Room Conversation Gargamuni: Your lecture was very nice. Satsvarupa: Yes. We all loved that lecture very much last night. Gargamuni: Very open. Very humbly, you were… Although they have done so much, you were very humble in your approach of requesting them to help us. Satsvarupa: And telling them how Jagannatha has gone everywhere, all over the world. If they want to make Him Oriyanatha they can, but He’s already going. Gargamuni: Yes, he’s Jagannatha. Hari-sauri: And your point that He is sarva-loka-mahesvaram, so if the people from sarva-loka want to come and have darsana, then why should they be stopped? Gargamuni: Very good points were made. Gurukrpa: Some of the panditas, though, left. Some the panditas left as soon as you began to speak. Some of them. Prabhupada: Oh. Left? Gurukrpa: Yes. Immediately got up and they went over and started that demigod puja. Gargamuni: They purposefully, I think, started that arati because you were lecturing. Gurukrpa: That was their plan. Prabhupada: Oh, it was a plan? Gurukrpa: They got up and went over there. Gargamuni: Yes. And I saw them talking as if they were planning what to do. And then they went over behind and then started that. Prabhupada: So they wanted to create some disturbance? Gargamuni: Well, they wanted to disrupt your lecture. Hari-sauri: It’s not certain. ’Cause I heard that man, this… Prabhupada: Sadasiva. Hari-sauri: Sadasiva… Some of the other men wondered why they were leaving, and he said, “Well, they have to go and do their puja.” Gurukrpa: That’s an excuse. Gargamuni: That’s an excuse. Gurukrpa: Prabhupada’s a great guest. They come all this way for ten minutes? Gargamuni: Prabhupada’s a well-known man. They would have stayed and wanted to hear. Hari-sauri: Yes. They’re envious. Otherwise they wouldn’t have left at all. Gargamuni: So it was planned. They planned it that way. Prabhupada: The solution is… There is no problem for us. Even we do not enter the temple, that is no problem. But if we can start a nice temple, people will come, the same thing as in Vrndavana. Hari-sauri: Yes. That’s… Prabhupada: The babajis or gosais are against us, but who cares for them? Our temple is going on. Hari-sauri: We get more people in our temple in one night than they get all year. Prabhupada: Not only more people. Our temple is gorgeous than any temple. Hari-sauri: Yes. That’s a fact. Gargamuni: There is life. The places we visited last night, there was no life. There wasn’t even enough light. They have no light. They use… To save money they use 15-watt light bulbs. Gurukrpa: Nor could they afford one sweet apiece. They were giving us… Hari-sauri: Breaking off our one sweet. And no one’s attending their aratis or… Gurukrpa: In Mayapura now so many people come. The road is not big enough. The road is not big enough. Prabhupada: Accha? Gurukrpa: Yes. There’s that many people coming. I could not believe. So many people. And just a regular weekend. We need one way in and one way out. Prabhupada: Big road. Gurukrpa: Yes. So many people coming, all respectable people. Prabhupada: Our gateways, you mean to say. Gargamuni: This year we’ve noticed that more respectable people are coming, well dressed, from the areas. Prabhupada: That, er… Behind our new house, that Muhammadan wanted to sell that land. But if he wants to sell at our price, not his price, we can take it. Gargamuni: Yes, at our price. He knows that. But he wants his price. Prabhupada: No. Gargamuni: He wants… What is it? Five thousand per bigha. Something like that. Prabhupada: We can pay, utmost, one thousand five hundred, as we have paid. Gargamuni: Well, land prices have gone up since then. I think now they’re running eighteen hundred. That was in ’71 we were paying fifteen hundred. But now we have to expect to pay, say, eighteen hundred. This land is valuable because it produces so much. That is why it is most costly. You get very good crops from our, this land. Prabhupada: No, that land I shall use, if I take it, for another gate, in and out. That is my idea. Gargamuni: Oh, I see Gurukrpa: We are putting a road in front of this new building. There’s a road in front of the new building. Prabhupada: Why? Gurukrpa: There must be some walkway. Gargamuni: Just like where the wall is? There’s one little road for walking. So similarly, in front of the long, this new building, will be one road for walking. Prabhupada: Then you have to break these houses. Gurukrpa: No, it goes around. Gargamuni: It goes around. Do you have that photograph? I’ll show you. Prabhupada: So where is that photograph? Find out. Gargamuni: I gave you one small photograph of the building. Prabhupada: Yes. Find out. I kept it in that, inside that booklet. Hari-sauri: Which booklet? Prabhupada: Gargamuni has printed? Hari-sauri: I don’t even know where that book… Someone took that booklet away. Gargamuni: I have another photo I can show. If you get my bag… (end)
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
January 28, 1977, Bhubaneshwar