Morning Walk Conversation Prabhupada: All the leaders. pisaci paile yena mati-cchana haya mayar grasta jivera se dasa upajaya [break] …must have undergone severe austerities and penances and developed his spiritual consciousness. Then he can be priest. Not any man with a sacred thread and ganta, belling, becomes a priest. [break] …priestly class, all rotten class. In Christian world also— drunkards, nonsense, woman-hunters, and they are priests. So also in India. Any man with a two paisa worth sacred thread, he becomes a brahmana and priest. How the people will be guided? The priest… The exact Sanskrit name is purohita, who can actually… Indian Man (1): Puru bhagata. Prabhupada: No, not puru bhag. Pura, yes, purabhaga, for welfare. By his advice… Just like Gargamuni is called for the advice, future of the child. Indian Man (1): (Sanskrit) Prabhupada: Ah, hita-kartrka(?) [break] …vacate his chair to receive a brahmana, a purohita. Just like Sudama Vipra went Dvaraka. He was poor man, but he was brahmana. Immediately Krsna left His, offered His chair. Yes. And Rukmini began to fan him. So much respect. Where is that respectful person? (aside:) Hare Krsna. Giriraja: He received Gargamuni with the feeling of one who is worshiping God or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He offered him a nice sitting place and when he sat down Nanda Maharaja offered him a warm reception.” Prabhupada: [break] …presence of a brahmana, of a sannyasi, in the household, in the house of a householder, means to enlighten. Mahad-vicalanam nrnam grhinam grhacet dina-cetasam. The grhasthas, they are very cripple-minded. They are satisfied with the family, and they do not know that anything else to do. Therefore it is the duty of the sannyasi and the brahmanas to go to the householder’s home and enlighten them spiritually. Therefore purohita. Go on. [break] …pura. Purasara means “in the front”, and hita means welfare. So one who conducts welfare of the householder. Guru-purohita. Every family must have guru and purohita for spiritual advancement. Hare Krsna. Jaya. Indian Man (1): For all the vices… Prabhupada: Yes. [break] Giriraja: “In household duties and are forgetting our real duty of self-realization.” [break] Prabhupada: …grha-medhinam. Apasyatam atma-tattvam grhesu grha-medhinam [SB 2.1.2] Those who are grhamedhis and do not know anything else except maintaining the family, they are called grhamedhi. And those who cultivating spiritual consciousness in grhastha life with family and children, they are called grhasthas. That is the difference between grhamedhi and grhastha. So grhamedhi, they have no aim of life, of self-realization. Apasyatam atma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2]. That is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Nrnam santi sahasrasah. [break] …self-realization. Nrnam santi sahasrasah. Apasyatam atma-tattvam [SB 2.1.2], who cannot see what is the atma-tattvam, what is the path of self- realization. Grhesu grhamedhinam. Therefore it is the duty of the sannyasi… Sannyasi does not mean that he will beg for fulfilling his hungry belly. Sannyasi means he must enlighten—that is sannyasi— in Krsna consciousness. [break] …rajendra nrnam santi sahasrasah apasyatam atma-tattvam grhesu grha-medhinam [SB 2.1.2]. This is the Sukadeva Gosvami says that srotavyadini rajendra [SB 2.1.2], subject matter for hearing nrnam, for the human being, nrnam santi sahasrasah, thousands of… Just like in the newspaper in the morning, thousands of varieties of news they will attend, and ask them to attend the mangala arati for self-realization, “No, that is not… You are disturbing, nonsense.” This is grhamedhi. Grhesu grhamedhinam. Vedic culture is that one must rise early in the morning. And even Krsna in His grhastha life, immediately He rose up. Rukmini was disturbed because womanly nature, and again immediately taking bath, meditation. This is Vedic culture. And sleeping up to seven and then unless takes bed tea, without washing teeth, and he is advanced. You see. And if one is asked to “Rise early in the morning and wash yourself, take your bathing and attend mangala arati.” “Oh, this is old way, bhajana nonsense.” You see. Grhesu grhamedhinam. Giriraja: “Actually a saintly person or a brahmana has no business visiting householders who are busy in the matter of dollars and cents.” [break] Prabhupada: But that is now neglected. Dr. Patel: So we have come. Prabhupada: Oh, thank you very much. Dr. Patel: You came very early. [break] Prabhupada: …guru more murkha dekhi karila sasana. Dr. Patel: Now I own it. Prabhupada: It is better to remain a fool. That is very progressive. Indian Man (2): Fools are always ready, receptive. [break] Prabhupada: “I am fool, I must receive.” That… These Sikh section. The Sikh means you always learn. Sikh, Siksa. Go on. [break] Giriraja: “…one who is expert in the knowledge of the Supreme.” Prabhupada: Yes, that is. Brahma janatiti brahmana. Dr. Patel: Brahma janatiti brahmano ’ham. Prabhupada: Brahma-vidan srestha, the best of the… Just like dvija-srestha, another name. Dr. Patel: Not only born in brahmana families, they are not brahmanas. [break] Prabhupada: Nanda Maharaja did not know who is Krsna. Dr. Patel: When did he know that He, Krsna was really the son of Devaki? I think after the… just now only. Prabhupada: Just now only. He is disclosing. He has given… [break] …bahuni me janmany atitani tava carjuna. Same thing. “I had many, many births before.” That is confirmed here. Giriraja: “Just as demigods are always protected by Lord Visnu, so the devotees of your child will always be protected by Narayana.” [break] Prabhupada: …accept that process. [break] …cation. [break] Without any advertisement, without any…, how one can stop this? Indian Man (2): It is not possible. [break] Giriraja: “The child is very clever. After breaking the pot He has left the place fearing punishment. After she sought all over she found a big wooden grinding mortar kept upside down, and she found her son sitting on it. He was taking butter which was hanging from the ceiling on a swing and was feeding it to the monkeys.” (continues reading from Krsna Book; rest of tape is unintelligible) (end)
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
April 13, 1974, Bombay