Conversation Pieces Prabhupada: (Hindi) I cannot tolerate this. (Hindi) You did not give me any report of seeing Shriman Narayan? Gopala Krsna: I went. Shriman Narayan was not in Delhi. I spoke to his secretary, and they said that Shriman Narayan’s schedule was changed. He came to Delhi on the l3th to the 22nd. But he had told Tamala Krsna Maharaja that he would be there from the 25th to the 30th and I should meet him on these days. So he’s gone to Warda and he’ll be back on June l6th now. Prabhupada: (Hindi) (laughs) Tamala Krsna: Politicians. Gopala Krsna: (Hindi) Tamala Krsna: Yeah, his firm words were how he would help us on those days. Prabhupada: Where is Giriraja? Tamala Krsna: Here. Gopala Krsna: He’s coming back on June 16th. Prabhupada: (Hindi) That Shriman Narayan said that “You meet me in Delhi between 25th to 30th. I’ll be there.” Giriraja: Yes. Prabhupada: And that… Here is a fault. To deal with these men… And therefore Canakya Pandita said, “Never trust the politician and woman.” Visvaso naiva kartavyam strisu raja-kulesu. Open it. So where is that Akhila Krsna Gosvami? Tamala Krsna: I’ve given word. As soon as he comes, I shall be called. He hasn’t come yet. I gave him time at nine o’clock, Srila Prabhupada. It’s about two or three minutes from now. As soon as he comes, I’ll bring him in. Prabhupada: (Hindi) What time you gave? Tamala Krsna: Nine o’clock. Prabhupada: And what is the time now? Tamala Krsna: According to my watch, nine o’clock. Prabhupada: Nine? Tamala Krsna: Yes. Prabhupada: (Hindi) Gopala Krsna: (Hindi) Prabhupada: (Hindi conversation) Jayapataka: Election haya. Gopala Krsna: There are nine state elections now. Giriraja: But he’s not going there. In Maharastra there’s no election, and he’s not… He’s somewhat retired from politics. Prabhupada: No… (indistinct) (Hindi conversation) Gopala Krsna: And they want us to give everything typewritten to them. (Hindi) So I calculated, it will take more time than just doing by hand. Prabhupada: (Hindi) (Hindi conversation) Gopala Krsna: Allahabad is the only hope. Prabhupada: Dr. Ghosh… (Hindi) (Hindi conversation with Gopala Krsna) So you do not expect any good things from them. Otherwise you will not have any progress. Giriraja: Well, we’ve seen from practical experience, they’ve never done anything except waste our time. Just like you said, they got rid of a lion and now there is a tiger. Prabhupada: Hm? Giriraja: You said that they have got rid of a lion and now in place there is a tiger. Gopala Krsna: Morarji Desai met some of our devotees in Hoshiapur. Tamala Krsna: (whispers) Prabhupada: Hm? Gopala Krsna: Tamala Krsna Swami told me you know it. Prabhupada: So why don’t you see him? Gopala Krsna: Yes, I was waiting for the Shriman Narayan meeting, but now I think we’ll go back and see… Prabhupada: There is no… Narayan told… You can say, “This man assured us. Why cannot…? He’s not available.” So we can take him if he’s kind enough to see. “It will be great kind to us.” Just simply say. Gopala Krsna: Yes. Prabhupada: “And this permanent residence American give us. Not only us, there’re so many other Indians. I was permanent resident. So what is the wrong there? And you can make any condition. Kindly give us this paper.” Go and see. Gopala Krsna: Okay. Prabhupada: Go and see and appeal. Gopala Krsna: Okay. I’ll go tomorrow. Prabhupada: Yes. And find out some good confidants. Gopala Krsna: Yes. I got three very big… Prabhupada: You cannot expect Vrndavana to go big on business. It is not possible. You also find. Don’t sit idly. I am prepared to pay for that. “Why you should not give us?” Here, there, any hell, heaven, find out. Gopala Krsna: Allahabad is the best place, Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada: No, you find best place and again it becomes worse. Again you find out. Do it. Don’t talk. I don’t want talk. I want to see. That’s all now. [break] Now the cow-killing is very troublesome. (Hindi) Don’t kill now. (laughs) (Hindi) That is very troublesome. Don’t kill me now. Go on. (kirtana) [break] Tamala Krsna: This should be done immediately, make trust property. Prabhupada: You are seeing it is done? Who says that? Where is the rascal?(?) Tamala Krsna: To designate all these… Gopala Krsna: It should be done for all the property all over ISKCON. Tamala Krsna: Yeah, but especially here in India. Gopala Krsna: Like in big temples, like in L.A., New York, like that. Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, the trustees should be designated. Prabhupada: You do not know. Trustee without designation—where is the trustee? I have already made one block of trustees, that Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Tamala Krsna: Yes. Prabhupada: In that style you make. Tamala Krsna: Yes. So we’ll make up a draft of that style and then, after the draft is approved, you can tell us which trustees you want. Prabhupada: That you select amongst yourselves. Why you are taxing me? Tamala Krsna: All right. I didn’t know if you wanted us to do that. Prabhupada: You do not know? I have repeatedly said. You do that. Tamala Krsna: No, for Bombay and Mayapura and Vrndavana, I mean. Gopala Krsna: Hyderabad. Tamala Krsna: No, these three places are most important. Prabhupada: Everywhere. (pause) Among yourselves, there is no strong man. That is the defect. All like child. That is the defect. And it requires a very strong man. That is lacking. In every minute details I have poked my nose. Anyone, whatever you have got, sit down and select trustees, and the format is there. Make a trustee. So…? [break] …should be so many copies. Every one of you GBC and important men must have that copies. Tamala Krsna: I’ll distribute copies today. Prabhupada: Among few, Ramesvara will be printed in(?). Anyway, do your best. Otherwise there is a very big undercurrent. They are looking for the opportunity. (pause) They want some money first. Gopala Krsna: Yes. So he’s going to go to Allahabad after two weeks. (pause) Prabhupada: No, don’t waste time, a single moment. Very cautiously, intelligently work. [break] Mr. Sharma in Calcutta, I was guest in his house for some time. Tamala Krsna: Veni Shankar Sharma. Prabhupada: Hm. Hm. Tamala Krsna: Yes. Formerly he was an M.P. He’s a lawyer also. Prabhupada: Yes. I think he can write. Bhavananda: He was out in Mayapura about one month back. Prabhupada: Ah. Then you shall benefit. Gargamuni knows him. Make this. Tamala Krsna: Bhavananda knows him. Jayapataka too. Prabhupada: He is nice man. Each property, trustee. Gopala Krsna: Asnani can also help. Prabhupada: Trustees appointed by me. That’s all. That will save. Tamala Krsna: What did you say, Srila Prabhupada? Prabhupada: Trustees appointed by me. Each temple should have three trustees. Tamala Krsna: And they’re appointed by you. Prabhupada: Yes, they are appointed… And the format is already there. Tamala Krsna: In BBT. Prabhupada: Yes. In this way make it immediately. Tamala Krsna: So you’re gonna have your massage now. Prabhupada: Hm. Tamala Krsna: And the next group is coming out at three. That’s nearly five hours from now. So I think that immediately we can have a meeting and discuss these points and immediately… Prabhupada: No, discussion I have already given. You do this. Tamala Krsna: No, I meant… And execute this. Prabhupada: All right, you do it. Don’t delay. [break] Life is within the atom. Andantara-stham. That life in due course of time, it comes out through the water. All of a sudden there is bubble coming down, coming down. That is the beginning of generation. What do you think, that? Jalaja. Ksine punye punah martya-lokam visanti. They are elevated very high planetary system. Again, after reminiscing, they come down. That is described in the sastra, fall down through rains. Again, like bubbles, come out. [break] Where? The bottom of the earth, giving life. That is already done. In favorable circumstances, due course of time, it comes out. (aside:) You keep. [break] Lots of money. Svarupa Damodara: Yes. Prabhupada: (Bengali) In due course, in favorable circumstances, it is to be found out. Svarupa Damodara: That jiva comes along with the rain? Prabhupada: Hm? Svarupa Damodara: That jiva, the atma, comes… Prabhupada: Comes from. Yes. Svarupa Damodara: …along with the rain. Prabhupada: That is described in the sastra. Ksine punye punah martya-lokam visanti. In this way they come to the lower planetary system. Coming with water and begin again with water. Svarupa Damodara: That makes sense. Prabhupada: And we see srsti-tattva, Maha-Visnu, is coming through water, Karana-jala. The same process… We are anu; He is vibhu. Yah karanarnava-jale bhajati sma yoga-nidram anantam [Bs. 5.47]. Karanarnava-jale. Bhavananda: In Darwin’s evolutionary theory also he says, from the water life came. Correct? Svarupa Damodara: Yes. They also say life from water. Prabhupada: Hare Krsna. [break] Registered? Mahamsa: These are the Deities. Prabhupada: Not yet registered? Mahamsa: Not yet finished. Prabhupada: Why it is remaining to be done? Mahamsa: They have asked for fifteen thousand rupees instead of nine thousand because we put a value of the land on six lakhs, and they have valued it as ten and a half lakhs. So I just wrote a letter to Your Divine Grace, asking whether we should pay them the amount and go ahead or… Prabhupada: Pay on protest. Mahamsa: On protest. Prabhupada: Yes. Mahamsa: That… Yes, the advocate said if we go to the higher court, we will get a transfer. Prabhupada: Yes. Pay immediately and protest. They’ll return immediately. Pay on protest. Mahamsa: Yes, Prabhupada. Prabhupada: Very good. Hm. Mahamsa: Actually now, in the monsoons, we’re going to take up a lot of cultivation. This is watermelon juice. Prabhupada: So give it to the Deity and distribute prasadam. Mahamsa: Yes. It got a little spoiled while traveling. The tomatoes were squashed, but some of them are ripe. Prabhupada: That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. So what is your news? Indian devotee (1): So we also gained a farm. We have started cultivating now. Prabhupada: Yes. Krsna is giving you good chance. Develop farm and have temple. Go on enthusiastically. Mahamsa: This morning I read in the newspapers about the exodus to village soon by the Prime Minister, and there the Prime Minister says that he is eager on developing village programs to establish agriculture facilities and village programs. Prabhupada: That is real work. If the Prime Minister has got this thing in his brain, then I can understand that he can do so. Mahamsa: And this is a very nice thing he said, Prabhupada. He said that “We want to improve things in the countryside to an extent that people from the cities start running to the villages.” Prabhupada: Yes. That I want. I… Everywhere I go and say, how these rascals…? So much land is lying, and these rascals are not developing. And they are making… What is that? Coal stone. Coal. They are interested with these bricks and stones, not green vegetables. Such a rascal government. Give them facility. We know how to do it. Annad bhavanti bhutani parjanyad anna-sambhavah, yajnad bhavati parjanyah [Bg. 3.14]. Let them engage in kirtana. There will be more water for gardening, and it will be moist, and then produce fodder for the animals and food for you. And animal gives you milk. That is Vrndavana life. And they are absorbed in this so-called opulence. Krsna has taken birth. They are bringing so many nice, pleasant foodstuff, very well-dressed and ornamented. These are description. In the morning we were reading. How they were happy, the inhabitants of Vrndavana with Krsna and living and cows. That I want to introduce. At any cost do it and… Don’t bother about big, big buildings. It is not required. Useless waste of time. Produce. Make the whole field green. See that. Then whole economic question solved. Then you eat sumptuous. Eat sumptuously. The animal is happy. The animal even does not give milk; let them eat and pass stool and urine. That is welcome. After all, eating, they will pass stool. So that is beneficial, not that simple milk is beneficial. Even the stool is beneficial. Therefore I am asking so much here and…, “Farm, farm, farm, farm…” That is not my program—Krsna’s program. Annad bhavanti bhutani. Produce greenness everywhere, everywhere. Vrndavana. It is not this motorcar civilization. If it has taken in his brain, then it is to be understood that he can do this plan. He’ll be able. Somebody said that he is eager to see me. Hm? Mahamsa: Yes. Tamala Krsna: Yes. Mahamsa: Caitya-guru was saying. Prabhupada: Caitya-guru? Indian devotee (1): Actually I was wondering that I should go and conduct him, ’cause last time, when he met our devotees, when he mentioned that he was very eager to have your darsana in Bombay, then you were not feeling well. So you were unable to see him. Prabhupada: But if he can come to see me… This program he’s taking. The whole world will be happy. [break] Land was made wet by milk, not with water. This is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. You can find out that verse. Yasomatinandana: Which one?(?) Srimad-Bhagavatam. Prabhupada: Sisicuh. Gavah sisicuh, like that. Sarva-dugha mahi. Ah. Kamam vavarsa parjanyah sarva-kama-dugha mahi [SB 1.10.4]. Kamam vavarsa parjanyah. The situation in Maharaja Yudhisthira’s kingdom… This is the beginning of the verse. Find out. Kamam vavarsa parjanyah parjanyad anna-sambhavah [SB 1.10.4], er, sarva-dugha mahi, sarva-kama-dugha mahi. First part. (pause) Yasomatinandana: That is in First Canto, Part Two, which is not here. Prabhupada: This shelter made for keeping always reference book… There is no book. Vrndavana. Just see. See. The shelter kept there, reference book. It is not there. Just see. What for we have got shelter? Shelf is there for keeping reference book. Somebody has taken away. That’s all. This is our management(?). Very bad management. What can I do? This is our movement. We have to select men from the worst class. Papi tapi jata chilo. (laughs) Nobody will come here after passing M.A., Ph.D. The most fallen we have to select. Tamala Krsna: Lowest(?). Prabhupada: Papi tapi jata chilo, hari-name uddharilo. This is our position. We have to select our worker from the worst class of the society, papi and tapi. But, we shall prove, by hari-nama they become Krsna conscious. That is the movement. You trace the history of everyone. All worst, third class. And they come here. And that is Krsna conscious movement. How many Doctor Svarupa has come? If we speak frankly, (laughter) all from the worst class. Those who were finished. And Krsna… It is said, papi-tapi jata chilo. Papi and tapi, they are not first class. They are the tenth class. Papi-tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo. This is the test of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s movement, that how many papi-tapis have been picked up. Brajendra-nandana jei, saci-suta hoilo sei, balarama hoilo nitai. This is Gaura-Nitai. What is their business? Now, papi-tapi jata chilo, hari-name uddharilo. “Bas? This is their business?” Yes, to deliver all the papis and tapis. “So how is that?” Tara saksi jagai and madhai. See Jagai-Madhai. It is not imaginary. So we have to deliver all Jagais and Madhais. This is our movement. That is the test of the, of us. It is not sorry for that, but still, they should act like good men. Yasomatinandana: The verse is here. kamam vavarsa parjanyah sarva-kama-dugha mahi sisicuh sma vrajan gavah… [SB 1.10.4] Prabhupada: Sisicuh? Yasomatinandana: Sisicuh sma vrajan gavah. Prabhupada: Sisicuh sma vrajan gavah. Yasomatinandana: Payasodhasvatir muda. Prabhupada: This is Yudhisthira… Come in everywhere. It was the position during Maharaja Yudhisthira’s time that land should be kept wet, and during Maharaja Yudhisthira’s time the land was wet not by water but by milk. This is Maharaja Yudhisthira’s time. Sisicuh sma vrajan gavah [SB 1.10.4] What is the meaning? Yasomatinandana: “Kamam—everything needed.” Translation: “During the reign of Maharaja Yudhisthira the clouds showered all the water that people needed, and the earth produced all the necessities of man profusely. Due to its fatty milk bag and cheerful attitude the cow used to moisten the grazing ground with milk.” Prabhupada: Introduce this, rascal. This party government, that party government, big, big belly, big, big monkey, eating cows and hogs and dogs, and they have become big, big minister. What they can do? That is not… This is the secret. What is the second line? Yasomatinandana: Nadyah samudra girayah… Prabhupada: No, no, no. Yasomatinandana: Sisicuh sma vrajan [SB 1.10.4]. Prabhupada: Ah. Let them remain happy and automatically… Just like in our Philadelphia. Oh, such a big… Giving him thousand pounds. Yes, we are doing this, fatty. Cans of milk. Even the cat is happy. The dog is happy. There is no fight. Cat is so happy, stroking on the back of the cows. Similarly, the dog is… There is no “Gow! Gow! Gow! Gow!” barking. I have seen it. Only through the medium of milk. These are not stories. I have seen. And who is Satyabhama’s husband? Bhavananda: Oh, Parama… What’s his name? [break] Prabhupada: …make the whole land, people, very happy. You show this example all over the world, this example, in America. Don’t spoil money. Show by example. Enough science and enough motorcar, that’s all. No more wanted. This is wanted. Kamam vavarsa parjanyah [SB 1.10.4]. Bring water from the sky. Keep always land moist and green. This is wanted. It is not my desire. It is Krsna’s. Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani. Here Vyasadeva says, kamam vavarsa parjanyah [SB 1.10.4]. These rascals, they do not know. They do not consult sastra, therefore manufacture. In Chandigarh so much land lying vacant. Thirty years already passed. And they are developing the cities. And another four hundred years will be required. The land is lying vacant. And they are making two governors, five commissioners, six ministers and…, drawing fat salary. This is government. Government means to draw fat salary at the expense of poor people. Dasyu-dharmabhih. Rajanya dasyu-dharmabhih. Just like the rogues and thieves, they by force take money from us, these rascal, under some law, they’ll take, this government. They will live at any cost. Never mind forty rupees (indistinct) a week. They have got cheap money. Print note and give him forty rupees. What is that? “You want forty rupees? Eh, take forty rupees.” This is artificial inflation. They have got power to print notes. “Pay gold forty rupees.” “No, that is illegal. Take paper.” Means a cheating business from the government. He’s giving him piece of paper, and the rascal is thinking, “I am making one thousand rupees.” Formerly, in our childhood, we have seen a currency. They will offer, “What you want, gold, silver, or currency?” These three things were offered. If you want gold coins, take gold coins. If you want silver coins, take silver. And if you want currency, you take. We have seen it. Yasomatinandana: No more. Prabhupada: Yes. You could purchase. In our family or every family, they used to purchase gold from the currency and melt it and make ornaments. There was no restriction. “Guinea gold.” Gold was purchased and sold as you like. Where is that gold? Refusing gold(?) and taking.(?) Yasomatinandana: You want me to read the purport? “The basic principle of economic development is centered about land and cows. The necessities of human society are food grains, fruits, milk, minerals, clothing, wood, etc….” Prabhupada: I am not interested in (indistinct). These I have already written some years ago. This is my idea. Yasomatinandana: “One requires all these items to fulfill the material needs of the body. Certainly one does not require flesh and fish or iron tools and machinery. During the regime of Maharaja Yudhisthira, all over the world there were regulative rainfalls. Rainfalls are not under the control of the human being. The heavenly king Indradeva is the controller of rain, and he is the servant of the Lord. When the Lord is obeyed by the king and the people under the king’s administration, there are regulative rains from the horizon.” [break] Prabhupada: So how things were explained? It has been explained by me before that. Why don’t you take it? There is no need here. Yasomatinandana: He told the devotees that he has got your edition of Bhagavad-gita and he has read it. His son purchased it. And he has got some other books also. He liked it very much. Indian devotee (2): There was meeting of Arya-samaj, so we went to attend that. They invited him there. And later on, they asked that the government should help them to open a big hospital there. And he said that “Because I myself do not use alleopathic medicines, so how can I help you? How can I introduce? I believe in nature cure. I can’t help. If you produce something, that nature cure hospital, my government will help you.” He said, “I never took medicine in my life.” Morarji Desai says. And he was in jail. He said that everybody was seeing that they were nineteen months in jail, and they have disease, some pain, and some this one, some this one. He said, “But I got something from there. I learned whole Bhagavad-gita by heart. I was worshiping Krsna. I was reciting Bhagavad-gita in the morning and evening. I got something, whereas others, they have failed. They couldn’t get anything. I took something from that jail.” Yasomatinandana: (reading) “Regulative rains not only help ample production of food grains and fruits, but when they combine with astronomical influences there is ample production of valuable stones and pearls. Grains and vegetables can sumptuously feed a man and animals, and a fatty cow delivers enough milk to supply a man sumptuously with vigor and vitality. If there is enough milk, enough grains, enough fruit, enough cotton, enough silk and enough jewels, then why do the people want cinemas, houses of prostitution, slaughterhouses, etc.? What is the need of an artificial, materialist’s life of cinema, cars, radio, flesh and hotels? Has this civilization produced anything but quarreling individually and nationally?” Prabhupada: Like hog. [break] Yasomatinandana: Why don’t you still take advantage? Prabhupada: Still you can take advantage of it. What you are doing? Here is this nice statement. Here is the thought. Yasomatinandana: Another, Home Minister, also is saying these same things, discourage the factories and industrialization… Prabhupada: This is ruination. Factory means ruination. Factory means destruction. And agriculture means construction. The father is going to the factory, and the children are starving—destruction. Go on reading. Yasomatinandana: “The human being is the elder brother of all other living beings.” [break] Prabhupada: Satkara. Now, whatever you… Yasomatinandana: Practical solution for all problems. Prabhupada: So… Bhavananda: Kirtana? [break] Giriraja: This morning you gave the hint that there might be envious persons coming to take away our properties, so in the GBC meeting we discussed this point, that… A committee of us six was made to resolve this. So basically what we did is we made a model trust deed which can be used for all of the Indian properties. There may be three trustees for each property. And the basic point of the trust deed is that the property rests with these trustees and that they have no right to sell or mortgage or dispose of the property in any way. That is the basic point. And then we have proposed three trustees for each of the properties. So… Prabhupada: But there will be finally the trustees. And there may be one advisory board to… Pick up some friends and make an advisory board. They are not final. Final is trustee. Anything to be done should be considered first of all by the advisory board, and then if it should be sanctioned by the trustees, then it can be done. So some friends, we can make an advisory… Tamala Krsna: Some sympathizers and friends. Prabhupada: Local… Yasomatinandana: Local citizens? Tamala Krsna: Local citizens. Prabhupada: Yes. Hindus, I do… The trustees appoint. And when trustees are going to retire, he should nominate his own person. Jayatirtha: We’ve included that in the closure of the will. Jayapataka: So the trustees should be managing on behalf of ISKCON. Prabhupada: So after making finally, we consult with that Mr. Sharma. He’ll make some clarification. Gargamuni knows. He’ll make it final. Tamala Krsna: He’s a trust lawyer. He specializes in this. Prabhupada: Oh. Then make it final. That’s all. Giriraja: So if you’d like, Ramesvara Maharaja can read what we’ve drafted. Prabhupada: Hm. Ramesvara: This is based on the BBT Trust document that you wrote many years ago, the same idea almost. “I, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, disciple of Om Visnupada 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada, and we, the members of the Bureau of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, hereby give and transfer the properties and all the property rights incidental thereto, as hereinafter described, to the following persons as trustees in trust for purposes hereinafter stated and to be administered in accordance with the provisions hereinafter set forth.” And there are five different trusts. The first one is for Mayapura, and the proposed trustees are Jayapataka Maharaja, Bhavananda Maharaja and Gopala Krsna. The second one is for Bombay, and the proposed trustees are Tamala Krsna Maharaja, Giriraja and Gopala Krsna. The third one is for Vrndavana, and the proposed trustees are Aksayananda Swami, Gopala Krsna and Visvambhara. Prabhupada: Visvambhara is not our regular disciple. Jayapataka: Shouldn’t be included. Prabhupada: Then he has to accept sannyasa from me. Jayatirtha: Jaya. Prabhupada: He should know… Tamala Krsna: Become initiated. Jayapataka: Trustee must be initiated disciple. Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Ramesvara: If he is seen… He could be on the advisory board. Prabhupada: No, you can say that “If you take sannyasa, you become on this.” Tamala Krsna: So we’ll talk to him, and if he says no, then we’ll select another person and come back and tell you who our choice is. Prabhupada: No, we have got already. Ramesvara: The fourth trust is for Haridaspur, and the proposed trustees are Jayapataka Swami… Prabhupada: That is subsection of Mayapura. Jayapataka: Subsection of Mayapura. Ramesvara: So that should just be the Mayapura trustees. Prabhupada: It is a section of Mayapura. Ramesvara: Then the last one is for Bhubaneshwar. Prabhupada: But what about Hyderabad? Gopala Krsna: That we have already made as trust. Tamala Krsna: Gopala Krsna Prabhu informed us that there is already a trust created for Hyderabad, so there’s no need of our creating any other. Indian devotee (2): Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad farm, we have got already trust. Tamala Krsna: We didn’t want to duplicate anything. Prabhupada: No. Tamala Krsna: Since there was already a trust. Bhubaneshwar, there is property but not trust, so we thought that it was worthy of forming a trust. Ramesvara: So for Bhubaneshwar it is proposed that Gaura-Govinda Swami, Jayapataka Swami and Bhagavata dasa… Prabhupada: That’s all right. Ramesvara: And then the trust document names them and then it goes on. “1. Trust Fund.” Tamala Krsna: Is there a name confirming? Ramesvara: That’s coming up. “The properties which shall constitute the trust fund and will hereinafter be called the trust properties shall include the following, hereinafter listed.” Then for each trust there is a complete listing of the property, the temple and the Deities, a legal listing. Prabhupada: Inventory. Ramesvara: Inventory, yes, inventory. Then “Section 2: Name of the Trust. This trust shall be known by the name…” So for each trust there’s a different name. For Mayapura it is proposed, “Sri Mayapura Chandrodaya Mandir Trust.” For Bombay, “Sri-Sri-Radha-Rasa- Vihariji Temple Trust,” for Vrndavana, “Sri-Sri-Krsna-Balarama Mandir Trust,” and that will include the Gurukula. For Bhubaneshwar, “Sri-Sri-Krsna-Balarama Bhubaneshwar Trust.” It goes on to say, “In so far as possible, the trustees shall conduct the trust activities in that name. Section 3: The Purpose of the Trust. This trust is created and shall be operated exclusively for fulfilling the aims and objects of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness as per the memorandum of association. ISKCON is registered as a society under the Society Act of 1860, and is registered as a public charitable trust. We direct that no part of this trust shall inure to the benefit of any private individual, and no part of the activities of this trust shall consist of participating in or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.” Then “Section 4: The Use of the Trust. Irrevocably, the properties, the temple and the Deities thereupon and all other holdings of the trust shall never be mortgaged, borrowed against, sold, transferred…” Prabhupada: Stole? Ramesvara: “Sold.” Prabhupada: Sold. Ramesvara: “…or any way shall the ownership or the assets of the trust be alienated or disposed of. This clause cannot be revoked or amended under any circumstance. Section 5: Management of the Trust. The trustees who have herein been designated are appointed for life. In the event of the death or failure to act for any reason of any of the said trustees a successor trustee or trustees may be appointed by the remaining trustees, with never less than three or more than five trustees acting at one time.” Prabhupada: And the majority decision should be always accepted. Ramesvara: The last section is called “The Term of the Trust.” “This trust shall be irrevocable. In the advent of an inadvertent disqualification of this trust under the laws as they may exist from time to time, which may require a dissolution of the trust, the entire trust holdings shall in that event be distributed to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.” Then, following that, there’s a page which says, “In witness whereof, we have executed this trust on this day,” and it has a place for your signature as Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, then another signature of Your Divine Grace as the chairman of the Bureau of ISKCON, and then a signature of Giriraja as a member of the Bureau of ISKCON. Then, on the last page, the acceptance of the trust. And it says, “The trustees hereby accept this trust and the obligations imposed thereby and undertake to hold, manage and administer the trust in accordance with the terms of this agreement.” And it has a place for the three signatures of the three trustees. Prabhupada: I think it is all right. It is all right. Bring this typed. Make everything. That’s all right. Ramesvara: This will make it impossible for anyone to cheat. Prabhupada: Yes, as far as I can see, finished. Yes. Jaya. Tamala Krsna: Now the next group will come, Srila Prabhupada, for kirtana. Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Devotees: Jaya Srila Prabhupada. [break] Prabhupada: Now he is introducing in Russian language a textbook. In Russian, is it not? Harikesa: Polish. Prabhupada: Poland. They have been introduced. This is achievement. I want that. Hm. Go on. (kirtana) (end)
with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
May 27, 1977, Vrndavana