Morning Walk Conversation Prabhupada: But if one cannot execute in such a way, he can take little fruits. That’s all. Dr. Patel: Shall we? Srnu me paramam vacah. Prabhupada: Bhuya. He has already spoken so many important things; still, He wants to give information of further important part. Dr. Patel: Yat te ’ham priyamanaya vaksyami hita-kamyaya. Prabhupada: Yes. “Because these things are to be spoken to My dear devotees, priyamanaya, for the special benefit of the devotees, not for the ordinary man.” Bhuya eva maha-baho [Bg. 10.1]. Maha-baho, this word is used, “mighty-armed,” who is very strong in devotional service, maha-baho. Bhuya eva maha-baho srnu me paramam vacah [Bg. 10.1].” Maha-baho, because you are My great devotee, therefore I am speaking further, very important subject matter.” Next line? Dr. Patel: na me viduh sura-ganah prabhavam na maharsayah aham adir hi devanam maharsinam ca sarvasah [Bg 10.2] Prabhupada: Yes. Even the… Na me viduh sura-ganah. Sura-ganah means demigods, and what to speak of the rascals? How the rascals, simply by little educational qualification, can understand Krsna? Dr. Patel: Prabhavam, the original. Prabhavam. Prabhupada: No. Prabhavam means influence, influence, prabhava. Dr. Patel: Aham adir hi devanam maharsinam ca sarvasah. Prabhupada: Now, just try to understand this. Na me viduh sura-ganah [Bg 10.2] (Hindi) …demigods, big, big demigods, they cannot understand Him. How the rascals with little education can understand? This is the meaning. Na me viduh sura-ganah prabhavam [Bg 10.2]. How much influence… The maharsayah, big, big saintly rsis also, they cannot understand. Aham adir hi devanam. Devanam means the first devas: the Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara. So Visnu is He Himself. Even Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, they do not know. Devanam. Dr. Patel: yo mam ajam anadim ca vetti loka-mahesvaram asamudhah sa martyesu sarva-papaih pramucyate Prabhupada: Yes, this is the understanding of Krsna. Yo mam ajam. Ajam. “Because Krsna appears as born of Vasudeva and Devaki…” That is murkha. He appears. He appears, ajo ’pi sann avyayatma bhutanam isvaro ’pi san, sambhavami. That is His extraordinary power, how He ap… But when one understands that He is aja, there is no birth of Krsna… Aja, and? Dr. Patel: Mahesvaram. Prabhupada: Mahesvaram, maha isvaram. There are isvaras, but paramesvara or maha-isvara, that is Krsna. Dr. Patel: Shall I read further? Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: buddhir jnanam asammohah ksama satyam damah samah sukham duhkham bhavo ’bhavo bhayam cabhayam eva ca ahimsa samata tustis tapo danam yaso ’yasah bhavanti bhava bhutanam matta eva prthag-vidhah Prabhupada: Yes. All these good qualities, they are also coming from Him. Matta eva. Dr. Patel: Good and bad, all qualities. Prabhupada: Yes. There is no bad. There is nothing bad. But… Dr. Patel: Bhava abhava bhayam ca abhayam ca. Prabhupada: Bhayam ca abhayam ca, contradictory, yes. That means all contradictions can be adjusted in Krsna. Dr. Patel: maharsayah sapta purve catvaro manavas tatha mad-bhava manasa jata yesam loke imah prajah Prabhupada: Yes, “The whole praja, population, they are born of Me.” Dr. Patel: etam vibhutim yogam ca mama yo vetti tattvatah so ’vikalpena yogena yujyate natra samsayah Prabhupada: Yes, tattvatah, to understand Krsna tattvatah. Dr. Patel: Rightly. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate iti matva bhajante mam budha bhava-samanvitah [Bg. 10.8] Prabhupada: Yes. This is the actually essence of Bhagavad-gita. Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate [Bg. 10.8]: “I am the origin of everything.” Aham sarvasya prabhavo and mattah sarvam. Sarvam means including Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara. Sarvam. Mattah sarvam pravartate iti matva. One who understands this. Bhajante. So just… The bhajana is for whom? Iti matva. When one understands that Krsna is the origin of everything, even the original demigods, Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, when one understands perfectly this thing, then his bhajana is perfect. Dr. Patel: Budha bhava-samanvitah. Prabhupada: Bhava, bhava. Bhava means love, feelings, feelings of love, “Oh, Krsna is so great.” Dr. Patel: Mac-citta mad-gata-pranah. Prabhupada: And that is being described. Dr. Patel: Bodhayantah parasparam, kathayantas ca mam nityam tusyanti ca ramanti ca. Prabhupada: Ramanti ca, yes. So instead of talking of Krsna, they talk of politics, sociology, all nonsense. Simply waste of time. Dr. Patel: Mad-gata-pranah. Prabhupada: One cannot talk of Krsna unless he is krsna-gata-pranah. Krsna-gata-pranah. Just like your loveable objects, you cannot forget even for a moment, similarly, one who has developed real love for Krsna, he cannot do without thinking of Krsna, without talking of Krsna, without acting for Krsna. Mad-gata-pranah. Dr. Patel: tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam dadami buddhi-yogam tam yena mam upayanti te [Bg. 10.10] Prabhupada: Yes. So therefore one who has taken to this… Sometimes these Mayavadis rascals say that the bhakti is meant for the less intelligent class of men. So how he can be less intelligent? Krsna says, tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. So Krsna personally gives you intelligence. So how He can be less intelligent? Dr. Patel: He gives intelligence that, dadami buddhi-yogam. Prabhupada: Ah. And what kind of buddhi-yoga? Dr. Patel: “By which you can reach Me.” Prabhupada: Yes. By which he can go back to home, back to Godhead. That kind of buddhi-yoga. Not this buddhi-yoga, how to exploit the whole world and become Hiranyakasipu. Dr. Patel: tesam evanukampartham aham ajnana-jam tamah nasayamy atma-bhava-stho jnana-dipena bhasvata [Bg. 10.11] Prabhupada: Tesam. Who are those, tesam? Not all. Satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam, tesam. It is a special favor for them. Tesam evanukampartham. So if Krsna dissipates ignorance from the heart of a person, how he can be less intelligent? If somebody is guided by the most perfect intellect, intellectual, then how he can be less intelligent? So these Mayavadis’ accusation that bhakti is meant for the less intelligent class and jnana is meant for the higher class of men, so this accusation is refuted that “No, don’t think that the devotees are less intelligent, because I am guiding them.” Dr. Patel: Nasayamy atma-bhava-stho, aham ajnana-jam tamah. Tamah nasayamy atma-bhava-stho. Prabhupada: Tamah. No more ignorance, darkness. So how a devotee can be in darkness, in ignorance? This is refuted. Dr. Patel: Now arjuna uvaca. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan purusam sasvatam divyam adi-devam ajam vibhum [Bg. 10.12] Prabhupada: Yes. So therefore, what is Krsna, is to be understood from Arjuna. This is parampara system. Parampara system. Arjuna talked with Krsna personally. So his experience is first-hand. So how this rascal can imagine of Krsna, that “Krsna is like this, Krsna is like that.” If you actually reading Bhagavad-gita as Arjuna understood Krsna, you have to accept it. This is called parampara. So what is the experience of Arjuna? Arjuna said, “You are, you are the Supreme Personality, purusam. You are not female. You are not prakrti. You are purusa, sasvata, and the original, sasvatam, eternally.” Not that, the Mayavadis, “Now impersonal…” Yes, read one line. That is sufficient. Dr. Patel: That same line. Purusam sasvatam divyam adi-devam ajam vibhum. Prabhupada: Adi. Yes. Govindam adi-purusam. Adi-purusam, He is the original person. Person. He is not imperson. Purusam is not imperson. Brahman is impersonal, but Param Brahman is not impersonal. That is Krsna. So therefore it is called parah, param. Brahman realization. Athato brahma jijnasa: “You inquire about Brahman.” Dr. Patel: All-pervading, vibhum. Prabhupada: Vibhum, yes, all-pervading. Just like the same example. The sun. The sun is all-pervading by sunshine, but still, sunshine is not important as the sun globe. This is to be understood. Krsna, Krsna… Let us understand one line. Param Brahman. Brahman, sarvam khalv idam brahma. But they are Parabrahman. Isvara, everyone is isvara. That’s all right. But not everyone, Paramesvara. Isvarah paramah krsnah [Bs. 5.1] Dr. Patel: Everyone is purusa, but not purusottama. Prabhupada: So param brahma param dhama [Bg. 10.12]. Dhama. Dhama means resting place. Mat-sthani sarva-bhutani. Param brahma param dhama, and pavitram. Pavitram means you are not contaminated by these material modes. Pavitram paramam, Supreme. Now the question is that if Krsna is param pavitra… Now sometimes they criticize that “Krsna danced with the other girls. So how He can be contaminated?” Dr. Patel: Not contaminated. Prabhupada: Not contaminated. Apapa-vidham. As it is said, apapa vidham asnaviram. Hare Krsna. Asnaviram means not material body. (aside:) Hare Krsna. Asnaviram apapa-vidham. Dr. Patel: Kavir manisih paribhuh svayambhuh… Prabhupada: Yes, that is being explained, yes. Param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan [Bg. 10.12]. Dr. Patel: Purusam sasvatam divyam adi-devam ajam vibhum. Prabhupada: Yes. Divyam. Divyam means spiritual. Tapo divyam. Tapo divyam. That is the instruction of Rsabhadeva, “My dear boys, you engage yourself in tapasya.” Now, what kind of tapasya? Tapo divyam, for spiritual realization. Now, materialists, there are big, big scientists, big, big archeologists and so on, so on. They are also undergoing tapo. Without tapasya, nobody can become eminent. So they are also undergoing tapasya. Suppose one who has manufactured this atomic bomb. This is also tapasya. But not this kind of tapasya. Tapo divyam, for understanding Krsna. To understand Krsna, that tapasya required. Dr. Patel: Shall I go further? Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: ahus tvam rsayah sarve devarsir naradas tatha asito devalo vyasah svayam caiva bravisi me Prabhupada: Now people may say that “Arjuna was Krsna’s friend, so he is eulogizing Krsna like anything.” Therefore he is giving evidence that ahus tvam rsayah sarva: “It is not my sentiment that I am accepting you as such and such. But…” (aside:) Hare Krsna, Jaya. [break] He is giving evidence. This is required. This is required. If you say something, it must be supported by authorities. Not that my whimsically I say something like daridra narayana. Dr. Patel: Again you say, daridra-narayana. Prabhupada: (laughs) Yes. Unauthorized statement. This will not be accepted. So ahus tvam rsayah sarve. Dr. Patel: ahus tvam rsayah sarve devarsir naradas tatha asito devalo vyasah svayam caiva bravisi me Prabhupada: Vyasa. Ultimately Vyasa. Dr. Patel: “Even You say so.” Svayam eva. Prabhupada: “And You also say.” Dr. Patel: Sarvam etad rtam manye yan mam vadasi kesava, na hi te bhagavan vyaktim… [Bg. 10.14] Prabhupada: Now, this is understanding of Bhagavad-gita, that “Whatever you say, I accept as truth.” Not that “This portion…” Interpretation: “This portion I don’t like. This portion is nice.” No. Everything is nice. Whatever Krsna says, everything is correct. That is understanding. Dr. Patel: sarvam etad rtam manye yan mam vadasi kesava na hi te bhagavan vyaktim vidur deva na danavah [Bg. 10.14] Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Vyaktim means? Prabhupada: Vyaktim means his personality, personality, vyaktim. Dr. Patel: “Nobody knows Your personality in truth.” Prabhupada: So foolish people cannot understand what is the Personality of Krsna. Yes. Dr. Patel: svayam evatmanatmanam vettha tvam purusottama bhuta-bhavana bhutesa deva-deva jagat-pate Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore to understand You is to take information from You, not from others. What Krsna says… Dr. Patel: Svayam evatmanatmanam. Prabhupada: Yes. Because you know yourself, what you are. Nobody knows. Therefore to understand Krsna, or God, is to accept whatever is spoken in the Bhagavad-gita. That is real understanding. Dr. Patel: Bhuta-bhavana bhutesa deva-deva jagat-pate. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Vaktum arhasy asesena divya hy atma-vibhutayah. Prabhupada: Deva-deva. “There are many demigods, but You are also…” Dr. Patel: Deva of the devas. Prabhupada: Ah. “You are the supreme of all of them, deva-deva. You are worshipped by the devas.” Dr. Patel: vaktum arhasy asesena divya hy atma-vibhutayah yabhir vibhutibhir lokan imams tvam vyapya tisthasi Prabhupada: Now, this is to be understood, how “You are all- pervading by Your influence, by Your power.” That means “You are always there.” “You” person is there. Just like a big man, big businessman, is sitting in his room, but he is all-pervading, all- pervading. Dr. Patel: But he must have got special powers deputed to certain people. And these are that vibhutis. Prabhupada: Yes, yes. That is vibhuti. That does not mean… Mayavadi philosophy is: “Because He has spread everywhere, therefore He is imperson.” He remains person, without any change, avyaya. But still, He is spread. That he is asking that “How I shall understand You, that You are spread everywhere.” Akhilatma-bhutah. Goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhutah [Bs. 5.37] That is… So we have to understand from Krsna how He is all-pervading, not that mental speculation. “Just like if you take a thing and distribute all over, the original thing is lost.” Not like that. Original Krsna is there. Dr. Patel: Purnam idam [Isopanisad, Invocation]. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: katham vidyam aham yogims tvam sada paricintayan kesu kesu ca bhavesu cintyo ’si bhagavan maya (reads next verse while Srila Prabhupada talks) Prabhupada: Yes, yes. This is intelligence. How Krsna is all- pervading, you have to learn from Krsna and think like that. That is meditation. That is meditation, how Krsna is all-per… Just like in the beginning also, Krsna said, raso ’ham apsu kaunteya. So similarly, another explanation is going to be set up here. Dr. Patel: Now sri bhagavan uvaca hanta te kathayisyami divya hy atma-vibhutayah pradhanyatah kuru-srestha nasty anto vistarasya me Prabhupada: Yes. So “If I go on speaking, there is no end. But some of the chief principles by which I am all-pervading, I shall speak to you.” Dr. Patel: And the first important: aham atma gudakesa sarva-bhutasaya-sthitah aham adis ca madhyam ca bhutanam anta eva ca Prabhupada: Yes, ady anta, this creation. Before this creation, Krsna was there. Krsna was there. When the creation is going on, it is maintained by Krsna, and when it is dissolved, then it enters into Krsna. Prakrtim yanti mamikam. Dr. Patel: Aham atma gudakesa sarva-bhutasaya-sthitah. Prabhupada: “And I am atma, Gudakesa. I am atma. Therefore, because My part and parcel is spreading, so that part and parcel, particle, that is the basic principle of everything.” Just like this body. This body is based on that part and particle, soul. Because the soul was there, the body has developed. Dr. Patel: Otherwise body would perish. It does rot. Prabhupada: Yes. The body develops so long the atma is there. So similarly, because Krsna is there, therefore whatever manifestation you see, that is due to Krsna. Now here the latest theory of the rascals, that life has come from matter, is refuted. Dr. Patel: That is Carvaka’s theory, this Karl Marx, the communists. Prabhupada: Yes. Now He says aham. Aham is living entity. So living entity is the origin of everything. Dr. Patel: adityanam aham visnur jyotisam ravir amsuman maricir marutam asmi naksatranam aham sasi Prabhupada: Yes. Now, this is also another nice thing, that the modern astronomers, they say that all these stars are sun, sun. Do they not? Dr. Patel: Yes. Prabhupada: But just like Krsna says, “They are just like moon.” Just see. Naksatranam aham sasi. So sasi means the moon. Moon is like one of the stars. So if you say the stars are surya, then there is contradiction. How the moon and the sun can be equal? But actually, that is not. According to our Vedic astronomy, there is one sun only in one universe, although there are millions of universes, we cannot count. So there are millions of suns. That is another thing. But within the universe there is only one sun, and by the brilliance of sunshine, all these stars and moons are glittering. Just like moon shining, being reflected by the sun, similarly, all the stars they are glittering, being reflected by the sun, not that all of them are different suns. This theory is refuted. Dr. Patel: vedanam sama-vedo ’smi devanam asmi vasavah indriyanam manas casmi bhutanam asmi cetana Prabhupada: The Sama-vedas mean the realization of God by singing, by music. That is Sama-veda. Dr. Patel: By music. I am the soul of the music. Prabhupada: Yes. Therefore hari-kirtana. Hari-kirtana is Sama-veda, glorifying the supreme. That is stated in some other place. Yam brahma-varunendra-rudrah stunvanti divyaih stavair vedaih sanga-pada-kramopa… Dr. Patel: Kramopanisadair gayanti yam samagah. Prabhupada: Gayanti. So gayanti, chanting, is following the Sama-veda, and Sama-veda, Krsna says, “I am especially Sama-veda.” Dr. Patel: Devanam asmi vasavah, indriyanam manas casmi bhutanam asmi cetana. “I am the…” Cetana means…? Prabhupada: Life. Knowledge, knowledge. Dr. Patel: rudranam sankaras casmi vitteso yaksa-raksasam vasunam pavakas casmi meruh sikharinam aham purodhasam ca mukhyam mam viddhi partha brhaspatim senaninam aham skandah sarasam asmi sagarah Prabhupada: Skanda means Karttikeya. Dr. Patel: Yes. Karttikeya. Maharsinam bhrgur aham giram asmy ekam aksaram. “I am om.” Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Yajnanam japa-yajno ’smi. (laughs) Prabhupada: Yes. Yajnaih sankirtanaih prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah. This is there. Japa-yoga, Hare Krsna, this is the first- class… Dr. Patel: yajnanam japa-yajno ’smi sthavaranam himalayah asvatthah sarva-vrksanam devarsinam ca naradah gandharvanam citrarathah siddhanam kapilo munih Prabhupada: Now, the Kapila Muni. Who is that Kapila Muni? Dr. Patel: That Devahuti’s son. Prabhupada: Son, yes. Dr. Patel: uccaihsravasam asvanam viddhi mam amrtodbhavam airavatam gajendranam naranam ca naradhipam Naradhipam means He represents the God. Prabhupada: King, king, king. Yes. Dr. Patel: King. But not these kings, (Hindi) Prabhupada: But they are not kings. They are mlecchas. They are not kings. Asamskrtah kriya-hina mleccha rajendra-rupinah. They have assumed the post of king, but otherwise they are mlecchas, asamskrtah. There is no samskara, and kriya-hina, they do not perform the Vedic rituals. So they are all rascals. So how we can be happy? Dr. Patel: ayudhanam aham vajram dhenunam asmi kamadhuk prajanas casmi kandarpah sarpanam asmi vasukih Prajanas casmi kandarpah. “I am the Kandarpa.” Prabhupada: Cupid. Dr. Patel: Reproduce, produces. Prabhupada: Yes, Cupid. Dr. Patel: anantas casmi naganam varuno yadasam aham pitrnam aryama casmi yamah samyamatam aham Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: prahladas casmi daityanam kalah kalayatam aham mrganam ca mrgendro ’ham vainateyas ca paksinam pavanah pavatam asmi ramah sastra-bhrtam aham jhasanam makaras casmi srotasam asmi jahnavi Prabhupada: Jhasanam, “Of all the aquatics, I am the makara.” Dr. Patel: Sarganam adir antas ca madhyam caivaham arjuna. That means “I am the very time.” Sarganam adir antas ca madhyam caivaham arjuna. Prabhupada: Yes, time, kala, kala, creation. Dr. Patel: Ahyatma-vidya vidyanam vadah pravadatam aham. Prabhupada: Pravadatam aham. Dr. Patel: aksaranam a-karo ’smi dvandvah samasikasya ca aham evaksayah kalo dhataham visvato-mukhah mrtyuh sarva-haras caham udbhavas ca bhavisyatam kirtih srir vak ca narinam smrtir medha dhrtih ksama Please comment on this. Kirtih srir vak ca narinam smrtir medha dhrtih ksama. Prabhupada: The woman’s voice is very attractive. Because people engage woman for singing. Their voice is naturally attractive. “So that attractive voice, I am. I am.” Dr. Patel: Kirtih srir vak ca narinam, smrtir medha and dhrtih and ksama. These are the feminine qualities. “There I am. I am ksama, I am dhrtih, I am medha, I am smrtir and I am the melodious sound of women. I am kirtih and I am srir.” Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Dr. Patel: brhat-sama tatha samnam gayatri chandasam aham masanam marga-sirso ’ham rtunam kusumakarah dyutam chalayatam asmi tejas tejasvinam aham jayo ’smi vyavasayo ’smi sattvam sattvavatam aham vrsninam vasudevo ’smi pandavanam dhananjayah Prabhupada: Ah. (laughs) Pandavanam dhananjayah. Dr. Patel: “I am you.” That means “I am you.” Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Muninam apy aham vyasah kavinam usana kavih. Prabhupada: Not “I am you.” That is Mayavada. Dhananjaya especially, not the rascals. Dr. Patel: “You” means he is talking with whom? Dhananjaya. Prabhupada: That’s all right, Dhananjaya. You can take, Dhananjaya. Not that general people. Dr. Patel: But that is what He says, that “I am you.” Krsna says… Prabhupada: Not you, Dhananjaya. “You” means… Why you are changing the word? No, no, it is said, Dhananjaya. You say Dhananjaya. Dr. Patel: Partha, Dhananjaya, He is… Prabhupada: Yes. And after… Dr. Patel: But he is talking with Dhananjaya. Prabhupada: That’s all right. You cannot make it an impersonal. As soon as you say Dhananjaya, He is person. Dr. Patel: Oh yes, that way. That way you are right. Vrsninam vasudevo ’smi. That means He is the father of even Himself. vrsninam vasudevo ’smi pandavanam dhananjayah muninam apy aham vyasah kavinam usana kavih Prabhupada: Yes, Vyasadeva is incarnation of God. Dr. Patel: dando damayatam asmi nitir asmi jigisatam maunam caivasmi guhyanam jnanam jnanavatam aham Prabhupada: Nitir, by argument, by logic, when one becomes victorious, that victory is Krsna, niti. Without Krsna… Chandobhai: It is God’s victory, not his. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Yac capi sarva-bhutanam bijam tad aham arjuna. “There is… Seed in everything is, I am.” yac capi sarva-bhutanam bijam tad aham arjuna na tad asti vina yat syan maya bhutam caracaram Nothing that moves and not moves is without being. Prabhupada: Yes, because everything is His energy. Dr. Patel: nanto ’sti mama divyanam vibhutinam parantapa esa tuddesatah prokto vibhuter vistaro maya yad yad vibhutimat sattvam srimad urjitam eva va tat tad evavagaccha tvam mama tejo-’msa-sambhavam “Whatever glorious thing you see, it is Mine.” Prabhupada: “That is due to My influence, all these things.” Dr. Patel: Aham idam krtsnam ekesena sthito jagat. Prabhupada: This is only ekamsa vibhuti. All this described, this is only one part. The three parts—in the spiritual world. This is all description of the material world. Now, this is only one part manifestation, and the three part manifestation—in the spiritual sky. Chandobhai: Tri-pada… (Hindi) Dr. Patel: This thing. Today is Ekadasi. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: arjuna uvaca mad-anugrahaya paramam guhyam adhyatma-samjnitam yat tvayoktam vacas tena moho ’yam vigato mama Prabhupada: Moha, moho ’yam… “What you were, now I have lost. I was thinking that you are an ordinary friend, but now that moha is gone. I understand You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” Dr. Patel: bhavapyayau hi bhutanam srutau vistaraso maya tvattah kamala-patraksa mahatmyam api cavyayam [Bg. 11.2] evam etad yathattha tvam atmanam paramesvara drastum icchami te rupam aisvaram purusottama [Bg. 11.3] Now, he is creating trouble for Krsna. Prabhupada: No, why trouble? Krsna knows everything. Dr. Patel: For himself. Arjuna is creating trouble for himself. Prabhupada: No, he is creating trouble for himself because the rascals will represent that “I am incarnation of God.” Therefore Arjuna is asking him, “Now show me your virat-rupa.” So these rascals, bewildered by these so-called gods, they should ask, “Show me your virat-rupa. Then I shall accept you.” That is the process. Not that “I am incarnation of God.” How you become incarnation? Just lift one hill. Or show me virat-rupa. Or show me that you have sixteen thousand wives and you are maintaining them in sixteen thousand palaces. Then you call yourself that “I am incarnation of Krsna.” Otherwise, you rascal, I cannot believe you. For them. Otherwise Krsna… He knows what is Krsna, but because in future some rascal will come and will say that “I am incarnation of God,” therefore it is a warning that before accepting one rascal as incarnation, you ask him to show virat-rupa. Dr. Patel: manyase yadi tac chakyam maya drastum iti prabho yogesvara tato me tvam darsayatmanam avyayam Prabhupada: Yes. So because Arjuna was not accustomed to this impersonal theory… Dr. Patel: Even the pastime, rupa vi…(?) Prabhupada: Yes. But he wanted to see the virat-rupa. Therefore he said, “If you think that I shall be able to see, then You can give me.” Dr. Patel: Shall I read further? Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Sri bhagavan uvaca, pasya me partha rupani sataso ’tha… [Bg. 11.5] Prabhupada: So it was not difficult for him. Immediately He showed him. That is Krsna. Not that “I shall show you some day privately.” Dr. Patel: pasya me partha rupani sataso ’tha sahasrasah nana-vidhani divyani nana-varnakrtini ca [Bg. 11.5] pasyadityan vasun rudran asvinau marutas tatha bahuny adrsta-purvani pasyascaryani bharata [Bg. 11.6] Prabhupada: Just like mother Yasoda saw within the mouth of Krsna the whole universe. Dr. Patel: ihaika-stham jagat krtsnam pasyadya sa-caracaram mama dehe gudakesa yac canyad drastum icchasi [Bg. 11.7] na tu mam sakyase drastum anenaiva sva-caksusa divyam dadami te caksuh pasya me yogam aisvaram [Bg. 11.8] Prabhupada: Ah. “Because you are not accustomed to see this virat form, therefore I give you special vision to see it.” Dr. Patel: evam uktva tato rajan maha-yogesvaro harih darsayamasa parthaya paramam rupam aisvaram [Bg. 11.9] Prabhupada: So this virat-rupa is subordinate. Darsayamasa hari. Hari is the supreme. And the virat-rupa is a feature, not that virat-rupa is original. Dr. Patel: One of the features of His multiple features. Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Virat-rupa. Not that the… Mayavadis take the virat-rupa is the origin, and this rupa, Krsna, that is maya. Therefore they are called Mayavadis. But actually, Hari manifested or exhibited… Dr. Patel: One of his multiple… Prabhupada: Multiple features. Dr. Patel: aneka-vaktra-nayanam anekadbhuta-darsanam aneka-divyabharanam divyanekodyatayudham divya-malyambara-dharam divya-gandhanulepanam sarvascarya-mayam devam anantam visvato-mukham divi surya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthita yadi bhah sadrsi sa syad bhasas tasya mahatmanah He had thousands and millions of features. tatraika-stham jagat krtsnam pravibhaktam anekadha apasyad deva-devasya sarire pandavas tada tatah sa vismayavisto hrsta-roma dhananjayah pranamya sirasa devam krtanjalir abhasata Now Arjuna said. Shall I read further? Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Arjuna uvaca. These boys understand this, all of them? Prabhupada: Yes. No, I will explain. Dr. Patel: Now Arjuna says, pasyami devams tava deva dehe sarvams tatha bhuta-visesa… Prabhupada: Devams, devams, tava deva dehe means “devas, the demigods, they are part and parcel of Your virata-rupa.” They are not independent. Just like this finger is part of my this whole body, similarly, all these devas, these demigods… That is explained previously. Ye ’py anya-devata bhakta yajante sraddhayanvitah, te ’pi mam eva. If you give something to my finger, that is to be given to my body, but that is avidhi-purvakam. The thing’s to be given to the mouth, not in the hand. But their logic is, because everything is the same, why not here? That is Mayavada. Yes. Dr. Patel: pasyami devams tava deva dehe sarvams tatha bhuta-visesa-sanghan brahmanam isam kamalasana-stham rsims ca sarvan uragams ca divyan Prabhupada: Yes, Brahma ramesvaram. Ramesvaram means Visnu. Rama isvara, and Brahma, Lord Brahma, and… Dr. Patel: Kamalasana-stham rsims sarvan urugams ca divyan. All wonderful things. aneka-bahudara-vaktra-netram pasyami tvam sarvato ’nanta-rupam nantam na madhyam na punas tavadim pasyami visvesvara visva-rupa kiritinam gadinam cakrinam ca tejo-rasim sarvato diptimantam Prabhupada: Now even in His virat-rupa, He is person, kiritina. He has got helmet. Kiritina. Then? Dr. Patel: pasyami tvam durniriksyam samantad diptanalarka-dyutim aprameyam tvam aksaram paramam veditavyam tvam asya visvasya param nidhanam tvam avyayah sasvata-dharma-gopta sanatanas tvam puruso mato me He is now frightened after seeing these things. Prabhupada: Yes. Must be frightened. Now, suppose all of a sudden, if you see a very big person, you will not be frightened? Because you are not accustomed to see that. Dr. Patel: Anadi-madhyantam ananta-viryam ananta-bahum sasi-surya-netram pasyami tvam dipta-hutasa-vaktram… Prabhupada: Now here is one important thing: sasi-surya-netram. The sasi, the moon, and the sun are the two eyes of God. Now in Brahma-samhita it is also confirmed yac-caksur esa savita sakala-grahanam. So in the Upanisads it is said, “When God sees, then you can see.” So this… When the sunrise is there, that means when God sees, you can see. In the darkness you cannot see. And still, you are proud of your eyes. Yes. Without God seeing, you cannot see. And still, these rascals are proud of their eyes. “I can… Can you show me?” How you can see? First of all you have to see through the Supreme. And another significance is that you cannot hide yourself from the seeing of the Supreme. You cannot make anything hiding. Because even in the womb there is sunshine, sunlight. So He is seeing there. Apart from being the Paramatma, from materially also, His eyes are always there. So you cannot do anything hiding. That is not possible. Dr. Patel: dyav a-prthivyor idam antaram hi vyaptam tvayaikena disas ca sarvah drstvadbhutam rupam ugram tavedam loka-trayam pravyathitam mahatman All are frightened. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: ami hi tvam sura-sangha visanti kecid bhitah pranjalayo grnanti svastity uktva maharsi-siddha-sanghah stuvanti tvam stutibhih puskalabhih rudraditya vasavo ye ca sadhya visve ’svinau marutas cosmapas ca Prabhupada: So everyone is worshiping Him. Dr. Patel: gandharva-yaksasura-siddha-sangha viksante tvam vismitas caiva sarve Rupam mahat te bahu-vaktra-netram. Prabhupada: They do not understand. If you go on simply reading… Dr. Patel: But you say read, so I read. You order me, I stop. Prabhupada: Yes. Dr. Patel: Shall I read again? Prabhupada: What is that line? Dr. Patel: There are so many lines. I will again. Aneka divya… Divi-surya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthita… Prabhupada: Ah, this is the comparison now, that divi, “In the sky, if there were thousands of suns at a time, then the brilliance of the virat-rupa could be understood.” This is an example. Dr. Patel: He saw everyone in him. divi surya-sahasrasya bhaved yugapad utthita yadi bhah sadrsi sa syad bhasas tasya mahatmanah Tatraikastham jagat krtsnam [break] Prabhupada: …in Him. Then he got… Dr. Patel: Then he got frightened and then he… Prabhupada: The varieties, varieties. The varieties, he is seeing. That is the vision of the Vaisnavas. The Vaisnavas also know that everything is one, but he sees the varieties. Dr. Patel: I will read again from this. Prabhupada: Yes. (end)
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
April 3, 1974, Bombay