, Krsna is already there within your heart. You are also there. If we simply connect or link with Krsna, that is called yoga. Yoga means connecting the link. So there are different processes of yoga system. The best yoga system, as it is described in the Bhagavad-gita: always think of Krsna within your heart. Always think. Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh. This is the example given by Ambarisa Maharaja. You haven’t got to practice so many astanga-yoga process—that is also one of the process—but this process, always thinking of Krsna… Satatam cintayanto mam. Satatam cintayanto mam, satatam kirtayanto mam [Bg. 9.14]. These words are there. If we engage ourself always chanting, hearing about Krsna,

srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanah hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani vidhunoti suhrt satam [Bhag. 1.2.17]

Then gradually the dirty things within our heart will be cleansed, and there will be clear direction what to do in which circumstances and how to do it. Everything will come.

Because vijnanena vijrmbhitah. Krsna is there. He’s full of knowledge, scientific knowledge. Vijnanena. This very word is used, vijnanena. Not only jnana, but vijnanena. Tactfully, everything perfectly will come. Simply we have to link our lost relationship. We are always in Krsna touch, but at the present moment, due to the illusory energy of maya, we have forgotten that we are always connected with Krsna. This has to be, this illusion, this dirty things has to be moved; then our original relationship will be established, and our life will be perfect. That is the process of Krsna consciousness.

Thank you very much. Hare Krsna. (end)