Morning Walk
and Room Conversation
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
December 7, 1976, Hyderabad

Mahamsa: …plant more trees, orchards for fruits and flowers, flower garden. So there will be plenty of flowers for the altar in Hyderabad every day and for the programs here. [break]

Prabhupada: …walking road.

Mahamsa: Yes. This road also, we want to extend it all the way to the end of the land.

Prabhupada: Very good.

Mahamsa: The same road. That’s where the dioramas will be. [break]

Devotee (1): …having lunch with the cowherd boys on this rocky place and then people can come and sit here also.

Prabhupada: Later on. First of all grow vegetable. Let us eat first of all. Immediately grow vegetables sufficient. And this is good idea, we shall do that, but first of all let us organize the vegetables, fruits. What are these trees?

Mahamsa: These are nimbu [lemon] trees which Badrukas have planted and were neglected. They have become very stunted. We dug them out, and we put some cow dung just last, two, three months back. We’re going to bring them up, but they will not be very good now. They’ve already been stunted.

Prabhupada: Hm?

Mahamsa: They have been neglected in the beginning, so they have become stunted. So it will help a little by manuring, and some places it has to be grafted and cut off. Some of the trees are good. We get… How many nimbus did we get this year?

Prabhupada: Make nimbu-acara [lemon pickle].

Mahamsa: Oh yes, we made… Acyutagaja isn’t here. One devotee here, he knows how to make it. He made very nice nimbu-acara.

Prabhupada: Simply salt and lemon juice. Cut some pieces into half and soak it in lemon juice and put sufficient salt. In due course it will be very nice, thick. Very digestible. [break] Not yet utilized. So you have to do that. [break]

Mahamsa: …a trench and a hedge, which has been planted here so that people and animals… Animals is the main problem. They come and they eat up the plants which we grow. So by having this trench we avoid animals from getting in and a hedge also. There’ll be a lot of… One big problem that the Badrukas faced was that there was tremendous pilferage. These village people, they live on this land. They used to cut all the wood here for fire, they used to take whatever grows here, maize, and they used to steal in the night everything. Many times…

Prabhupada: So ask them to chant and take prasadam. They will be rectified. Make them friends, family members. Just we organize, everything is there.

Devotee (2): Yesterday this truck came.

Mahamsa: Yes, I told Prabhupada. [break]

Prabhupada: It is full of dust, and we have to believe this.

Indian man: No.

Prabhupada: Just see, a rascal scientist, “Full of dust.”

Jagad-guru: Their brains are full of dust.

Prabhupada: Yes. They have never gone to the moon planet. Simply bluff. [break]

Devotee (3): …this a reflection of the sun or is it his own light?

Prabhupada: Own light.

Devotee (3): It comes also from the living entities on the moon?

Prabhupada: No, there are fire, just like there is fire in the sun, but it is covered with ice. Therefore it is cooling.

Devotee (2): You mean ice is covering the fire?

Prabhupada: Yes, surrounding, cold atmosphere. Something like… But it is fiery. And how they say that sun reflects some dust? Eh? How people believe it? [break] …to be given in charge some plot of land to develop it.

Mahamsa: One problem that could arise by giving them a fixed place, especially giving these labor people, if we give them a fixed place, then tomorrow they may… If they break the principles we may want to remove them.

Prabhupada: No, you should change every month.

Mahamsa: Yes. Because the new phrases by the government is that “Tillers become owners.” Whoever tills the land, he becomes…

Prabhupada: And this society is the society tillers, no individual person.

Mahamsa: Right.

Prabhupada: Society means some combination of some men.

Devotee (4): These are very fantastic stones here. Especially this one stone.

Prabhupada: Who explains how the stone came like this?

Devotee (4): Yes, I think it’s wonderful.

Devotee (5): They will say from the formation of the mud. Mud accumulated over the years and became stone. Or vice versa.

Devotee (4): This one stone is so big. It is just holding on a little stone, it is just in the air, like somebody’s underneath and holding it. [break]

Prabhupada: Cow dung can be collected. At least they can be used as cow dung. Here, you should.

Devotee (6): In the small villages the women and children they make the paddy for burning in cooking.

Prabhupada: Yes.

Mahamsa: This whole rocky area which we see here used to be like a natural dam, and the land on that side which is now our field used to be a big tank so the soil there is very good. It’s like silt. But then, afterwards, somebody had cut through this natural dam and there’s a canal that flows through here and goes into that tank over there.

Prabhupada: The canal is in our land?

Mahamsa: Yes, it passes through our land. Plenty of water, and it goes and flows into that land, into that tank.

Prabhupada: So but you cannot use that?

Mahamsa: That tank is not practical to use, to pump so far. But we can dam this again and make a reservoir and let the excess flow. But they won’t let us stop all the water because it will ruin their fields but we can stop a part of the water for our field. We can get a good source reservoir of water over here.

Hari-sauri: Tejas is getting breakfast ready, I think.

Jagadisa: Yeah, he has to cook.

Devotee: You can see the canal from here. You can see (indistinct).

Hari-sauri: Just down there at the base of that rock.

Prabhupada: Oh.

Devotee: Water from the canal.

Prabhupada: It is coming? You can go?

Mahamsa: I think the ground becomes muddy.

Jagadisa: Go and check, Jagadananda.

Prabhupada: That’s all right.

Mahamsa: It’s not very good soil but there is… Right around this rocky area there is this… Research people from the central government, they have brought out a grass called Dinanath, lord of the poor, and they say that you can put this grass in the monsoon time, put the seeds in, just plow it and put the seeds and it’s a very sturdy grass. It will grow for the whole year. And the cows can graze there.

Prabhupada: So do that.

Mahamsa: So this whole area could be with that grass and the cows can graze.

Prabhupada: Yes. [break] Many temples for kirtana and around the temple let them live. Yes. All visnumurti, yes.

Mahamsa: How many families should live around…

Prabhupada: As many possible.

Mahamsa: Those who are attracted to that particular Deity.

Prabhupada: They will be attracted. If you follow this program they will be attracted, prasadam and chanting.

Devotee (5): Especially people in this area, they are attracted to Balaji.

Prabhupada: Then?

Devotee (5): They call “Govinda, Govinda,” always.

Prabhupada: Then? They are already devotees.

Devotee (5): They spend their whole year’s savings to go to Tirupati.

Prabhupada: Now let them spend here for the temple.

Mahamsa: And live here.

Prabhupada: Yes. They will be glad.

Mahamsa: Then the Tirupati managers will become envious.

Devotee (4): How shall the worship be in the temple, Srila Prabhupada, the small temples. What shall they worship?

Prabhupada: Yes, you introduce kirtana.

Devotee (4): Kirtana?

Prabhupada: That’s all. And whatever they eat must be offered. That’s all.

Devotee (4): Panca-tattva picture?

Prabhupada: Hm. Yes, any visnu-tattva. We have got in our, what is called, cover so many Visnu names.

Devotee (5): Yes, on the Bhagavatam.

Mahamsa: Srimad-Bhagavatam, all the different planets.

Prabhupada: They’ll be glad to have darsana. “Here is Padmanabha; here is Madhava; here is Govinda; here is Pradyumna,” like that.

Mahamsa: And then there must be one main temple over there, one major temple.

Prabhupada: No, every temple is… You can make a main temple there. They’ll be remembering Visnu’s name always. “Here is Padmanabha temple; here is Madhava temple; here is Govinda temple,” that’s all.

Devotee (5): When the cows goes on grazing, they’ll go…

Prabhupada: Namnam akari bahudha nija-sa… Remembering the holy names of the Lord.

Mahamsa: This stone is the boundary on this side.

Prabhupada: This stone.

Mahamsa: This stone.

Devotee (4): The tree’s coming inside our land.

Mahamsa: No, tree goes in. Other land is here. It goes all the way to that rock over there, Prabhupada, that rock over there. We are almost at one corner of the land. And the land goes very far to that side.

Prabhupada: Who possesses that land?

Mahamsa: This is all our land. This is the village people’s land here. And then it goes from behind this tree, it goes all the way to the water. There’s a little portion that juts out from here. It goes all the way to the water.

Jagadisa: Our land.

Mahamsa: Yes, our land. We can go this way and…

Devotee (4): Should ISKCON devotees live in each of these little villages?

Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Yes, surrounding the temple.

Jagadisa: They’ll all be ISKCON devotees.

Prabhupada: Yes. Turn them all ISKCON devotees, even these villagers.

Mahamsa: Give them neckbeads and japa-mala.

Devotee (5): For some particular religion, a small temple here.

Mahamsa: Hanuman?

Devotee (5): Hanuman temple. Two hundred people used to come and dance yesterday night.

Prabhupada: They’ll come to da…? No.

Devotee (5): We went to the villages there to announce about our program.

Devotee (4): Hampi. We were in Hampi, Karnataka State, and big rocks like this were there and the people over the years constructed literally hundreds of small temples, some big. Some they cut directly into the rocks and then put in the murti there.

Mahamsa: There is one Nrsimha temple over here which is very unusual. It is inside of… There is a big rock, and it is right inside the rock and if someone wants to have darsana, he has to crawl inside to see it. The rock goes like this and he has to actually crawl in to see the Deity. Seems to be very, very old. [break]

Prabhupada: …on our?

Mahamsa: Yes. This is all ours, all this.

Devotee (4): The government is making propaganda for hard work, so they should come and with hard work they can make nice temple from these rocks.

Prabhupada: You show the example. They will see. [break] …like it, eh? These boys?

Devotee (4): Oh, yes, very much.

Prabhupada: Do you like it?

Boy (1): Yes, sir.

Prabhupada: You? Young

Boy (2): Yes, Srila Prabhupada.

Devotee: Not only the small boys. Some of the bigger boys, they also like.

Prabhupada: No, it is very nice. They’ll live.

Mahamsa: They surveyed this whole hundred acres around here, and they said anywhere in this hundred acres, you’ll get water. You can dig and you’ll get water. This hundred acres has good underground water supply.

Prabhupada: Oh.

Mahamsa: And the land is very good, this soil here, this black soil, very good for cotton. It is called black cotton soil.

Prabhupada: So you grow. Cotton requires water?

Mahamsa: It requires water. We have to have at least…

Prabhupada: Paddy and…

Devotee (4): Not as much as paddy.

Mahamsa: Not as much as paddy. And sugar cane can grow very well on this also.

Prabhupada: Yes. Immediately grow sugar cane.

Mahamsa: Yes.

Prabhupada: Because the upper portion of the sugar cane will be fodder for the cows. [break]

Devotee: …take great care in what they feed their cows. Even though the grasses may be good they grow alfalfa. They make a special feed for them.

Prabhupada: Hm, they take care because they want to eat.

Mahamsa: So the whole taking care is for their own stomach.

Prabhupada: Yes, for cutting the throat, that’s all. There is a Bengali word, toma ya bhalo asa mussulmanera muragi pusa:(?) “Your love is like tending the roast by the Mohammedans.” What is called? Roast? They keep…

Hamsaduta: “Like a Mohammedan loves his chicken.”

Prabhupada: Yes. So long it is taken very much care, and then, when it is fatty, cut throat. In this material world the love is like that, for one’s own interest, not for the lover’s interest.

Hari-sauri: Not love, lust.

Prabhupada: Hm, yes, it is lust.

Devotee (5): Srila Prabhupada, there are many of these great trees but the government takes it over. They take dead grass and make liquor out of that. No one is allowed to cut them.

Mahamsa: We can get permission.

Prabhupada: No, we can use for our own purpose.

Devotee (5): Can we drink date rasa? We are allowed to drink date rasa?

Prabhupada: Date rasa? Oh, yes. Why not? Very good.

Mahamsa: This thing?

Prabhupada: Date rasa. That is good.

Mahamsa: Nira.(?) This is not date like Mayapura. This is a different kind of tree. They make toddy out of this.

Prabhupada: No, that date rasa, if you keep, it becomes toddy.

Mahamsa: So early morning that is…

Prabhupada: Very good.

Mahamsa: …good to take. [break] Hare Krsna?

Prabhupada: Yes. So we can do it tomorrow.

Mahamsa: Yes. Kirtana.


udilo aruna puraba-bhage dwija-mani gora amani jage bhakata-samuha loiya sathe gela nagara-braje

This is nagara-braje, walking. Everywhere it will be victorious. (Hindi)

Devotee (7): Fifteen rupees.

Prabhupada: Fifteen rupees?

Mahamsa: Kilo or whole?

Devotee (7): Whole thing.

Prabhupada: (Hindi)

Devotee (7): Ten kgs. Ten kgs altogether.

Prabhupada: Ten kg.

Devotee (7): Approximately he is selling ten kgs.

Devotee: 1.50 a kilo.

Mahamsa: It’s high priced.

Prabhupada: Higher… (Hindi conversation over price) Panca-rupya, you can take?

Devotee (7): I told him but he said “I will better go there and sell it.”

Prabhupada: All right.

Devotee (7): He will walk all the way there.

Prabhupada: That’s all right. He can go. (Hindi)

Boy: Is the sun-god an incarnation of Krsna?

Prabhupada: Everyone is incarnation. You are also. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah [Bg. 15.7]. You have not read Bhagavad-gita? Any living entity is part and parcel of Krsna. Just like this child is the part and parcel of his father, you are part and parcel of your father. Similarly, every one of us, we are part and parcel of Krsna.

Boy: Is the sun-god an avatara?

Prabhupada: Any god or dog, anyone is part and parcel. This is our land? No.

Mahamsa: Yes. It goes all… That’s a village. That… Those trees there is the village.

Devotee: Those date trees are on our land?

Mahamsa: You see the big trees? That is the border. Yes, all the way to the village our land goes.

Prabhupada: Man gone?

Mahamsa: He went that side.

Prabhupada: What is the market price?

Mahamsa: Of those vegetables?

Prabhupada: Ah.

Mahamsa: To be about a rupee a kilo.

Prabhupada: So how many kilos it is?

Mahamsa: He says there’s ten kilos.

Hamsaduta: We should have bought it.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Hamsaduta: We should have bought because when we go we have to spend money for gas, five rupees.

Devotee (4): Of course, paying a Hyderabad price.

Devotee (7): He is going there.

Prabhupada: What is that?

Mahamsa: You want him to come, Prabhupada?

Prabhupada: No, if you offer him little more, if you pay…

Mahamsa: Ten rupees less.

Hamsaduta: He said for ten rupees he will sell it.

Prabhupada: Not less than that?

Hari-sauri: We might get it for seven or eight. We said five, he said ten. We used to get it for…

Mahamsa: Now he’ll come all the way here.

Prabhupada: He’s going?

Mahamsa: Is he coming?

Devotee (7): He’s coming.

Devotee (4): Should we have a marketplace, Srila Prabhupada, where they come to bring their produce?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Devotee (4): And they can exchange, barter.

Farmer: (Hindi)

Prabhupada: Six rupees? (Hindi) Eh?

Devotee (8): He’s saying thirteen rupees.

Devotees: (laughter) Oh!

Prabhupada: Tell seven rupees.

Hari-sauri: Seven. Tell him seven. (Hindi) He’s going.

Prabhupada: Seven?

Devotee (2): He agreed for ten rupees.

Prabhupada: So do you think we shall take?

Devotee: Yes, so much petrol and…

Prabhupada: All right, ask him.

Devotee (7): (Hindi) (laughter)

Hari-sauri: When he gets here tell him eight.

Mahamsa: Tell nine.

Prabhupada: Eh?

Mahamsa: Charge him nine.

Devotee: He must give the basket also.

Prabhupada: Yes. He has good basket. Give him ten rupees.

Hari-sauri: With the basket give him ten.

Indians: (Hindi)

Prabhupada: So how far our temple, it is?

Hari-sauri: Just after the trees.

Prabhupada: Oh. All right. This brinjal and this jhinga will make very nice vegetable. Simply I’ll show you how to do it. You’ll like it.

Devotee (4): In the new Back to Godhead the devotees in Florida, they have got one farm and they are calling “New Naimisaranya.”

Prabhupada: Hm?

Devotee (4): They are calling, yes, “New Naimisaranya,” and we are also calling “New Naimisaranya.”

Prabhupada: That’s nice.

Devotee (4): It’s all right?

Devotee (3): We were planning to have our temple site located here at this corner of the land.

Prabhupada: Oh. That’s nice. Flat land. This is flat land?

Devotee (3): Yes.

Mahamsa: We didn’t want to put it this side because then people would come into the living area, so we put it right on the road, on this side, with a prasadam hall.

Prabhupada: Very good. [break]

Devotee (4): …some pottery made here.

Prabhupada: Hm?

Devotee (4): The devotees staying here, living here, they may make some pottery, set of potter’s wheel, make clay pots.

Prabhupada: What? What you’ll use, pots? Here pottery is very cheap. We are not for arts. We are simply bare necessities of life and chant Hare Krsna.

Devotee (7): Tirupati, they have these Venkatesvarams, Srila Prabhupada, and blowing on the loud speaker every day. One… You can hear for miles. So we can also do some Hare Krsna mantra chanting?

Prabhupada: Yes.

Hari-sauri: They do that in Mayapura.

Mahamsa: We can have a mangala-arati in mikes. We can use a microphone for mangala-arati. (end)