Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.6.19 Pradyumna: (leads chanting, etc.) “Translation: My dear sons of demons, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, is the original Supersoul, the father of all living entities. Consequently there are no impediments to pleasing Him or worshiping Him under any conditions, whether one be a child or an old man. The relationship between the living entities and the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always a fact, and therefore there is no difficulty in pleasing the Lord.” Prabhupada: Read the purport also. Pradyumna: One may ask, “One is certainly very attached to family life, but if one gives up family life to be attached to the service of the Lord, one must undergo the same endeavor and trouble. Therefore, what is the benefit of taking the trouble to engage in the service of the Lord?” This is not a valid objection. The Lord asserts in Bhagavad-gita (14.4): sarva-yonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah tasam brahma mahad yonir aham bija-pradah pita “It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.” The Supreme Lord, Narayana, is the seed-giving father of all living entities because the living entities are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord (mamaivamso. … jiva-bhutah [15.7]). As there is no difficulty in establishing the intimate relationship between a father and son, there is no difficulty in reestablishing the natural, intimate relationship between Narayana and the living entities. Svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat: if one performs even very slight devotional service, Narayana is always ready to save one from the greatest danger. The definite example is Ajamila. Ajamila separated himself from the Supreme Personality of Godhead by performing many sinful activities and was condemned by Yamaraja to be very severely punished, but because at the time of death he chanted the name of Narayana, although he was calling not for the Supreme Lord Narayana but for his son named Narayana, he was saved from the hands of Yamaraja. Therefore, pleasing Narayana does not require as much endeavor as pleasing one’s family, community and nation. We have seen important political leaders killed for a slight discrepancy in their behavior. Therefore pleasing one’s society, family, community and nation is extremely difficult. Pleasing Narayana, however, is not at all difficult; it is very easy. One’s duty is to revive one’s relationship with Narayana. A slight endeavor in this direction will make the attempt successful, whereas one will never be successful in pleasing his so-called family, society and nation, even if one endeavors to sacrifice his life. The simple endeavor involved in the devotional service of sravanam kirtanam visnoh [SB 7.5.23], hearing and chanting the holy name of the Lord, can make one successful in pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore bestowed His blessings by saying, param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam: “All glories to Sri Krsna sankirtana!” If one wants to derive the actual benefit from this human form, he must take to the chanting of the holy name of the Lord. Prabhupada: na hy acyutam prinayato bahv-ayaso ’suratmajah atmatvat sarva-bhutanam siddhatvad iha sarvatah To become a devotee of the Supreme Lord is not unnatural. It is very easy, natural thing. By nature, we are attached to Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Somehow or other, circumstantially, we are separated. Not separated, because here it is stated atmatvat: the Supreme Personality of Godhead is, although we are thinking we are different from Him, He is within our hearts. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna: [Bg. 18.61] He is so friendly that although we are averse, we do not like even the word of God, God is so kind that He is sitting within my heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam [Bg. 18.61], He’s simply looking forward for the opportunity when I, the living entity, shall look towards Him. He’s always anxious. So little endeavor is sufficient to begin our business with Him, little endeavor. And that endeavor begins by hearing about Him. We are holding classes in different parts of the world just to give people chance for little endeavor, not very much, very hard work. No. Little endeavor. What is that? “Please come here and hear about Krsna.” Then the business begins immediately. Srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtana [Bhag. 1.2.17]. Because Krsna is very much anxious: “When this conditioned soul will look towards Me? He’s now looking towards maya, the other side, the dark side, and when he’ll look towards the light?” The Vedic injunction is, tamasi ma jyotir gama: “Do not look forward to the darkness, but look forward to the light.” If you look forward to the light then there is no darkness. We have given our motto in the Back to Godhead that “Krsna is the sun and maya is nescience. Where there is Krsna there is no maya.” If you look forward towards the sun there is no darkness. But if you keep sun back side, you’ll find your shadow very long. So the beginning is very easy. Just like the children, they are also hearing about Krsna. Don’t think it is going in vain. Because they are hearing, it will have some effect. They are human child. Even the mosquitos or small germs who are within this boundary of temple, because they are hearing Hare Krsna mantra it will never go in vain. It is so nice. So here Prahlada Maharaja says, atmatvat sarva-bhutanam. He is the Supersoul, sarva-bhutanam, everyone. So as soon as He sees, Krsna sees—He is within my heart—that I am little inclined, svalpam apy asya dharmasya… That inclination, little inclination, we can give immediately effect to if we simply hear about Krsna. Sravanam. That is the beginning. sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam arcanam vandanam dasyam sakhyam atma-nivedanam [SB 7.5.23] So srnvatam sva-kathah krsnah punya-sravana-kirtanam [Bhag. 1.2.17] Even if we do not understand what is being spoken about Krsna, still, simply by hearing, one becomes pious. Punya-sravana-kirtana. Kirtana, one is speaking or chanting, another is hearing. Both of them are benefited, becomes pious. In this way, we cannot understand Krsna unless we are sinless. So there is no need of separate attempt to become sinless. If we simply hear, then we… Punya-sravana-kirtana. Punya means piety. Simply by hearing, you become pious. Then you become interested, naturally. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. Somehow or other, if one becomes a little fit for: “Oh, here is Krsna consciousness movement. What they are doing, let me see,” that is called sraddha. And this sraddha is little increased, then one will like to associate with the devotees. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. In this way, when he is accustomed, then he will like to become one of the devotees, offers himself to be initiated. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. These are one after another. Adau sraddha tato sadhu-sangah atha bhajana-kriya. Bhajana-kriya, the beginning is chanting Hare Krsna mantra. This is bhajana-kriya. And if it is done properly, then anartha-nivrtti syat. Then he becomes free from all unwanted things. Anartha, there is no need… Just like intoxication. There is no need, but if the bhajana-kriya, Hare Krsna maha-mantra chanting, goes on, naturally it will be stopped. Then nistha. Tato nistha tato ruci tatah asaktih, asaktih, attachment. In this way we can make advanced. The beginning is srnvatam sva-kathah krsna. As soon as Krsna sees, atmatvat sarva bhutanam, little attempt is there, immediately He helps. Buddhi-yogam dadami tam yena mam upayanti te: Krsna helps, “Yes, you come here, sit down, you do this.” In this way, yena mam upayanti te. Krsna helps the direction as he can achieve the shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna. Hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani vidhunoti. We have got so many dirty things within our hearts, and as soon as we are a little inclined to hear about Krsna, He removes the dirty things, then we become more and more enthused. In this way, nityam bhagavata sevaya. Nasta-prayesv abhadresu [SB 1.2.18]. Not that cent percent we are cleansed, but even a little percentage cleansed, nasta-prayesv abhadresu nityam bhagavata-sevaya. Nityam, daily, there must be bhagavata-seva. Everything is sevaya. Prasada-seva, bhagavata-seva. Because, seva means service. Just like maha-prasada, not eating. The exact term is seva. Krsna has sent him maha-prasada. So by taking it, it is seva, it is service to Krsna, Krsna likes it, that you take the prasadam. Therefore it is seva. In this way, increasing seva. So if we can… Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau, the seva, the service, begins from the tongue, service. Not with the hand but with the tongue. If you simply chant Hare Krsna, this is seva, and if you take prasadam, then your business begins immediately. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah. And if you simply continue this seva, then Krsna will reveal Himself and gradually He will give you intelligence how you can make advance to go back to home, back to Godhead. Na hy acyutam prinayato. Acyutam, Krsna is acyuta. Acyuta means who never falls down, or never withdraws his promise. That is acyuta. Just like we promise something, but sometimes we do not keep. This is material world. But Krsna is not like that. Krsna says… His name is acyuta, means never fall down. Just like Arjuna asked Krsna, ratham sthapaya me ’cyuta. He’s ordering Krsna to drive the chariot. He knew that “Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is my duty to serve Him, but He has agreed to become my chariot driver, so now I have to order Him. He has agreed to become my chariot driver.” Therefore he is reminding, “Krsna, do not take it otherwise because I am ordering You. You are not to be ordered, but You order everyone. Now I am ordering You, but You are acyuta, You are never fallible. You never withdraw Your word.” So Krsna also carried his order. He’s so nice friend of Arjuna that He promised, “I shall become your chariot driver.” And the master is ordering. Therefore He used this word, acyuta. So Acyuta, Krsna, never falls from His word, from His promise. And He promises, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati. If you become His devotee, rest assured you will never be vanquished. Krsna is always protecting. So such… We are loitering in this material world without any protection. Kadaham aikantika kinkarah praharsayisyami sanatha-jivitam. There is a verse by Yamunacarya. Kadaham aikantika nitya kinkarah. Just now I forget the first line. He’s praying, “My dear Lord, I am loitering in this material world without any guardian. So when the time will come that I shall be jolly always that ‘There is my guardian, Krsna’?” Kadaham aikantika nitya kinkarah praharsayisyami. Anatha. Everyone is in this material world, anatha. Anatha means without any protection. The… We are thinking, “My family, my wife, my children, my society men, my nation will give me protection.” No. Nobody can give you protection. It is false hope. Just like the birds, when they fly in the sky, everyone has to take his own care. Nobody can help anyone. One can help only in Krsna consciousness. Not in the material way. Nobody can help. Because… This is called destiny. I have given that example that in our country Mahatma Gandhi, he was a big man, he was in the meeting. In your country also, President Kennedy. So nobody could help him when he was killed. So this is the position. What is destined, it must happen. Nobody can help us. That’s a fact. Therefore our real business is: do not be bothered about things which are destined. Let us take ad vantage of this human form of life, tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovido, to endeavor for making Krsna consciousness fulfilled. And that is not very difficult, Prahlada Maharaja (says) this is natural, simply little attempt. First of all surrender. Kamadinam katidha kati na palita durnidesa. We are servants of our kama, krodha, lobha, moha, kamadina. Kama means lusty desires. We are now servant of our senses. Although we are declaring, “I am master,” nobody is master. He is servant. Constitutionally, we are servants. So instead of becoming servant of Krsna we have become servant of our senses. Kamadinam katidha kati na palita durnidesa. And our senses ordering to do something which is not to be done at all. But still we have to do. Lusty desires are so strong, I do not want to do it but it is forcing. In this way, we are being forced to serve the senses. So one who is in Krsna consciousness, he understands that “I have become servant of my senses. Unfortunately, these senses are not satisfied. I am still servant. So there is no profit. So why not become Krsna’s servant.” This is good intelligence. Simply change the position. Instead of becoming servant of the senses, agree to become servant of Krsna. That’s all. Therefore it is not at all difficult. Nacyutam prinayato. You have to simply approach Krsna, “My Lord, I am servant, but I could not please anyone. Neither anyone is pleased upon me.” This is material service. You serve the whole life your so-called friends, family, countrymen… We have got the experience that Mahatma Gandhi, he served whole life. Still, he was killed by his countrymen. So you may go on giving service in the material world, but nobody will be satisfied. Nobody will be satisfied. So this service is useless. Turn to the service of Krsna immediately. It is not very difficult. Servant, we are practiced to serve. We are not master. We have been practiced. By nature, we are servant. So turn this service to Krsna. It is not difficult. If I am trained up to become a faithful servant, just become a faithful servant of Krsna, then your business is complete. Na hi acyutam prinayato bahu-ayasah. Much endeavor. There is no question of learning, much endeavor. We are already accustomed to give service. Simply turn it towards Krsna and your life is successful. Thank you very much. (end)
by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
New Vrindaban, July 2, 1976