Morning Walk Conversation Prabhupada: (in car:) …Jewish temple? Brahmananda: Yes. Prabhupada: Deity or not? Brahmananda: Oh, no. Jayatirtha: No. They worship their scripture, though the Torah. They keep it on one altar and then they bring it out. Brahmananda: Once a year. Jayatirtha: And everyone pays respects. Prabhupada: The scripture gives any description of God? [break] (out of car) …religion, they have got at least. Devotee: Yes. [break] Tamala Krsna: …talked to Gargamuni Maharaja this morning. Prabhupada: Hm? Tamala Krsna: I spoke with Gargamuni Maharaja this morning. He collected $12,000 this month. Prabhupada: Collected. Tamala Krsna: Yes. Prabhupada: But I heard that he is collecting $6,000 daily. Brahmananda: Six hundred. Prabhupada: Six hundred, oh. Tamala Krsna: He collected twelve thousand, but his party is increasing in size. Prabhupada: Yes, he can organize (laughs). Hare Krsna. [break] Tamala Krsna: …Philadelphia to see you at the Rathayatra. Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. [Break] When important talks will be, I shall say. You can record. (end)
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
July 7, 1975, Chicago